The Shumate-Nunn Family "Home" Page


         Just a good old down home, Southern Welcome to our home page. We are Herb and Joyce Shumate, we have been married for 34 years and live on a farm in central Alabama. We have two sons, two "daughters"  and two of the most wonderful, intelligent and beautiful grandchildren ever born! We will soon be blessed with another grandson, due August 24, 1998.

So come on in, set a spell and reminisce with us about By-Gone Days. Who knows, you may find a relative or two but if not, we've enjoyed you dropping by.



  Nunn Family Tree

  Shumate Family Tree

Doug Shumate's Family Page

Ty Shumate's Family Page

The Credit Line 

Our Awards

 Our Favorite Web Sites

  Elizabeth Cain Musgrove Chapter, #1929, UDC
  Major Thomas Hubbard, DAR
Our Adopted American Hero
  Captain Hugh G. Lollar Chapter, #882 Children of the Confederacy
A Tribute To The Confederacy
My Tribute Page


    Genealogical Sites

  Cass County, Texas Genealogical Society

 Please sign our guest book before you leave.
Thanks for visiting, Y'all come back, ya hear.
 This page is designed and maintained by Joyce Nunn Shumate
I hope you have enjoyed our page and will visit with us often, as we learn more about our families it will be added to the page.
I have tried my best to be correct in my genealogy, but no written word, except for the Bible, is completely free of mistakes. If you should find any, please let me know. No one wants to swing from the wrong branch on the tree.

There are several family lines that have not been added yet, I am adding them as quickly as I can. Please check back often.

The song is: "Just Look At Us"
We'ed love to hear from you, so drop a note to the Shumate-Nunn Family