October 6, 1999


TO:  Arkansas Disciples Clergy

FROM:  Barb Jones

RE:  Resource Mailing


This is the last of its kind, my friends!  This mailing is the last time we will "forward" news and opportunities from all sorts of agencies to you through our mailing.  Yes, the world is coming to an end!  (But probably not over this issue...)


Kidding aside, I have been revamping our communications process for the region and have redesigned the ways in which we will do our communication and publicity for the region.  Beginning in January of 2000, you will begin to receive a monthly "resource" mailing which is just that:  a mailing that serves as a resource on a given topic.  Each month we will produce a resource mailing focused on congregational life, pulling from various resources to assist you in your leadership.  Each month will focus on a different topic, and the mailings will be created so that you can compile a "resource book" through the year.  These mailings may indeed include resources from various agencies and organizations, but they will be at our choice and discretion and will provide helpful resources for that particular topic.


What will happen to the announcements and brochures that we've been sending?  We will put them on our website (www.ccark.org) so that you can choose what you want to print and distribute within your membership and leadership.  We are redesigning the website as our comprehensive information site, which is updated several times a week.  You will receive more information when we are ready to launch our new site.  In the meanwhile, know that January 2000 marks a change for regional communications!


In this mailing, you will find the following materials:

·         5 copies of the IAS 2000 brochure (yellow with taxi on front) -- please be sure that youth in your church know about this.

·         Flyer announcing a weekend with Fred Craddock

·         Brochure announcing an evening with Rebekka Miles

·         Brochure announcing Stillpoint programs

·         Brochure from Green Thumb which offers service, employment and training for low income individuals age 55 and older

·         Pulling Together newsletter from Homeland Ministries

·         Flyer announcing PARTNERS IN GOD'S WEALTH

·         Flyer announcing 1999-2000 Leader Development Worktrips


Enjoy this last mailing of a millennium, and look forward to a new resource in 2000!