Welcome to our Guestbook!

- 08/15/00 19:27:23


- 05/11/00 16:56:51


Tom Faggart - 04/11/00 17:57:04
My URL:http://clergyresources.net
My Email:Tomfaggart@aol.co,
Church: United Methodist

Check http://clergyresources.net ... sermons, stories, meditations, prayers, program suggestions; Plus ...Dr. Will Willimon, Dean of Duke University Chapel, sermons and Rev. Wallace Hamilton stories/sermon. If you enjoy, please pass on to others...especially clergy or other denominations ....everything free! Shalom, Tom Faggart, UMC clergy, NC Annual Conference, USA 7542 Paul Linker Place Harrisburg, NC 28075 704-454-5144

Lynn Pinkett - 03/29/00 03:48:22
My Email:lpinkett@fastdata.net
Church: FCC Newport,Ar.

I just signed on and found an error in our home page. The correct address is: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Falls/7375. I hit the cpommaq key instead of the period after geocities. Sorry bout that. Lynn

Lynn Pinkett - 03/29/00 02:42:37
My Email:lpinkett@fastdata.net
Church: FCC Newport,Ar.

Enjoyed reading the comments here on the page.FCC in Newport has their new web page on line. The address is http://geocities,com/Heartland/Falls/7375. Check us out. Lynn

nommo99 - 01/18/00 13:09:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4534/

Hello. Nice to meet you. I am a neighbor of you.

Lucian Lee - 01/17/00 19:40:12
My Email:lgl1930@prodigy.net
Church: Retired

just checking for updates. Shalom

Susan Crosby - 01/16/00 06:09:48
My Email:susancrosby@webtv.net
Church: FCC Sherwood

I'm enjoying surfing the Disciples websites!

Lucian Lee - 12/10/99 02:23:35
My Email:lgl1930@prodigy.net
Church: Retired - HA

Happy Holiday Friends

Karen Y. Wood - 11/30/99 15:16:57
My Email:karensonshine@aol.com or kwood@jtlshop.jonesnet.org
Church: FCC - Springdale

Great site! :-) I like the thought of spreading the Word by using the internet.

11/10/99 03:22:17
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Mary McKay - 10/22/99 16:05:05
My Email:memckay
Church: harrison

I like the idea of having the Ar Christian online.

Loy Hoskins - 10/21/99 20:32:41
My Email:the_loy@go.com
Church: FCC(DoC), Mountain Home, AR

I like it!

Ted Stephenson - 10/18/99 14:38:00
My Email:tsteph@mtnhome.com
Church: F.C.C. @ Mtn.Home,AR

Bill Rose-Heim suggested checking the web site during our meeting yesterday. Looks good. With obvious help from God, we had a great meeting yesterday and got a lot done re. the next "Regional Assembly". Keep up the good work on this web site. It will help us all. Thanks Ted

Lucian - 10/12/99 21:34:28
My Email:lgl1930@prodigy.net
Church: Retired

Carol and I send our love! We are doing well.

Ruth C. Wise - 09/19/99 17:15:44
My Email:ruthcwise@email.com
Church: Chestnut Ridge C.C., Marietta, GA

Greetings from Georgia! This electronic mail is amazing. It is good to hear about the business of the church in Arkansas. Coll. T., Coll and I are active in Chestnut Ridge C.C. in Marietta, GA. We still miss our friends at Parkview though. Shalom, Ru h and Coll. Wise

ngaire van der Velde - 08/13/99 08:51:15
My Email:vandervelde@xtra.co.nz
Church: Bishopdale Church of Christ. Christchurch. New Zealand

Hullo everyone. I'm fairly new to the internet and have just discovered sites for the Churches of Christ/Disciples/Christian church. I was a member of the most southerly Church of Christ in the southern hemisphere in Invercargill which is at the bottom of the South Island. Regards Ngaire (pronounced Ni-ree) van der Velde

Arkansas Web Ring - 07/24/99 14:56:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/3133/ark.html
My Email:arkansasweb@yahoo.com

I'd like to invite you to join the Arkansas Web Ring

Dr. Gery Kinder - 07/18/99 02:48:46
My Email:comchristch@juno.com
Church: Community Christian in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Enjoyed Arkansas a couple of weeks ago for vacation. It was beautiful. I Had forgotten how beautiful and restfull the hills and lakes were. We use to visit all the time when my wife's grand- parents were alive in Arkansas. Truly, Arkansas has a little bit of heaven there. GWK.

Kathy - 06/25/99 04:02:54
My Email:kluehrma@iland.net
Church: Odessa FCC

This is a very nice web page.

Charles and Linda King - 05/22/99 23:56:45
My Email:charlesk@futura.net
Church: First Christian Church - Stuttgart

Glad to have info available!

Eric Wood - 05/20/99 17:29:38
My Email:LtlMan1971@aol.com
Church: FCC-Springdale

Great Site. Nice for exposure.

Wes Hampton - 04/24/99 21:34:34
Church: FCC Sherwood


David Ferguson - 04/12/99 17:58:52
My Email:dferguson@ipa.net
Church: FCC Sherwood



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