What is a "Niederfuz"?

Where did "niederfuz" come from?

... during a regular German class, a friend of mine was doing a word search. He though he had found the word "zufrieden" but was rather mistaken. He had actually found "niederfuz." I asked him what a niederfuz was and we eventually decided that it was a "happy little fluffball."
I adopted the word as my nickname later that day when I logged into a chatroom for the first time.

Who is Niederfuz?

I am actually 25 year olds. I work in accounts recievable for a company here in Columbus.
I have a degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Ohio State.
I have been happily married for 3 years now.

I have an adorable little puppy, Honey. I also have a friend that is staying with us while she finishes up college. (and she has a cat, Tiggr, that Honey loves to play with!)

I take TaeKwonDo classes and I also enjoy computers, reading (although I don't get to do it enough),
contemporary Christian music, watching TV, movies, and hanging out with my friends.

