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Mr. URL - 10/13/00 17:15:10
My URL:http://here.at/light.bandits
My Email:mr.url@innocent.com
Your favorite book?: Snow Crash
Hey Fuzzy! havent talked to ya in a while... i updated the link to your page, but you need to update your page! If you still check this at all call or email me! And my fav. book is really cool ne1 who likes computers should read it!

Christin - 08/28/99 05:16:05
My URL:/SouthBeach/Reef/1205
My Email:DaisyChic_@yahoo.com
Your favorite book?: Leo the Lop
Hiya! You'll never find a copy of my favorite book, I'm sure I have the only one. :) Nice page, with lots of links! I stumbled across it in my mindless internet searching. :)

hambone - 01/25/99 04:53:35
My Email:pudens@telepath.com
Long time no see Fuz. appreciate the email. hope you are doing fine. we need to chat sometime! take care! in Him. hammy

Mowerboy - 11/27/98 04:26:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/1761
My Email:mowerboy_65@hotmail.com
Your favorite book?: Carmen:Raising The Standard
I love you links page it is great! It is soo cool to finally find a great Christain Links page! If anyone goes to my site, be very patient with it I just started it!

Gideon B. Idowu - 10/25/98 06:27:14
My Email:gidowu@hotmail.com
Your favorite book?: The Holy Bible
Hello again. We chat for few minutes last night. You gave me your web address and I checked it out as per my promise. I liked the concept and the wonderful truth of the Word of God that sets free from all types of boundages... I would like to submit that it is not enough to read the word...(don't get me wrong, reading/hearing is important) there is no good in reading if we fail to act upon the truth of the Word. I appreciate the introduction about serving the LORD. It is my prayer that we serve the Savior in truth and in spirit. May God bless you. Regards to your parent and brother. Very cordially, GBI

Hardisk - 10/22/98 05:37:54
My URL:http://www.dia.net/~jkeck/
My Email:jkeck@host1.dia.net
Your favorite book?: Battlefield Earth: A saga of the year 3000
Nice page. . . i'll see if my ISP will allow me to allow other ISP's to access my stuff. :)

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