Our Lady
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After having 3 guys with billy clubs show up on my doorstep to kill me I had decided it was time to get a dog that would bark ! Even though the gentlemen were now in jail the fear was installed just how easy it could be for somebody to hurt me with no warning so the hunt began. I answered a free ad in the paper for a 2 year old pure bred German Shepherd . When I arrived at the house I was taken into the back yard to find a German Shepherd with no water and it was 100 degrees outside and you couldn't take a step without stepping in feces, the dog was so matted it was not even funny and this was not a long coat but a standard coat . The man was telling me about her and all the whole time he was kicking this poor dog in the face , ribs and hindquarters. He was saying don't ever leave your gate open or she will run away and won't come back ( I wonder why ) and this is the poorest excuse for I dog I have ever owned in my life !

No dear sweet Lady was not what I had envisioned when I answered that add but I could not leave her there so home she came with me ! Bob my husband was thrilled thought this was the most loving face he had ever seen and working nights felt much better about having a dog to protect me and the kids. How ever it didn't take long to find out this poor dog was scared to death of anything and everything ! The broom would make wet where she stood . After about a month of minor obedience work Lady showed us just how intelligent and loving she was , this dog would do anything I had the time to teach her and we were in love !! I don't think Lady ever forgot her start in life though she did learn very quickly there was never a reason to fear us ! Night after night this girl would sit with her head on the arm of my rocking chair while I rocked our sick son . Sometimes this was a all night job ! She NEVER left my side and if I should nod off she would gently nudge my arm as if to say MOM you have our baby in your arms ! She would wake me up at night if any problems with our son arose and run back and forth from his room to ours to make sure I knew to hurry up .

As our sons grew so did her love for them , our youngest of three would hear the kids getting off the bus but was not yet big enough to see out the window , Lady would run over there and lay in front of the window so Kenneth could stand on her and see the older two boys coming home as they got to our driveway both Lady and Kenneth would run to the back door to greet the boys . She was so sweet that I often wondered if she would protect us if it was ever needed, that test came one night at 2 in the morning ! Bob was again working nights and he often got home about 2 AM , there was a knock on the back door and I assumed it was Bob and he had forgotten his house key again . So I opened the door without ever looking to see who it was ! It was not Bob , it was a very drunk man who grabbed the door handle and tried to come in ! Lady went nuts it was all I could do to hold her back, I told the man I count to 3 and let go !!!!! He ran REAL FAST !!! Lady only lived to be 8 , I really to this day feel her start in life had allot to do with her short life she always had kidney problems and they finally just gave out on her. This was such a gray day for us that it took 7 years for me to be able to get another German Shepherd just knowing there could never be a dog that could fill those mighty paw prints left behind by our love . After 7 years I finally did buy a very nice female and she was named Sadie after our Shady Lady, she has filled those mighty paw prints as have the other 6 German Shepherds that share their life with us but to this day now 15 years later I think of our Lady often ! And know in my heart someday we will meet again !!!! Since then we have rescued other German Shepherds from the same type of life and I train and place them in loving homes. It is so rewarding to know that you my have helped to give a dog a new lease on life we track our rescue placements just as we do our puppies that we sell and they all have remained in the homes in which we have placed them to live happy lives with the new people they own. If you have time in your life rescue a dog you will not regret it and they are forever grateful to you for the new chance on life !!!
Kim Marcotte
Marcotte's German Shepherds

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