We have been racing pigeons since 1970.
Until 1999 we flew with the strong United Districts Racing Pigeon Club (Inc) in the northern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia where we were Club Champion three times and runner up so many times we lost count. We then became somewhat nomadic for a few years for employment reasons. We flew with Skyways Homing Club for 2 seasons before moving to Fremantle Pigeon Racing Club in Western Australia effective the 2003 season. We then flew very successfully with Riverton Racing Pigeon Club in 2004 before another employment transfer necessitated a move to Albany, Western Australia where we are in the process of restablishing our lofts.
Chris, now age 13 flew in eight seasons in the juniors winning many events including Junior Federation Races. His brother Sean, age 6 was Junior Champion of Riverton Racing Pigeon Club in 2004 with Chris as runner up. The youngest brother Liam, age 5 also has his own pigeons but does not yet formally compete in the junior competition. Competition in our backyard on race days is fierce but the whole family is involved in a common activity.
Until we moved to Albany Gary was the President of the
Independent Racing Pigeon Federation of Western Australia Inc).We have competed in international races in Thailand and Germany and hope to compete in the World Free Flight Million-Dollar race in South Africa at some stage.
Our loft is based primarily around our own family of birds that go back to an egg Gary was given in 1970. That egg hatched into CHAMPION ARMAGEDDON, pictured at right, one of the best individual racers Australia has ever seen.
We have acquired at great expense a family of
Busschaerts. They have only been here for a few years but the results so far are startling. They are almost unbeatable at short and middle distance (up to 600km). Members of this family have repeatedly won sprint races by incredible margins against very strong competition.We also have a family of birds from Vin Blanden in South Australia. They are very good racers, especially at middle distance (400 to 800 km) but also very highly strung and require expert handling. This family of reds and blacks is definitely not for the novice.
We have Ollerenshaws from Bert Flegg here in Perth, brilliant racers from all distances. They go back to birds Jack Burge brought with him from Sydney in the 1930s. Our association with Bert Flegg began when we purchased the cock in the picture at the UD Sires sale and subsequently won the race 560 km approx) with him. We then purchased the parents from Bert. We won Bindi Bindi (120km) and Mt Newman (1025km) in the same season with nest mates from this family! They come in all colours, often from the same pair.
We always on the lookout for the opportunity to acquire quality stock have recently acquired a number of Stock birds from one of Australia's best performed families, that of the late Frank Bunter. These birds are so good that fanciers fly from the other side of Australia for the opportunity to acquire it.
Click here to see our breeding aims.Gary is an internationally recognised authority on
Pigeon Fanciers' Lung, having completed formal postgraduate research on the subject and delivered a paper on this subject at the 3rd Asia Pacific Racing Pigeon Conference. He has written a widely acclaimed article on PFL, which is on a separate page on this site.Like many other fliers, we are worried at the declining numbers in the sport. Click here for some ideas on how to solve the problem.Join the worldwide Pigeon
Mailing List open to anyone interested in pigeons
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