This page is still under construction but here are a few tips to get you going.
These guidelines are intended to assist the novice to ask the right questions when buying a puppy. As we live in Western Australia the examples relate mainly to our state but the general principles apply everywhere
In Western Australia check that the breeder is registered with the Canine Association of Western Australia (CAWA) and is a member of the West Coast Rottweiler Club of Western Australia (Inc) (WCRC), the official breed club. If they are not steer clear.
This is because WCRC requires its breeder members to adhere to a very strict Code of Ethics. This is much stronger than CAWA's.
You need to see hip, eye and mouth certificates as well as ANKC registration papers of course. Younger dogs may also have elbow certificates. Also make sure the parents are old enough to be bred from. 2 years for a bitch, 18 months for males. Underage parents are a sure sign of unethical breeders.
If possible view both parents and as many relatives as possible.
If you want to work your dog make sure that the parents are working in the same area you are interested in. If old enough they should have working titles. In terms of a dogs value it doesn't really matter in what field the dog is working as long as they are working. Avoid breeders who have no dogs with working titles.
Likewise if you are after a show dog make sure that both parents are successful show dogs. One way to do this is to ask to see the "Challenge" certificates. If you intend to show tell the breeder that. A reputable breeder can not afford to sell a potential exhibitor a pup that does not have what it takes for the show ring. Famous last words from a puppy buyer are "I only want a pet". If that is what you ask for that is what you will get. Many a heart has been broken when the "pet" couldn't hold its own in the ring.
We suggest that you find a bitch you are interested in and put your name down with the breeder, especially if you want a show dog. From the top dogs the show quality pups tend to be sold before the litter is whelped. Most breeders will try to ensure that their really top quality dogs get into the show ring so are keen to find people that want to show.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
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