Racing Pigeons

Miniature Pinschers 



Pigeon Fanciers' Lung

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The Primarch Stud is located in Albany, Western Australia and consists of Primarch Lofts and Primarch Kennels.

The Primarch Stud was founded in 1970 with Racing Pigeons and is the originator of the mighty Armageddon line of champion all distance racers. Other families kept include Busschaerts, Blandens, and Ollerenshaws. Go to our main pigeon page for more details of our birds and a lot of useful information on pigeons and pigeon racing.

Gary is an internationally acknowledged authority on Pigeon Fanciers' Lung, an allergic condition that sometimes affects pigeon fanciers. Feel free to contact him on this subject.

Rottweilers were acquired initially to protect the pigeons from predators and thieves after lesser breeds proved not up to the task. As with all our stock, we obtained dogs of the highest quality and they quickly developed a life of their own. Go to our main Rottweiler page for more details of our dogs and a lot of useful information on the breed.

Our first Miniature Pinscher became an Australian Champion and the first Min Pin to complete the ANKC's demanding "Endurance Test".

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