Tears Flow Across Nations

It`s so hard to say a word to declare my sadness.
Princess Diana! One of the greatest women the world has known.
God bless you.
You are the spirit of the time.
And wish you smile in heaven.
We, all.

Peoples Republic of China

All Russians grieve and cry,
In hearts a sharpest knife.
Diana do not die,
Please, always be alive


I am from a little country of Asia called Bangladesh.
I and the people of our country is shocked...............
We didn't belive that you gone form this world. If you realy gone I and the people of our country will alwaya remember you as The Royal Highness and we will show our all Respect to you as Princess of Wales. You are living in our mind as a Legend and you will living further as that.

Your supporter and you Frindes,
The people of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

Kami turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya Princess Diana. Kami akan selalu ingat segala cinta kasih yang diberikan kepada dunia selama ini.
Cinta kami terhadap Princess Diana selalu ada di hati kami. Selamat Tinggal....

Ibu Tati, Jamianto, Komaruddin, Junaedi
Jakarta, Indonesia

It was so saddenly and pressed to hear about tragic death of Princess Diana! We are deeply shocked and mourned her gather with her friends and her family especially her sons - Prince William and Prince Harry.
Her light spirit on the Heaven now!
We'll always remember Lady Di! Our native language is Russian and we don't know English enough to explaine our pain. Please sorry for possible errors.

Alexandra and Aliya
Republic of Kazakstan

She opened the eyes of the world to things
that we have never gave any thought before.
She will remains in my heart forever and
may Allah bless her and look after her in heaven.

There's only one Diana ever.

I am very sad.
I cannot believe that The Princess of The World can die so. My deepest condolences to Prince Charles, William and Harry.
May Princess Diana memory live on forever!!.

Manuel Fernández

I am very shocked and sad, this is a tragic moment. I can not belive that I will never see her again. My entire sympathy is going to her children William and Harry to whom i ofer my entire support. Be brave, for her.

Liana Bocos

Someone has made our world a better place; now I guess heaven will be better upon her arrival.
Let us also strive to make this world a better place by bringing love, joy, peace and forgiveness to all those around us, since we all are brothers and sisters in the same human race.

Tearful Nomis
Hong Kong

The Royal Family has now lost its greatest figurehead. For Diana was not born great neither did she have greatness thrust upon her: she acheived it despite the difficulties that would destroy most other people. And she continued to shine and touch the hearts of so many people great and small. She was a peoples' princess, and that was the fascination that attracted the press. The press brought her to the people, and now they have had her taken away. And still we do not know who we are.
My sincere condolences to the children and the family of Diana.
Paul Chapman-Andrews

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