Desda Wilkins Averitt Family History
My grandmother Wilkins's maiden name was Wyles and grandmother Wilkins mother's maiden name was Gould.
Grandmother Wilkins had two sisters and three brothers. One brother was name Clement who never married and my father was named for. The two other brothers married and had families however they never lived in Ky.
The two sisters were married: Aunt Matilda married a Wilson and Aunt Helen Married a Scholar.
Grandmother Wilkins first name was Harriet. I have been in the Aunts homes after I was grown. They owned homes in the freestate (that the section of Ky now known as Trigg County. It was a section of country the people were too poor to have slaves. I met Uncle Clem at one of the Aunts homes.
Branch Wilkins was grandfather wilkins name and he never claimed any relatatives except one sister who died about the time I was born.
Grandmother and grandfather wilkins made a trip from Virginia to Ky in a covered wagon when my father was six week old.
My father Clement "Bob" Wilkins was the oldest of eleven children:
2. Jennie, George, Connie, Lilia, Banks, Elisha, Beuford, Ernest, Clifton and Rowena.
Lilia died in 1894 or 1895 she was grown and was buried on the Wilkins farm in front of the house in a wooden laun.
Grandfather Wilkins was a good size man red headed and lots of freckles. Never worked but made money at everything he touched. He didn't get along toowell with his sisters in -low in come families. People were jealous because he lived better than people around him.
My parents lived on Mr Hopson farm between Cantor and Cadiz Ky and just before Lacey was borned me moved to my grandfather's in the free state. Lacey was named for mr Hopson son later known as Dr. Lacey Hopson. Earl and I was borned on grandfather Thomas's farm at Oak Grove section of Trigg County.
Grandfather Wilkins, my parents and Uncle George and his family moved to Hopkinsville Ky all about the same time and settle near 19th Street. That where I attended my first school.
Uncle George married my mother's older sister.
While Lacey was still a baby we moved to Paduch Ky my father drove a street car there.
A new baby was born there and when she was three weeks old my mother fell dead in door way after leaving my bedside. I had been sick for many weeks with typhoid fever.
My Aunt Annie from Hopkinsville was sent for to take us four children: Lacey Earl the new baby and my self- I was carried on pillow by train- Aunt Annie had five children of her own to care for- her tow youngest being twins. All 9 chilren were under eight year old. The new baby died a few weeks later.
Then I was sent to my mother's father home so I could go to school. Earl and Lacey taken in by mother sister and brother homes near by.
My father remained in Paduch for a while then went to mayfield where he meet a wido Halloway he married her. She had two children by Dr Holloway their names were Orville and Margaret. I believe she lost a younger child before my father married her. I think the child name was Annie.
My new Mother made all three of us clothes from measurements sent her and then came for us to live with them. My father built a a home on my new mother's lot near Seadila Ky. He didn't live long but a son was born to them in1900 named Carman A girl was born after my father death her name was Robbie Irene.
Earl, Lacey and my self were sent to my mother's parents near Oak Grave where we lived until we each married.
Signed by Bob Wilkins daughter
Desda Wilkins Averitt
Uncle Orville wife still living- about 90 or more very alert her name is Ethel see note.
Bob Married Peachie Thomas- His second Marriage Edna Holloway
George Married Annie Thomas
Jennie Married Joe Crute
Connie Married Peter Harris
Elisha Married Elizabeth Davidson
Banks Married_________________
Buford Married a Blythe
Ernest Married Elizabeth Ford
Clifton Married Twice names unknown
Rowena Married a Dearing
This statement written by My fathers own sister your Dad's half sister--not documented but clues.

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