Dedicated to the glory of God, and to the history of the Lockeport area.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ ... Romans 1:16
My name is David, I hold Licence to Minister with the Shelburne County Baptist Association, affiliated with the Atlantic Baptist Convention. I am a native of Lockeport Nova Scotia, a town settled about 1760 as Ragged Islands by my ancestors Jonathan Locke, Thomas Hayden, and others. The first gospel service was apparently held at Lockeport on Jan 11 1782 at the Locke log cabin at Meeting House Point by the evangelist Henry Alline. Locke was a deacon of the famous Black Loyalist Rev David George of Shelburne in the mid 1780s, and Locke's son in law Rev James Craig took over the church and field of Shelburne about 1795. In the early 1800s, the Ragged Islands broke away as their own field, the 1st Ragged IslandBaptist Church being raised at Mt Hayden (Osborne by 1810 on land donated by Thomas Hayden. A regular Baptist Church was erected on Meeting House Poinnt about 1822, a larger church at Church St erected about 1858. This church burned down. The present Lockeport Baptist church is actually the third the town has had, erected about 1874.
I was born at a very early age, on the Sandy Point road, just outside of Shelburne. I have two great sisters, Gail and Donna, nephews Matthew and Devin, niece Kyra, and Great Nephew Dawson. I also have a girlfriend, Annie. Her father, Gordon, is an ordained Baptist preacher, and a retired Lt Col of the American Army. I came to the Lord on a warm Sunday morning in the basement of Lockeport Pentecostal Church.
Writing, singing, and guitar playing are some of gifts God has lent me to use for him. I wrote a short book called "A Place called Broad Cove" for the 150th anniversary of the church my mother grew up in. This village was settled in 1791, by German families who had previously settled at Lunenburg. My ancestors, brothers Nicolaus and Georg Conrad moved here in 1820. I also have historical books called "Thomas Townsend of Ragged Islands" "Loyalists of West Green Harbour" and "Wolfe and related families". West Green Harbour was settled by descendants of Isaac Stuart, Sgt. Robert Dall, and Abraham Williams, among others. East Green Habour was settled by Joseph Williams, William Farrington and others. Thomas Townsend purchased land at West Head in 1790 from Gilbert Binnings and Job Huskins.
The Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches
Both Lockeport and First Ragged Island (Osborne) Baptist Churches are in this group. I have preached in both several times.
Shelburne Baptist Church
This church began about 1795. It's pastor is my friend Rev. Troy Dennis. I have preached here several times.
Calvary (Woods Harbour) Baptist Church
GEt a taste of the dynamic western end of our county - site and church taken care of by pastor Phil Williams.
The LaPointes
The LaPointes are an exceptional gospel group from New Brunswick, several brothers and a sister - good folks all!!
Promise Keepers
Promise Keepers is an organization for Christian men who are dedicated to serving God.
Into The Wardrobe
A page about C S Lewis, one of the major Christian authors and theologians of the 20th century.
Masters College and Seminary
This is my Bible College, which since I graduated has moved from Peterborough Ontario to Toronto. ITs former name was Eastern PEntecostal Bible College.
University of King's College
Visit my undergraduate university, educating students in Nova Scotia since 1789
Billy Graham
Billy Graham needs no introduction.
PAOC Maritime District
Both Lockeport and Harbour Light ( East Green Harbour) Pentecostal churches are in this group. I have preached in both and one summer was assisting in both as well.
Marriage Canada
David Mainse and his mission to save the traditional view of marriage. This is an excellent site.
Kenya Konnection
This is a journal of some missionary ladies to Kenya, hailing from Smithtown NB Baptist Church, Rev Gordon C Simons, pastor.
Island Gospel Tabernacle
Rev. Brad Pass, a good friend, is the pastor of Island Gospel Tabernacle on Cape Sable Island
© 1997-2007
I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord your God!! Come to Him, and see what a difference He can make!!
Here are some great Christian Home Pages from some great Christian friends of mine:
Doug International Ministries
Doug Mullin is a graduate of EPBC living in Fredericton. Also see the following sites from his sister and their father.
Vicky's Index
Vicky Mullin's Website - live from the Miramichi.
I Care About You
Ted Mullin's website
Shepherds Joy
This is an awesome gospel group, featuring Sandy Hood, Lonnie Townsend, Cathy Blades, and my couysin Ruth MacIntosh. Site created by Andrew MacIntosh
Anglican Parish of Lockeport/Barrington
This site was made by my friend Rev Matthew Sponagle
The Scott Family Homepage
This site was made by my cousin Amy Scott of West Green Harbour
Bob's Prayer Closet
Bob was the last pastor at Shelburne Pentecostal Church.
Vogler Family of Nova Scotia
Phil Vogler's Site.History of Vogler's Cove,my Grandmother's birthplace, and some other very interesting information. Includes information on ancestors Heinrich Vogler, Friedrich Vogler and Friedrich Conrad.
Lockeport Area Baptist Churches
I manage this site which contains information about the Baptist churches in the Lockeport area, including Lockeport, Osborne, Sable River, and Louis Head.
Down East
Don Shankle's Website. The ultimate site for the history of Lunenburg families.
Maria Conrad was a young wife, mother, and Christian living in the village of Klein Heubach, Germany, during the 30 Years War from 1618 - 1648. Because she refused to renounce her faith in Martin Luther's teachings, she was burned at the stake in 1631 by the authorities. Surviving this ordeal, she was imprisoned, only to later escape with the help of her husband, wealthy shipowner and pastor Hans Heinrich Conrad. Maria was my 9th Great Grandmother. My prayer is that each of us today would show the same courage and strength of character as was found in Maria.
© 1997-2007
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Here is the first of several songs that the Lord gave me. I call it: But God (c) 1997
A New Day Dawns DAVID T (C) 1994
After a long day's rain,
Showers and Mist,
It is sunset.
The clouds break along the horizon
Just enough to let some of the sun shine through.
Pink, lavender, and purple,
Filtering through the leaves of the trees,
As if it were a message from God above.
The message seemed to Say:
Look not at the day that is ending,
For a new day is dawning.
I am the door.
Let me lead you to a bright new day.
You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.
Arise and go forth!
Unto a land of more and greater blessings.
In the summer of 1935, Sheldon Myers, had made his way to Yarmouth and wrote the following letter to Roy Pyne back in Lockeport on August 15th........................................................ My dear old friend. I know you think it kind of mean of me not to answer your letter that you wrote me so long ago – but better late than never you know. Bob was here to see me but I wasn’t home, but I suppose he’s told you all the news about me being married and my family. Don’t you think I’m smart? You asked me if it’s true about me being a preacher now. Yes it’s true alright and some day I hope I may have an opportunity to tell you and all the rest of my dear friends at Lockeport all about it. Bob said he thought I might get work down there. What do you think? There isn’t anything doing around here. It’s pretty hard for a man to live. I’m picking blueberries now and that will soon be all over with. I wish you would write and let me know what chance you think I would have of getting work and also having some gospel meetings there, my wife and I. Answer as soon as you can, as before. Your old pal, Sheldon Myers ........................................................................the Bob mentioned was Bob Williams.
Current Lockeport Weather
Click to see the current weather in Lockeport
We have been visited this many times since June 2000. This site was created in the spring of 1997.