

Hello my name is Peggy Harris and I am a National Certified Master Groomer.

What NDGAA Certification Means...

In order to become a NDGAA certified groomer,the groomer must meet NDGAA's high standards of grooming excellence by undergoing and passing a series of strenuous tests designed to evaluate their grooming skills and expertise. NDGAA certified groomers must also abide by a strict code of ethics governing buisness, customer relations and advertising practices.

NDGAA certified groomers are leaders in their field,able to serve you with their expertise and well developed knowledge.


What NDGAA means to you...

Selecting A NDGAA certified groomer means selecting quality you can trust. You will benefit from NDGAA's continued efforts to improve the pet grooming industry standards and service.

It makes good sense to select a NDGAA certified groomer for your pets care. It assures you that your pet will receive loving treatment and quality grooming by a professional who is reputable and committed to meeting your high standards.

GroomingGive your message to Tu the poodle and she'll deliver it for you


You are visiter number since October 13, 1997
Last revision July 27, 1998