CH.Banrions Morgan of Wildefire

These pages are devoted to a breed of dog that I have only discovered in the past 8 years...If someone had told me 6 years ago that I would own a sporting breed, I would have laughed in their face...but look whose laughing now!!!!

As a long time dog groomer I find the coat of a GWP to be a welcome change from the everyday grind of scissoring poodles and shaving down a dog lover I find the personalities of this breed to be quite different than any other breed of dog I have had the opportunity to be associated with.

To me, what sets them apart from other breeds is their sense of humor...On many occaisions I have found myself laughing hysterically at their antics...and the more I laughed the sillier they would get. Case and Point: (no pun intended) My female "Morgan" loves to get on the grooming table at my grooming salon and stare at herself in the mirror...she is like an actress...she will actually make faces in the mirror..I kept taking her off the table but she kept getting back on it..I soon discovered that if I ran a brush on her beard and eyebrows or a stripping knife over her body,and told her how beautiful she is..then she would be satisfied enough to stay off of the table the rest of the day.

I am fortunate enough to be able to take all my dogs to work with me 2 wirehairs (now 4 of the fuzzy beasts) are like the welcome wagon for the grooming has been great socialization for them since they were three months old...My Partner in the shop who is also the breeder of this litter of wires brought 2 of her girls old bean bag chairs to the shop...the wires have taken them over as their beds and they lay on them right next to my grooming table most of the day. Sometimes they look like they are becoming poodles with the hair that falls on them, but they think it is fun to be vacuumed...sort of like their daily treat.

This breed was custom built by german sportsmen in the 19 century from a variety of other breeds, in the attempt to produce the most versatile gun dog. Of which the gwp is today. What I mean by versatile is the GWP will not only point birds,but will retrieve ducks (yes their toes are webbed),they will also track wounded game,they will hunt fur-bearing animals like rabbit and bears,and there are people in england that also hunt them in conjunction with falcons.(I know I am thoroughly impressed) Are you? If not there is more... They are wonderful with children (the children might not think so after the GWP has raided their stuffed animals)..and they have a natural protection instinct, and are perfect couch potatos in the house.

the GWP is a big tough breed that is territorial and protective..they will and can protect "clan and castle" from hostile intruders...but when faced with a non-threatening situation ,they are aloof...not aggressive.

GWP's prefer to live in the house...that is where all the action is...they do see themselves as lapdogs.

Gwp's are a highly intelligent breed...sometimes too smart for their owners(take my word for it) Wirehairs think too much...They do have their own ideas as how things are done...they do require a little more patience than most breeds. Females are stronger willed, more independent,and harder headed than the males...males are easier to train...females have to think about it for a while.