This breed was custom built by german sportsmen in
the 19 century from a variety of other breeds, in the
attempt to produce the most versatile gun dog. Of
which the gwp is today. What I mean by versatile is
the GWP will not only point birds,but will retrieve
ducks (yes their toes are webbed),they will also
track wounded game,they will hunt fur-bearing animals
like rabbit and bears,and there are people in england
that also hunt them in conjunction with falcons.(I
know I am thoroughly impressed) Are you? If not there
is more... They are wonderful with children (the
children might not think so after the GWP has raided
their stuffed animals)..and they have a natural
protection instinct, and are perfect couch potatos in
the house.
the GWP is a big tough breed that is territorial and
protective..they will and can protect "clan and
castle" from hostile intruders...but when faced with
a non-threatening situation ,they are aloof...not
GWP's prefer to live in the house...that is where all
the action is...they do see themselves as lapdogs.
Gwp's are a highly intelligent breed...sometimes too
smart for their owners(take my word for it) Wirehairs
think too much...They do have their own ideas as how
things are done...they do require a little more
patience than most breeds. Females are stronger
willed, more independent,and harder headed than the
males...males are easier to train...females have to
think about it for a while.