CH. Banrion's Tucker of Wildefire C.G.C. CH. Banrion's Morgan of Wildefire

Come on in!!!! This site is dedicated to the two passions I have in life...My dogs.....My career with dogs.

The wire pups are pups no longer!!!! Deuce finished his championship with back to back 5 point majors, and took best of breed over specials...he is a handsome teenager now.

Deuce and Angel

CH. Wildefires Deuce of Banrion

Banrion is the Kennel name....(I know your saying what's that????) Banrion is Celtic for Queen. Why Queen??? My first toy poodle"Peggy Sue" thought she was a queen, she would dictate to everyone in the house and they would obey. So the kennel name came about in her honor. although I have been "in dogs" for over 28 years, I am Not a breeder even though I have whelped three litters. I have the knowlege to be an ethically responsible breeder but I choose not to classify myself as a breeder. That job is better left to people with the proper facilities to accomodate the animals in a safe,sanitary,and spacious environment.

I haven't had a whole lot of time lately to update these pages because of dog shows and flying out to testing sites ...but i am trying too catch up now that I have a few spare moments...The pictures are coming soon,they just have to be enhanced and downloaded into my files. I am getting to them as fast as i can...please be patient.

I will be adding more pages about my "four-legged" children who at this moment are trying to separate me from my keyboard in their constant and persistent way to get my undivided attention.

I am a National Certified Master Groomer, so to those of you who have pet dogs and take them to grooming salons I will be answering some of the most frequently asked questions and adress some of the most frequent complaints,also I will tell you a bit about our industry and how we are constantly trying to standardize it around the U.S.A. and internationally.

For the groomers who wish to certify, we have a full schedule this year with test sites all over the country. We will be starting in February in Biloxi Mississippi and going to Fredrick Maryland in the middle of the month ,then a workshop in Columbus Georgia at the end of the month, with the testing in Atlanta in March. To get the schedule for the rest of the year visit the NDGAA website listed on my links page.





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Last update June 9.2000