A free, confidential mutual consent registry

H.B. 522 is now law!
Delaware adult adoptee's may now apply for their original birth certificates! more information below..

This is a mutual consent reunion registry to reunite adoptees and birth families searching in Delaware.

Our mission is to reunite families by mutual consent, to provide information on Delaware adoption  law and keep you informed 
of all changes.

"Even now the sands and ashes of continents are being sifted to find where we made our first step as man. Religions of mankind often include ancestor worship in one way or another. For many the future is blind without a sight of the past. Those emotions and anxieties that generate our thirst to know the past are not superficial or whimsical. They are real and they are good cause under the law of man and God."
Judge Wade S. Weatherford, Jr., Seventh Judicial Circuit Court, South Carolina, ruling on an adoptees petition to gain access to adoption records.



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Another Match-03/01/2000
and another 03-04-2000
and another 06-09-2000
and another 09-13-2000

Adult adoptees from Delaware can now apply for their original birth certificate.
To apply for your birth certificate send the information requested on the form below to:

Bureau of Vital Statistics 
P. O. Box 637 
Dover, DE 19903 
Include the fee of $6

Form to Print

*Form must state that you are requesting a adoptee's ORIGINAL birth certificate, also include your telephone number in case they (Vital) need to contact you.

Please read the birthmother notification procedure- link provided below
HB 4 passed 1/20/99
Birthmother Notification Procedure

Click here to read latest update on new law!

Adopees Are Dying To Know

last updated


Genealogy most wanted Award

I.S.R.R. International Soundex Reunion Registry
Their registration form is now electronic, and can be downloaded from
 The International Soundex Reunion Registry is the world's largest and most successful
mutual consent reunion registry and is a free service.
Get your free registration form by sending a Self- Addressed Stamped Envelope to:

P.O. Box 2312
Carson City, Nevada
 You can reach them by phone at (702) 882-7755

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 Black Market Adoption Links Adoptees Are Dying To Know
Update HB 522-New Law-1/19/99
 HB 4-Birthmother notification
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