Our Webmaster has been staying up all night trying to come up with something new for this Web site. Well, he is happy to announce that we now have a new URL... http://sleeman.org. We will be moving to a REAL Web server in the near future that will stop these pop-up windows and allow us some new custom features.

He needs your help. He is looking for a few good pictures of Sleeman faces. These pictures need to be in focus and have a good exposure. They do not have to be identified and he would like some old photos.

He asked that all Sleemans, make some suggestions as to how this site can be organized to better serve you...the Sleemans of the world. If you have an idea, please submit your idea below.

My idea for the Sleeman Family Web site is:

My recommendation for a good genealogy Web link:  

continue down the page....


Our Purpose

The purpose of this site is to provide a meeting place where fellow Sleemans and those conducting genealogy research on our clan from all over the world can meet and share information. There are Sleemans in countries all over the world including: the United States, England, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, California and who knows where else, so our links can take you all over the world. (Yes, some people think California is another country.)

The site was started in October 1997 as a way to collect e-mail addresses and share some genealogy research that had been going on in the United States. In the future, links and other features will be added as the site evolves. Send your feedback about what you would like to see here. Bookmark this page so you can come back often and pass this URL along to others.

(If a Geocities advertisment banner window pops up and keeps a page from loading, close it and try to reload the page you requested or go back and double-click again on the page you want. Hang in there...you'll get there.)

Step 1.
View Guestbook

View the guestbook often to see what new visitors have come by since your last visit.

Step 2.
What's New  
This is where you find out what has changed on the Web site (other than the Guestbook and Virtual Family Reunion pages).

Step 3.
What's Happening At the Reunion

The center of what is going on with the Sleeman family. Stories, letters, books, movies, photos and other neat stuff about the Sleeman family.

Step 4.
Sign Our Guestbook

This is where you can say howdy to everyone at the reunion. This is where you can let other Sleemans know you exist and how they can get in touch with you. View the site, then come back to HOME to sign this guestbook. Please sign in the first time you drop by.

Step 5.
Favorite Genealogy Links

This is where you can find all kinds of information about genealogy on the Web. Send us your favorite Web sites that have been the most helpful.

Step 6.
Tell other Sleemans about Sleeman.org and the Sleeman Family Reunion and come back again.

Send your e-mail to webmaster@sleeman.org

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The last typo was created on this Web site on Saturday, April 01, 2000.

This Web site is copyrighted in total and by individual authors.
Unauthorized use of materials is prohibited. ©Sleeman, 1997 - 2000

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