About Us

Claudia was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1959. She began training dogs at the age of eighteen. She started out training with a German Shepherd. She moved on to Dobermans placing Schutzhund Titles on several of them.

Claudia has trained many different breeds of dogs for
titles ranging from basic obedience to Schutzhund III (Including a Schutzhund I on a Standard Poodle in full show cut!)

Claudia has titled various breeds of dogs in Agilitly,
Flyball, Tracking, Personal Protection and other areas. She has trained dogs and other animals for several movies,
commercials and still produtions. Some of the movies that she has worked on include "Sidekicks"
, "Jason's Lyric", and "Pointman".

Claudia has also shown and finished several dogs of various breeds in conformation in The United States as well as in Europe.

More About Claudia

The Other Half

Mike born in 1957, was raised in Alabama until he was able to escape in 1979 by enlisting in the United States Marine Corps.

Mike spent nine years in The Marines and is now employed by an un-named major airline who's corporate headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mike has owned, trained and shown Boxers since 1990. He has obedience titled several of his own dogs as well as dogs for others.

More About Mike

Mike cleaning the dog runs? It's a jungle out there!

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