12/17/00 12:34:24
Name: Chad M. Cunningham |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I myself was in the Military. I was an AO2 (Aviation Ordnanceman) Stationed on the USS John F. Kennedy CV-67). I bought a six week old Fawn male Boxer for my family about two months ago. We named him "Ordie". Keep up the site. I always try to check out my military brothers web sites as much as I can.
12/03/00 23:25:57
Name: william siegmund | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: no |
In July 1997 I stopped at the humane society of miami,florida and was able to take with me the best dog I have ever owned. When I got her she was so skinny and afraid of everything. Now she is a pampered and spoiled boxer and I am thankful that I am able
o spoil her. This dog tries to please and understand me much more than any other dog I have owned. This is the second boxer I have owned, that boxer was very hard headed and this boxer listens and understands what I am saying, sometimes I wonder if she is
reading my mind.
When I removed her from the Humane Society she was already spayed. That is fine for me because I am not a breeder. I do wonder about her family tree. When I need another boxer it would be nice to get one from Nikki's family tree. It is too bad I cannot
send a picture of her to you.
09/27/00 23:32:44
Name: elena | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Working or Obedience trials?: yes |
i love boxers,i'm from italy.My boxer's name is iana .
08/28/00 23:26:29
Name: Diane R. Mallett | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): SIRROCCO BOXERS |
Do you show in conformation?: Oh, yes | Working or Obedience trials?: All |
I am writing in regards to discussing a potential candidate for Agility. I have a boxer bitch whom I would be interested in competing in Agility. I am not sure if you do this just with you own dogs, or have taken other.
I would appreciate a reply if you could possibly consider her. I can tell you more about her once we connect.
I'd appreciate your service to our breed!
Ps. I could not reach you via email from you website....so I am leaving this message.
06/24/00 21:20:47
Name: Marc Iseli |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Great Site. If anyone passing through is a former Marine with VMFP-3 from 1975 to 1990, Please visit this site. The site name is RF-4B Phantom II Society. It is a place to reunite former Marines of VMFP-3 Thank You, Marc Iseli
04/03/00 18:04:48
Name: Aprile Anglin | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Millennium Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes | Working or Obedience trials?: No |
Cute music and great history!
03/14/00 15:42:47
Name: Jim & Carla Duckett | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Sugar Run |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes-Whippet/I.G's. | Working or Obedience trials?: not yet!!! |
We owned our first Boxer approximately 45 yrs.
ago. They have long been a part of our "lives"
However, like everything they slowly grew older
and left us--WE too grew older and felt a young
Boxer would possibly be a bit much for us--so we
do not currently have one--would have been nice to
find an adult, more settled, one--but people who
have Boxers don't give them up easilly. We
currently show as indicated with our daughter, who
fortunately does most of the work. Thank you for
sharing your lovely pictures and info with us!
P.S. Your ear taping method is similiar to one we
always used--the only difference is the cone on
ours was tampons--by pushing the cotton insert out
about 1/2" it would absorb any moisture or
discharge thus possibly avoiding ear infection.
Thanks again, Jim & Carla
03/14/00 15:40:41
Name: Jim & Carla Duckett | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Sugar Run |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes-Whippet/I.G's. | Working or Obedience trials?: not yet!!! |
We owned our first Boxer approximately 45 yrs. ago. They have long been a part of our "lives" However, like everything they slowly grew older and left us--WE too grew older and felt a young Boxer would possibly be a bit much for us--so we do not currently
have one--would have been nice to find an adult, more settled, one--but people who have Boxers don't give them up easilly. We currently show as indicated with our daughter, who fortunately does most of the work. Thank you for sharing your lovely picture
and info with us!
P.S. Your ear taping method is similiar to one we always used--the only difference is the cone on ours was tampons--by pushing the cotton insert out about 1/2" it would absorb any moisture or discharge thus possibly avoiding ear infection. Thanks again,
im & Carla
02/18/00 15:50:14
Name: Kevin Morton |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
My wife and I are looking for a Boxer puppy.
very nice web sight!
01/23/00 23:06:23
Name: Kirsty Munro |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
01/03/00 04:41:14
My URL: Visit Me |
12/23/99 23:59:22
Name: montez shugars |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I was attracted to your sight for two reasons. The first is because I my self am a proud member of the UNITED STATES MARINE CORP. The other reason is because I want to find out as much as possible about this awsome breed of dog.
12/22/99 01:36:32
Name: Scott Burns |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I'm interested in getting a boxer for me and my family. Right now I am gathering all of the info I can about this wonderful breed. Thanks, Scott.
12/18/99 06:57:01
Name: Garry C. Horton | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): NA |
Do you show in conformation?: NA | Working or Obedience trials?: NA |
I am interest in obtaining a boxer for a pet. THANKS
12/10/99 19:30:41
Name: Scott Swope |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I had a question about ear taping. I have had three Dobermans, the most recent is just six monthes old. All have had their ears cropped. The puppy currently has only one standing but on occasion both will stand. I remember when the two older dogs were
puppies they too had some "trouble" with their ears but I forgot when they actually started to stand all the time. My vet had mentioned that while they are teething the cartlege is not forming in their ears as fast. Have you heard of this and is it a co
mon problem?
12/08/99 23:09:21
Name: cindy baril | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): copper hill |
Do you show in conformation?: yes |
Claudia, Just got hooked up on the internet and am trying to learn my way around. Nice job on your site!
Cindy Baril
11/20/99 01:11:04
Name: ronnie & sue mckinney |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
our male boxer PAWBLO is the best friend you could have,he has been a great friend.as a former marine i understand semper fi.
10/18/99 22:13:48
Name: Cindy Eidson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
10/16/99 14:45:29
Name: Antonio Donato | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: yes |
Saw one of Ur sires, A semper fi named Rikoh owned by Gina
10/05/99 01:41:44
Name: Shawn and Sheri Gorden |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Boomer's Mom and Dad
Good job Michael on the new web page!
09/30/99 23:09:45
Name: randy thompson |
My URL: Visit Me |
semper fi
09/30/99 01:03:51
Name: Mike Bozeman |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hello Michael and Claudia,
This is un-real. I love the site. I am really interested in the obedience trials. If I could get more info on that please I would appreciate it very much. I would love help to carry on your great name and the GREAT BREED OF BOXERS that you have. Than
You so much!!!!
09/22/99 14:41:41
Name: Thomas |
My URL: Visit Me |
Very Good
09/06/99 22:29:54
Name: Ellen Buchanan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: Not currently |
Working or Obedience trials?: not currently |
I a member of AOB and a friend of Roxanne's. You
probably don't remember me but I have met you
at some of the shows. I love your website! I
haven't seen you at the Atlanta shows lately
and have asked Roxanne if she stay's in touch.
I happened to notice you joined the boxer world
list. I have been out of touch with everything
lately. I have been fighting cancer but I'm
getting back on track. Scarlett, my show hope
did not do well due to the fact she is plain.
So I'm looking for a male to breed her to some-
time next year. Did you show in Perry? Are
you showing here in the end of September?
I hope to see you at the shows if not the Agility
Ellen, Tess, Buster and Scarlett
09/05/99 12:48:00
Name: Kelly Lee Shields | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: No |
Working or Obedience trials?: NO |
Met you in the parking lot of Media Play Southlake last night, Saturday. It felt good to "get a Boxer fix" since I'm "between dogs" right now. Good luck in your next show. Kelly
09/03/99 04:29:11
Name: Carla Trusty | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Trusty Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: yes |
Rescued our first boxer 7 years ago.Started showing boxers 5 years ago (myself and not heavily.) Had my first litter almost 4 years ago and am currently showing a granddaughter of my first purchased female. I am very proud of the way she looks and acts i
the ring, and have serious hopes of finishing her someday. I use a handler with this girl, but still find scattered placements among her peers to be quite frustrating.
08/25/99 20:49:45
Name: Tonya Dean | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): N/A |
Do you show in conformation?: N/A | Working or Obedience trials?: N/A |
I have been in touch with you guys in reference to your pups and wanting to learn about the world of showing boxers. Thanks for talking with me.
Tonya Dean
08/09/99 15:24:01
Name: Tim Sutton |
My URL: Visit Me |
I am looking to buy a boxer. I am not sure on the sex but I do want a plain brindle. If you are not planning to breed let me know if any of your friends in ABC are ready. I have waited for the last 5 years to buy a house to get one now I am ready. Please
all at 8037985676.
08/09/99 02:42:13
Name: Bart (Bruce) Smith |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
love your site Mike. presented really well
08/08/99 21:33:24
Name: Bud and Diane Gregory | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: yes |
Working or Obedience trials?: working |
this is my brother in laws E mail you may contact us here
08/01/99 18:47:40
Name: Tish THE 'Dish' | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: No |
Working or Obedience trials?: No way Jose' |
Just dropped in to @y@ball those goodl@@ky'n Boxers:),:)! Not bad. If yawl wanna s@@ somethingy diff though and have some fun and stuff comeon-a my house and just mite give yawl some candy, giggle!
ABD!Prezette Tish THE 'Dish' & 'Other' Friendzees!
07/23/99 15:58:25
Name: Louis Garcia | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): none |
Do you show in conformation?: no | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
i signed again. to let you both know , how i liked the semper fi article . i was a fomer marine , also owner of 2 boxers a female named dallas and male named godzilla, keep up the good work.
07/23/99 15:45:59
Name: Louis Garcia |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
07/21/99 20:03:17
Name: osborn,darrell |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
whats up mike thought i would drop a line and say hi hope your kennel does good. have fun every month in BHAM. tell the guys i said hello
07/03/99 23:25:05
Name: Vicky Cason | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: no |
I really enjoyed your web pages and music. You have some very beautiful children. I own 2 boxers 1 male and 1 female. I love them dearly.
07/03/99 00:51:30
Name: Nadyne Nelson | My Email: Email Me |
Do you show in conformation?: No | Working or Obedience trials?: No |
You have beautiful boxers. You must be so proud of them.
06/29/99 18:58:54
Name: Nancy Baker | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: No |
Working or Obedience trials?: No |
Love your page, Claudia! Thanks for the advice on the mutt-puppy!
06/28/99 18:12:18
Name: Kim Haynes | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: No |
Working or Obedience trials?: No |
Hi Mike and Claudia! I've been trying to e-mail you guys for the past few days, but so far, I'm not having any luck. Did you get my e-mail I sent on Thursday (24th) or the one I sent today (28th)? If not, e-mail me back!
I loved meeting you at the show in Swannanoa, Claudia, and my daughter loved meeting your Boxer Abby. What a sweethear Abby is! Talk to you all real soon I hope!
06/28/99 15:57:35
Name: Judy Wieland | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Juhols(jewels) Boxers & Min-Pins |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: not lately (miss it) |
Enjoyed seeing your boxer do our breed proud in agility
06/14/99 15:34:05
Name: Sherri | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Ablaze Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
I very much liked your info about ear taping and of course your pictures of your wonderful dogs. I am inpressed with doing also obiedance. good luck!
06/12/99 05:52:51
Name: Chip & Leatha Whitfield |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Our four year old son Storm has told us he wants a dog of a specific style. He wants a brown dog named Sam. We also have a one year old daughter. I am a police officer who is often out of town due to my job. If I am home I often work crazy hours. I wa
t a dog who will not only protect my family, but love them as I do. From the research we have done it seems that the boxer is the perfect fit. Please help us. Also I clicked on your e-mail line but the computer said that there was a linkage problem.
05/05/99 20:58:59
Name: Fulco Boxers | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Fulco Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
I liked your web page. You can take a look at mine if you like. We just go started and we are not done yet.
My son was in the Marines for four years. He was in Japan. His basic was in Paris Island.
Talk to you later. Good luck at the shows.
04/30/99 13:34:29
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
04/26/99 11:00:38
Name: Bev Albert | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Kami-Ko N' Kini |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: yes, somewhat |
Hi Mike and Claudia,
Loved the pictures with Libby /agility set. It looks like so much fun. Looking forward to seeing you compete at ABC!
Bev Albert
04/26/99 06:47:45
Name: Jan Mace | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Eischied |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
Loved your dog toys!
I've been trying to talk my husband into making
my dogs similar fun things in our yard.
Your girl looks as though she's having a great time.
04/26/99 04:41:36
Name: Maryann Watkins | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: yes -- we're working on it |
LOVE the agility page!!! That's something I
really want to do when I get the time. Libby
looks like she's having SO much fun!
03/16/99 16:30:32
Name: Donnie Blackwell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: no |
02/20/99 03:07:35
Name: connie fulbright |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi, Mike and Claudia, I enjoyed your web site. I love anything to do with Marines. Really I think the site is great. Keep up the good work, good luck this weekend. see ya at work. connie.
02/20/99 02:38:22
Name: Cheryl Russell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: no |
We were attracted to your website because my husband is a Viet Nam Marine (enlisted at 17!) and his father & all 5 uncles are Marines with war time duty, so we live & breath the Marine Creed!
We have a beautiful 2 1/2 yr old Male Fawn Boxer Named LURU's Rocky Reward he has Champion Lines. His father is Ch Summit Views Cash Reward. His line represents about 95% Champions. We have our first breeding session tonight. Rocky has gone thru 1
ession of basic training, I really should be showing him, but just can't seem to find out how to get started. There doesn't seem to be a active Boxer club in the Tacoma, Washington area. Please let me know if you know of one.
Better go the little lady is awaiting her STUD!
He is my Pride & Joy.
02/08/99 19:19:06
Name: Tonya Elmo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: No |
Working or Obedience trials?: No |
I own a boxer (male, cropped, flashy fawn) who is currently 20 months. He is wonderful. He is more than a pet, he is a child. Although we haven't even been through obedience school together, we have done quite well with the wisdom passed on through boo
s, etc. A great relationship. I want to commend you on a wonderful web site and an excellent choice of breed.
02/08/99 04:16:56
Name: Brenda Stuckey | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Breho Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes | Working or Obedience trials?: Have shown in Obedience in the past...too lazy now! |
VERY nice site...enjoyed the visit..Congrats on J.D. He used to be in OUR neck of the woods!!! :)
02/01/99 21:43:16
Name: Sandra Witty |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I met JD at Kroger in December and just looked at his pictures on your site. He's beautiful. I hear there is a dog show this weekend in Jonesboro. Will you and JD be there?
You may remember me telling you about my boxer named Blue.
01/29/99 06:59:11
Name: Laurie Johnson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): LT'S Kennel |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: not yet! |
As my better half would say Semper Fi! I loved the pictures of your furkids. Hope to see you sometime in Oregon. Do you get this far West? Beautiful dogs and wonderful webpage! Very Impressive!
Laurie J.
01/28/99 20:33:49
Name: Norm Lake |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Note received.
I'm in Louisville, Ky
But I have no dogs
Except the hot ones!
I was attracted by your music and because of Dale L. The best to you.
01/26/99 21:31:29
Name: Norman Lake |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I love your music! Do you know Dale Lake? He is my son.
01/22/99 04:53:13
Name: Olivier Duque | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): no kennel |
Do you show in conformation?: no | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
Great website. Not common to see Schutzhund boxer related page too.
01/18/99 16:06:49
Name: Christine Truitt |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
01/02/99 04:23:58
Name: Dave&Marie Shifflett |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
We spoke to you tonight at the Media Play.
We enjoyed meeting you , your wife, and J.D.
We like your home page. We will keep up with you.
12/20/98 00:47:40
Name: Anders Berg | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Andilla's Boxerkennel |
Andilla's Boxerkennel in Sweden wishes all boxerlovers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
11/16/98 00:21:32
Name: Ramiro & Ruby Chavez | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Chato Boxers |
Very nice page..Good historiacl excerpt...
11/14/98 21:33:46
Name: Craig Shaw | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: no |
I (also a former marine) contacted you earlier about puppies. Thanks for your response and referrals to other breeders. We bring home our new pup, (a cute little brindle girl) on Friday from Syrr Run. We love your site and thank you for your help.
Craig and Cathy Shaw
Hilton Head, South Carolina
11/08/98 19:47:51
Name: Cecilie and Henning | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Boxerhaven |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes | Working or Obedience trials?: We train for it! |
We have visited your site before, and you have some very nice dogs. We would like to commend you on your attitude to our breed.
BTW, love the intro to your homepage!!
10/02/98 23:37:23
Name: Garnet Williams | My URL: Visit Me |
Kennel Name(If Any): Gemstone Kennels | Do you show in conformation?: yes |
Working or Obedience trials?: yes |
I enjoyed your web page. Maybe I'll see you at the ABC specialties in Phoenix in November. Look for the Alaska Boxers in the Boxer Review Nov/Dec
issue! Hope to see you at a show soon.
10/02/98 22:55:59
Name: Dana | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: No |
Working or Obedience trials?: No |
Just wanted to check out your info. on ear taping. I wish I would've known this years ago when I perserveered through (3) ear croppings! I had luck with all 3, but I knew there had to be an easier way! Thanks for the information; you have a nice site t
10/02/98 11:21:49
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
09/25/98 05:58:03
Name: Mike & Nancy Wiles | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Sugar Hills Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: yes |
Got your letter - got this computer yesterday -
first spot we checked was Harley-Davidson (Mike)
and you were next. Don't think we are ready for
another dog yet - four is a lot when they are all
pets as well as show. Mike's male is being bred
and my female will breed to Am./Can Ch Mephisto's Dauntae Impressario "Rico" (Tammie Mark's dog) in
Oct.?! Don't plan on keeping any of those either - Mike was really impressed with your web site!
SEMPER FI Now that we are on the web, I'll get back to you in a few days.
09/23/98 14:10:11
Name: Mary Green | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: Yes |
Working or Obedience trials?: Yes |
Mike & Claudia -- enjoyed your website immensely. Hope our paths will cross in one ring or another...maybe 1999 ABC? It's always gratifying to find others who share the boxers can-do-it-all attitude!
09/08/98 03:41:53
Name: Cheryl Dillon |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am looking for a boxer pup. If you have any puppies ready please let us know.
09/07/98 19:33:29
Name: tina starr | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: yes |
Working or Obedience trials?: yes |
Mike and Claudia. I gort your recent e mail and will call you tomorrow. I went back through the web site to see the Newt x Abby pups and they're beautiful. As are the parents. I can't wait to speak with you in the morning. tina
09/04/98 01:23:50
Name: Charlie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi, you have great looking dogs. And I love the look of your site. Wonderful backgrounds and graphics. Great work.
08/16/98 18:44:08
Name: David Siebenthall | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): N/A |
Do you show in conformation?: No | Working or Obedience trials?: N/A |
Love your theme song,serve 8 years.I want to stud my boxer,can you give me any info.His name is Harley,75 lbs,dark red fawn male,solid black mask,white on tips of feet and chest.The sire is CH.Steph J's Bodacious,the dam is MGM's Tara Dalene.Love your sit
! Semper Fi "Big Dave" TX.
08/06/98 22:20:06
Name: Kathy Brown | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): TKB |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes | Working or Obedience trials?: CD on a Springer, CGC on a St. Bernard |
Very nice page. Enjoyed the music. Good luck in both rings. Kathy
08/05/98 22:14:47
Name: PFC Shannon Potts |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I'm a marine at Camp Lejeune and am proud to know there is a site like this. Semper Fi
07/20/98 00:09:08
My URL: Visit Me |
07/12/98 08:21:54
Name: Kevin P.Molloy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Working or Obedience trials?: Obedience |
Hi Mike ,Nice page I like the devil dog story OOH RAH almost makes me want to re-up- NOT! Im the guy you met last year at the ABC. I was the former marine there with my dog Fergus. We won novice A. I looked for you this year but did not see you. We won g
aduate novice this time. Maybe I'll see you there next year. Semper Fi.
07/06/98 16:59:02
My URL: Visit Me |
07/06/98 16:36:45
Name: sylvia smith |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I think your site is great. I am located in Jonesboro, Georgia and have a beautiful AKC, male brindle that I would like to mate (stud service) with a female asap. I will contact you soon to possibly see if you may have a female that is currently ready for
Sylvia Smith
07/06/98 04:47:54
Name: Terri L. Wilder | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): TL Cadence Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: as soon as the babies get here and are old enough! | Working or Obedience trials?: I'd also like to work towards CD |
Hello from the heart of the Wine Country ... Sonoma County, California. I was surfing thru GeoCities for boxer related sites and came across yours. I love your logo! Very nicely done. Please stop by my site if you get the time and sign my page. Take care
nd ...... WOOF! Terri
06/22/98 17:47:46
Name: Wiedeman, Jeffrey,L. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Working or Obedience trials?: no |
thanks for bring out Addie to us, we are so happy
06/18/98 05:39:30
Name: Geri Ganske | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Rasilon Permanently Registered |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: yes |
Hi there, I think your new babies are so precious.
I have put a CD on a 7 year old Boxer and a 2 year old Pekingese both at the same time. Being a novice I thought 'hey why not' I know better now. My Madison is obedience trained but never trialed.I am looking forward to future e-mails and chats. Keep up t
e excellent work you are doing.
Byebye Geri
06/17/98 06:57:31
Name: Arlene Probizanski | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Caproz Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes | Working or Obedience trials?: Working |
06/15/98 18:17:11
Name: Larry Barefield | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: not yet |
Working or Obedience trials?: not yet |
My daughter and I are novices interested in getting into showing and/or obedience. We will be
trying to find a puppy after 1st quarter 1999. We are researching, reading, going to shows, etc until then. Any suggestions?
06/12/98 00:05:21
Name: seary | My URL: Visit Me |
Do you show in conformation?: no | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
hi ! thank you for being so nice to me. your boxers look very good!!!!. this is my first time on the internet and e-mail stuff.i do not have Rikoh(my future boxer) yet and i am already learnig new things because of him.again thank you for everythin
06/11/98 23:59:51
Name: seary | My URL: Visit Me |
Do you show in conformation?: no | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
hi ! thank you for being so nice to me. your boxers look
06/11/98 23:59:47
Name: seary | My URL: Visit Me |
Do you show in conformation?: no | Working or Obedience trials?: no |
hi ! thank you for being so nice to me. your boxers look
06/08/98 00:29:04
Name: Robyn Cook | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): R & D Stable & Kennels |
Do you show in conformation?: No | Working or Obedience trials?: Search & Rescue |
We are new to the boxer breed (past year) and are for sure "In Love For LIFE!!" thank you for providing some helpful information our male boxer who is 1 1/2 now will be starting search and rescue training with his "dad" who is a police officer - aren't we
proud!! If you have any more info on the breed or know where we can find some please respond to our e-mail - I'm always seeking information - Thank you again!!
06/08/98 00:28:44
Name: Robyn Cook | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): R & D Stable & Kennels |
Do you show in conformation?: No | Working or Obedience trials?: Search & Rescue |
We are new to the boxer breed (past year) and are for sure "In Love For LIFE!!" thank you for providing some helpful information our male boxer who is 1 1/2 now will be starting search and rescue training with his "dad" who is a police officer - aren't we
proud!! If you have any more info on the breed or know where we can find some please respond to our e-mail - I'm always seeking information - Thank you again!!
05/29/98 04:43:34
Name: Leslie Stratton |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am very interested in a female boxer puppy and would like to purchase one within the next couple of months. Please let me know if you will have any available. I am interested in having her as a pet and as a wonderful addition to my family, not for sho
Leslie Stratton
05/27/98 12:57:17
Name: Amy Grenier | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: No |
05/27/98 00:14:04
Name: Gina Griffith | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you show in conformation?: no |
Boxers are the greatest!!!!!
My Mazie is the love of our lives.
She is a 71/2 y.o flashy fawn nat. ears and a real kook!!
05/23/98 21:20:36
Name: James Kuhn |
My URL: Visit Me |
My number is 770-419-2522. My wife and I are very interested in purchasing a Semper Fi Boxer. Please contact me at the above number.
Thank you, have a great day!
05/12/98 17:24:54
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): NO |
Do you show in conformation?: NO | Working or Obedience trials?: NO |
05/09/98 20:12:28
Name: Cindy Spurbeck | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Catera Boxers |
Do you show in conformation?: yes | Working or Obedience trials?: just starting |
great web page, very enjoyable.
05/09/98 15:24:08
Name: Nancy Clarke | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Kennel Name(If Any): Gold "N" Dreams |
Do you show in conformation?: Yes | Working or Obedience trials?: Obedience, agility, flyball |
Great page. love it. Beautiful Boxers, bet you and I know the same people
05/08/98 11:57:44
Name: Jon Wilson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Hello Mike!!
05/02/98 03:15:59
Name: Tony & Sherree Futrell
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): SherTon Boxers
Do you show in conformation?: Yes
Working or Obedience trials?: No
I really enjoyed you site, and was impressed with
your obedience, working, and showing accomplishments. Looking forward to further
info. on your fawn pups.
04/29/98 03:33:31
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
04/27/98 09:38:50
Name: Colleen Fleury
My URL: Visit Me
Kennel Name(If Any): Sherwood Boxers
Do you show in conformation?: yes
Working or Obedience trials?: yes
It was nice meeting you in Birmingham last week.Congradulations on your 2 qualifying scores on your one bitch. I wish we both had done better with our other dogs! Come to the Boxer Club of Louisiana's specialty and obedience trial on May23rd if you don't
ind driving a little ways. Good luck in your future endeavors in both rings and better luck on those down-stays!
04/27/98 09:31:47
Name: Colleen Fleury
My URL: Visit Me
04/27/98 09:29:54
Name: Colleen
My URL: Visit Me
04/27/98 09:29:53
Name: Colleen
My URL: Visit Me
04/23/98 18:38:49
Name: Paula Smith
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
My little brother does great work, don't you think? My little sister Claudia does also.
04/23/98 00:51:19
Name: Stephen Tunnell
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): Amberley Boxers
Do you show in conformation?: yes
Working or Obedience trials?: no
Cool web page. Best of luck in both rings
04/19/98 20:41:58
Name: Rosemarie Westphal
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Do you show in conformation?: Yes
Working or Obedience trials?: Of course
The pictures are great. I love your sites and just linked it from Dula's page. Best wishes from Germany.
04/13/98 23:42:01
Name: Paul Hardy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): MarPal Boxers
Do you show in conformation?: yes
Working or Obedience trials?: not much
above is our web address, what happened to you on Sunday?
04/13/98 15:27:08
Name: Amy Simmons
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): N/A
Do you show in conformation?: No
Working or Obedience trials?: No
I hope everything goes well for Claudia. You have some beautiful boxers. I am looking to purchase a pup here real soon, my Boxer was bitten by a snake and passed away while I was in Okinawa. So if you know of anyone that will have some pups soon or has
some now I would appreciate any help I could get. Semper Fi. Ohh Raa!
04/11/98 19:13:05
Name: Gina Prince
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): None
Do you show in conformation?: No
Working or Obedience trials?: No
Your Boxers are just Beautiful!! I enjoyed your page and want to see even more pictures. :) Looking forward to meeting you soon. Gina.
04/11/98 18:15:33
Name: Gina Prince
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): N\A
Do you show in conformation?: No
I came to look at your page. See you next week maybe. :) Gina Prince.
04/06/98 20:36:23
Name: Kevin Cain
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Do you show in conformation?: no
Working or Obedience trials?: no
Just a lifelong boxer fan. I grew up with them, and my family owns four right now. Unfortunately, I live in an apartment in Atlanta with no room for one. Need any volunteer help on weekends? I learned to walk holding on to a boxer, and he was my first
and best) babysitter, sleeping under my crib at night!
03/24/98 06:41:15
Name: Jillian Fittinger
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): Victoria Boxers
Do you show in conformation?: YES
Working or Obedience trials?: NO
03/21/98 15:49:35
Name: Corinne Giles
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): N/A
Do you show in conformation?: No
Working or Obedience trials?: No
Nice website and beautiful dogs. You and Mike are doing a great service to our boxer breed. Thanks!
03/21/98 15:43:11
Name: Corinne Giles
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): N/A
Do you show in conformation?: No
Working or Obedience trials?: No
Nice website and beautiful dogs. You and Mike are doing a great service to our boxer breed. Thanks!
03/16/98 15:21:53
Name: sherry walkabout
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Do you show in conformation?: No
Working or Obedience trials?: No
Saw your web site mentioned through the Boxer Mailing List. What a great site and what beautiful boxers you have.
03/16/98 11:12:36
Name: Beckie Horne
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): Syrr Run
Do you show in conformation?: Yes
Nice web site
03/16/98 05:44:28
Name: Maryann Watkins
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Do you show in conformation?: no
Working or Obedience trials?: yes
Mike and Claudia . . . love your home page! Great
pictures of your Boxers!
03/16/98 03:00:46
Name: Cara Forcucci
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Do you show in conformation?: No
Working or Obedience trials?: No
I have 2 beautiful red-fawn male Boxers. I havent ever gone to any shows but I'm sure mine would do well. Guess I'm just a chicken. Don't know enough about shows. Milo is a 5 yr, 77 lb. male, cropped and Duke (his son) is a 14 wk, 25 lb. male, cropped
Two beautiful dogs! Just love Boxers. Keep up the good work
03/16/98 02:43:01
Name: Rozanne Lovell
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): n/a
Do you show in conformation?: no
Working or Obedience trials?: occasionally
Your dogs are beautiful! Am *so* impressed with Libby, in earning her (?) CD at such a tender age!
We have one CGC/CD and one CGC (working toward her CD).
03/13/98 05:34:51
Name: Paul Hardy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): MarPal Boxers
Do you show in conformation?: yes
Working or Obedience trials?: beginning
nice pages, hurry on GBC and Raineylane pages,hope to see you soon
03/07/98 19:29:41
Name: Diane Jones
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
I just got my first Boxer and I have never loved a dog so much!! I am trying to learn everything that I can about the breed so that I will be able to give my dog all that he needs. I am , HE is taking me, too obedience training. I hope to one day be a
le to show him. (Major Von Brackston)
03/06/98 04:09:23
Name: Jennifer Plemmons
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Do you show in conformation?: no
Working or Obedience trials?: no
Having owned 6 Boxers throughout my life, I'm very impressed with the beautiful Boxers you have shown on your site. They are exquisite. They are a wonderful breed aren't they???? We live in Alpharetta, GA......
03/04/98 18:31:40
Name: Willie
My URL: Visit Me
Do you show in conformation?: yes
Working or Obedience trials?: soon
Neat Website! Especially the music...
02/28/98 22:47:25
Name: Carola Rank
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Working or Obedience trials?: Yes
This is a hello from Germany! You have loveley boxers. I would like to know more about boxers in the US as I am looking for a good male for breeding and I have thought about getting one from the US.
02/27/98 08:29:47
My URL: Visit Me
02/27/98 08:29:46
My URL: Visit Me
02/27/98 01:56:48
My URL: Visit Me
02/25/98 22:22:58
Name: Brian Duff
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): Duff's world of kids
Do you show in conformation?: They usually conform to show standards, but let them out in public... and watch out!
Working or Obedience trials?: Obedience? sometimes
Cool web site dude!
02/21/98 22:50:18
Name: Kathy Gilbert
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): N/A
Do you show in conformation?: no
Working or Obedience trials?: no
02/14/98 15:39:58
Name: Bridget Brown
My URL: Visit Me
Just checking out anything new to give me some ideas about how I want ours set up.
01/28/98 02:06:51
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
01/02/98 01:38:16
My URL: Visit Me
12/29/97 15:54:00
Name: Willie
My URL: Visit Me
Found the page on Alta Vista SE. How about that?
Can't wait to see Libby's picture on the Web site.
12/26/97 22:43:07
Name: Carlos & Candy Gonzalez
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Kennel Name(If Any): Solrac Boxers
Do you show in conformation?: Yes
Working or Obedience trials?: a bit of Obedience
You have some very nice Boxers.... I also enjoy to owner handle... We are also a Marine Family stationed on Okinawa Japan at the moment. Semper Fi, and Happy Holidays... MGySgt, USMC from 1976-????....