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Sorry we are under construction as I accidentally deleted the whole of my page

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This site is an Official Member of
The Lost Child Emergency Broadcast System
Member 0610


Lace Listers - the pattern for the ID pin is here -


Mystery Quilters HomepageThe Mystery Quilter list is a VERY chatty list, basically the members all love to make quilts especially ones where you don't know at the beginning what the finished quilt is going to look like!, clear as mud? some of the best are at Beth Ferriers Applewood Farm site, take a look..

Applewood Farm Follow the link to the Mystery Quilt

Apologies to Blankie Woman fans, I do not agree that Yahoo owns anything on its websites and has the right to publish it so I have removed Blankie Woman, please e-mail me if you want to read the episodes

Enough already, here's one I made earlier.....

christening shawl my little sweetie wearing his christening robe I made him, For interested parties the pattern and cobweb weight yarn are from Jamieson & Smith

I'll be adding more back to the page, let this be a lesson to us all, always keep a backup copy of your index files!!! duh... Now let's get back to putting in some links, I ought to separate them onto another page but frankly I'm just not that good yet!!!!!!!!

Quilty Stuff

Elsie Vredenburger - excellent MQ, Ride the Wind
Jinny Beyer Studio wow, I should be so talented!
Interwoven Great MQ by Tyanne Agle
Quiltaholics Great site, always updating, and good Mysteries!
Uncle Jaws and the Escapee by Dutchman Designs, great site for tesselated quilt patterns and three great mysteries
Quilt Patch Mystery New Mystery started June 19th 1999, frequently changing mysteries
Ani Lee Good Mystery Quilts and others
Essential Links to Quilting More links to quilt sites than you can shake a stick at

Knitting Link or two



Knit Traditions - Beth Brown-Reisel

Well that's it for now, come back again!