Welcome to the sport of Flyball
Careful, this is a highly addictive sport for humans and dogs!
Hi I'm Nancy a member of the Chico Dog Fancier's Association Flyball team.
Our team just went to it's first tournament in Las Vegas (Desert Dawgs/Flying Colors) March 7&8, 1998. We got titles on many of our dogs. For some of the dogs this was their first title ever (for Bryte it was her 21st title).
Pictures are coming soon!!!
Our members include:(in no particular order)
Charlotte and Bryte (Border Collie) FD
Lynda and Mariah (Mastiff)
Kylee and Rosee (Boston Terrier)
Esther and Shadow (Skipperke) FDX and Zoey (Bull Terrier) FDX
Greg and Fury (Border Terrier)
Lesley and Bob (Border Terrier)
Melinda and Kane (Mastiff)
George and Woody (Golden Retriever)
Nancy and Murphy (Border Collie)
Kathy and Kelly (English Cocker Spaniel) FD
Lynda and Tyra (Vizsla)
Mary and Darby (Golden Retriever)
Mary and Trixie (Cocker Spaniel)
Tina and Dutch (Border Collie) FD
Karen and Roxy (Labrador Retriever) FDX
Chad and Connor (Vizsla) FDX
John and Matt (Border Collie) FD
Nancy(me) and Shelby (Border Collie) FD
Nancy(me) and Sam (Canaan Dog)
Eric and Jerry (Boston Terrier)
Terry and Annie (Miniature Schnauzer)
Box Loaders/Ball Shaggers- we love all your help
Cori, K.C., Chad, Bate, Nick
And of course the long suffering spouses
You can email me at ncygirl@aol.com .
Please come back soon and visit me.
Links to other sites on the Web
Flyball Home Page
Nancy's Personal Home Page
© 1997 ncygirl@aol.com
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