The Vegas' Homepage


Mission Statement

The purpose of this website is to keep our families involved with our family experiences. We are going to try to update once a week, with news or new pictures. All pictures are printable. Just click on image to take you off page and to picture itself. We thank you for stopping by, and hope you enjoy your visit. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to let us know. Thank you.

Hope and Ray


Goings on with the Vegas'

The Marriage
Hope and Ray are celebrating thier First Year Anniversary. Isn't she a lovely bride?
The Baby
The Baby is 3 weeks old now. And Getting bigger everyday.



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Brief Vega History

January 10, 1998
Hope and Ray met in Fort Drum during the "Ice Storm '98". She was all over me!!!
February 14, 1998
Ray proposes marriage for first time to Ms. Janetta Hope Newman in Niagara Falls!!!
September 10, 1998
Ray officailly proposes to Ms. Newman with ring and all!!! I think she said yes.
October 10, 1998
Hope and Raymond exchange vows in front of lots of people! Both say its best day of their lives.
December 25, 1998
First Christmas together, but thanks to Hope presents are opened a week earlier. She doesn't like surprises.
April 11, 1999
Hope takes pregnancy test. Comes up positive.
April 11, 1999 (2 minutes later)
Ray is at the store buying two more pregnancy test to make sure!
April 12, 1999
Hope goes to sick call to confirm pregnancy. It's all positive!
May 25, 1999
Saw the Baby for the first time. The Baby waved at Mommy and Daddy. Both shed a tear or two. The baby is about this big (_____).
August 16,1999
Went for ultrasound and saw Baby again. He's gotten alot bigger since last time. Oh yes, did I mention we saw his little manhood. Ramon Manuel Vega III. Sounds nice, doesn't?
August 29, 1999
Daddy felt baby kick for the first time. Mommy says baby has attitude!!
September 26, 1999
The Mommy and Baby entered their third trimester. Hope and Ray are getting very excited!! The baby's room is also completely finished, with three months to go. Who said Hope didn't have any patience?
November 6, 1999
Hope had a surprise Baby Shower. Everything was wonderfully done by Mrs. White and friends. The baby recieved some great gifts from some great friends. Thanks to everyone who attended.


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Website by Raymond Vega
All my thoughts have been copyrighted by me.
Last revised: November 15, 1999.