Tari Miyasato - 06/12/00 17:01:08
My Email:TAJandCo@aol.com
Comments: Where are you? I haven't heard from you in a long time. Please e-mail when you get a chance. Aloha!
auntie Julie - 03/05/00 02:03:41
My Email:shibaok@yta.attmil.ne.jp
Location (address, base): Yokota Air Base
Phone Number: 225-5461
Recent News?: I'm a GS-04
Comments: I could only pull up the Japan pictures.
It was really nice hearing your voice on the recorder...YES, we miss you guys too...Hi, Darlene , Devin, Daddy and Mommy!
Jamie is doing fine as a Junior, she got her drivers license, so the black car is on the move again.
Kenneth is still the same....
Me, guess what...I started working at Youth center in June and I got a GS-04 position next door at Child Care...As of Feb 13, 2000...But I'm still at the Youth center, until they find someone else to take my place. But I GOT IN!
Love you guys....If you need anything, just tell me...If you want a hug...Just tell me....
See you later, Alligator.....
auntie Julie
Diodellanotte - 11/13/99 11:02:00
My URL:http://members.xoom.it/Dio_d_notte/
My Email:diodellanotte@usa.net
I like your cube of pictures! That was so neat. I am very impressed. Also, I know that you gave me your e-mail address, but I tried e-mailing and it kept getting kicked back. Could you please e-mail your address again. Thanks and Aloha! Tari
Frank Duenas - 08/18/99 15:29:44
Location (address, base): California
Comments: Great Site
It was nice to see the photos on your page. Its been a long time and the whole family looks great. We miss you, Frank.
Jeff Liborio - 08/17/99 18:02:52
My Email:jliborio@mailcity.com
Location (address, base): 4651 E. Michigan Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85032
Phone Number: 480-494-8890
I want your body!!! You stallion! Welcome back to the states. I will be in Chicago next March for a conference and hope to hook up with you then. Say hi to the family!
Tomlom - 02/12/99 21:35:25
My URL:http://surf.to/tomlom
My Email:TLommatzsch@t-online.de
Location (address, base): Barsinghausen Germany
Bei dir habe ich sehr schöne Seiten gefunden, mit mehr Zeit komme ich zurück Thomas
Tomlom - 02/12/99 21:35:10
My URL:http://surf.to/tomlom
My Email:TLommatzsch@t-online.de
Location (address, base): Barsinghausen Germany
Bei dir habe ich sehr schöne Seiten gefunden, mit mehr Zeit komme ich zurück Thomas
mike - 02/08/99 17:28:11
My Email:pipec135@aol.com
Comments: new job
looks like you will be working for old bob reynolds again. We move to Whiteman in april-june only about three and half hours from Scott. talk at you guys soon.
mike - 02/08/99 17:25:47
John Lopes - 01/07/99 00:54:14
My Email:johnlopes_md@yahoo.com
Doesn't look ameaturish to me at all. Great looking family Doug. Congrat's on the birth of your son. (on my anniversary) Be well.
Tim B - 11/29/98 07:39:21
What's up Bugs! No, really, see you at the 10 year! Tim Bohman
Rebecca and Jarod - 11/27/98 04:29:37
My URL:/Wellesley/5610
Location (address, base): NCBC Base, Sth California
Hi, your two children are adorable, Darlene is such a pretty little gal and Devin is sooo cute, I just love newborns - CONGRATS!!! Your page is great, the pics of Japan are lovely! Come and visit us and be sure to sign our GB so we know you were there.
Rebecca and Jarod (18 months)
Sandy Fioretti - 11/12/98 03:05:50
My Email:smfio@aol.com
Great new pictures of the family! Keep them coming! Hope you are all doing well and getting some sleep. We're keeping busy and adjusting to the cold weather we've been getting. The best to you all!
Ron and Sandy
Uncle Jr. - 11/09/98 20:35:13
My Email:al_sablan@densolabs.com
Location (address, base): 5770 Armada Dr. Carlsbad, CA
Phone Number: (760)929-3339
Omedito gozai'mas !! Nice website. Love the cube. Auntie Eileen is almost due. The baby is getting very anxious (and us too)to join us. Will visit your site again soon.
Aunty Julie - 11/09/98 07:23:00
My Email:shibaok@ykt0.attnet.or.jp
Location (address, base): Upstairs
Phone Number: 2255461
Recent News?: Lost "1" pound
I tryed to pull up the second set of family photos...But..I no unda-stan...use mouse,slow down,click picha...no mo picha...mouse click "cube?"... da white square stuff in the middle ... Aunty Julie..kinda confuse...maybe I try lata with Jamie....The first
pictures are very nice...
Talk to you lata....
Kiaina Schubert - 11/06/98 18:37:41
My Email:kischube@k12.hi.us
Location (address, base): P.O. Box 1875
Phone Number: 8089339299
What's up Doug, Pete gave me your website. Amatureish!! Not bad. I haven't even worked on my website in couple few months. But hope everything is going. talk later
Peter Schubert - 10/24/98 03:43:15
My Email:pkschube@citybank.net
Phone Number: 535-3672
Happy to hear the news? Best wishes to you and the family. Not much going on w/me. Anyways talk to you later. Will probably be visiting Mike in a bout a month. That should be fun. Aloha
Michael Pakele - 10/24/98 02:27:16
My Email:mike@oacusa.com
Phone Number: 310/327-1575
That cube thing was pretty cool...u have a wonderful family there. - and a pretty good web sight. anyway - hope all is well, my wife and joshua are in hawaii for a couple weeks for nyla's baby's 1st birthday party and to vacation while i slave here in l.a
actually - this is a break for me too. my mom said she saw mr. and mrs. bugado at the party and they looked great and seemed very proud of their grandkids.
until next time - c ya!
Kroes - 10/23/98 08:53:33
My URL:feyenesse.mypage.org
My Email:feyenesse@hotmail.com
Nice page
Michael R. Hood - 10/20/98 22:22:52
My URL:http://geocities.com/pentagon/quarters/6731
My Email:hoodm@camalott.com
Location (address, base): Dyess AFB Texas
Congrats on the new arrival!!! Mike...
Ron & Sandy Fioretti - 10/08/98 03:52:40
My Email:rsfioretti@aol.com
Location (address, base): Yucaipa, CA
Phone Number: (909) 797-0807
Congrats! We just got your news. Glad you are all doing well and wish you the best. Sounds like Darlene will have a great time being big sister. Just returned from Lake Tahoe and parts in between (wine tasting!). Will write more soon. Again, Congrat
Ron & Sandy
Aunty Karen Nakagawa - 10/07/98 11:54:16
My Email:Lynn's
Location (address, base): Honolulu
Phone Number: 808-377-5816
Congratulations,congratulations, congratulations.
Loved your baby Devin's picture. What's that wrapped around his head. Grandma (Amy) said he has lots of black hair. She was in Honolulu this past weekend and we all had lunch in Kaneohe. Had lots to talk about. We loved the Tokyo Disneyland trip pictu
es. Golly, Darlene has grown a lot. I bet she is thrilled with Deven.....since she waited so long. I heard about her impatience towards the end of pregnancy. She's so grown up I'm sure she will have loads of fun with baby and be the most helpful big s
Please post more pictures. We're so happy to discover this on the internet.
It is 1:30 in the morning so I can't write much now but just had to tell you how happy we are for you. Much, much love to all of you. Lynn sends her love. Aloha.
- 10/07/98 02:24:54
Dean Reinhardt - 10/06/98 23:38:54
My Email:Dean.Reinhardt@LOSANGELES.AF.MIL
Location (address, base): LA AFB
Phone Number: dsn 833-5735
I was glad to learn of the USAFA90 web page. I saw your web page and took a look. Congrats on the recent addition to your family.
Jude Hebert - 10/05/98 07:45:16
My Email:bigdog@world.std.com
Location (address, base): Philadelphia
Phone Number: 215-639-7223
Awesome site! Congrat's on the birth of your son. Keep updating the site, I'll visit again soon...
Mike and Nikki - 10/04/98 20:12:17
My Email:fitzgemi@surfsouth.com
Location (address, base): Moody AFB, GA
Recent News?: Nothing that tops YOURS!
Doug, Nadine, and Darlene,
Congratulations! Devin's a good looking little fella. You guys are looking pretty proud. We can't believe how grown up Darlene is. Take care and congrats again, Mike and Nikki Fitzgerald.
Andy & Melisa Healy - 10/04/98 17:01:30
My Email:ahealy@impulse.net
Location (address, base): Vandenberg AFB CA
Phone Number: DSN 275-6279
Great Web page.
Congrats on your new son Devin! The pictures are really super. Glad to hear your family is doing well. Take care Doug!
10/02/98 11:20:56
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Michael Pakele - 08/19/98 00:28:41
My Email:mike@oacusa.com
Location (address, base): 970 W. 190th St. #435
Phone Number: 310/200-7474
Recent News?: Nothing new
What's up flash!.....let me know when u r in so. cal. again
Janet - 07/28/98 20:05:23
My Email:j_spering@hotmail.com
Nice page! I lived at Yokota Dec 92-Aug 95, and miss it VERY much...your pictures brought back many memories :-)
I'll check back from time to time to see what new pictures you've added!