More updates coming...been in Charleston for over 2 years and not a picture on the site yet.
March 19, 2001
Okay, okay, okay...we've been in Illinois for over 1-1/2 years now and we're just updating our page. Seems there's never enough time to do everything you want. Here's the latest... Doug got selected for promotion to Major. He should pin on the new rank around Aug 01. His latest job is supply support for the C-17 aircraft. Nadine is back at work again...putting in some hours at the base day care center. Not too far away from Devin...different center but at least she can keep tabs on him. Devin is talking up a storm and like most boys--he likes dinosaurs and trains (Thomas the tank engine). Darlene started kindergarten this past year and is really enjoying school life. She actually enjoys the work and loves to see her friends everyday. The Midwest has been good so far. Besides the excellent sporting events, we've grown to love the country atmosphere. People are nice and where else can you get fruits and vegetables so cheap and fresh. That's all for now...we promise to stay on top of this in the future. Good-bye y'all!
February 7, 1999
Just a quick update this time! Just got word we'll be heading to Scott AFB, IL for our next assignment in June. Of course nothing is final until we have orders in hand but it looks pretty positive. Doug will be working at Headquarters, Air Mobility Command on the Supply Staff. He doesn't know what that entails yet, but it looks to be a new and exciting challenge. The whole family is looking forward to going back to the States after 4 years overseas. Lots to look forward to in the near future! Sayonara...
January 23, 1999
Happy New Year! This update is a long time in coming but seems we always have something to keep us busy. Nadine, Darlene, and Devin went to visit Papa & Nana in California for a couple of weeks while Doug attempts to finish his thesis he's been putting off for some years now. No word on where our next assignment will be to. It'll be a roll of the dice with the new Air Force Assignment System. Nadine officially quit over at the bank and is back to taking care of the kids. She'll probably start something up at our next base as she really enjoyed getting back into the work scene. Doug still works in the Maintenance Quality Assurance office but has a different boss now. The kids are growing like weeds. Darlene will be four on March 19 and she talks about it like it'll change her world. Well, that's it for now! Good luck and best wishes to everyone for a prosperous and wonderful 1999!
October 4, 1998
The big day has finally arrived!!! Nadine gave birth to Devin Alexander Bugado at 1152 on 3 Oct 98. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. Nadine was in labor for about 16 hours and hated Doug for about 12 of those hours but it actually went relatively well. Devin is a healthy baby and should be coming home from the hospital on 5 Oct with his Mommy. Darlene was expecting a little bigger and more talkative playmate but she should get used to her little brother real soon. Everything is A-OK and Doug is about as proud a Daddy as he could possibly be! Signing off for now....but check out the pictures.
September 17, 1998
Okay, so we're not the best at keeping this updated!!! We're about a week or two from the latest addition to the family. We're all so excited...especially Darlene! She chatters about her baby brother to everyone who'll listen. Doug has a new job, again. He now works in the Ops Group Quality Assurance office. No TDY's anymore so he'll be home a lot more often. Since we're coming close to leaving, he's been actively looking for a job at a new base. Nadine is on maternity leave from her bank job. A well needed rest before the really tough job ahead of her. Darlene will be starting pre-school 3 times a week with some other children. Only a few hours each session but she should learn a lot with the kids in the class. Other than that, we're just waiting for the run to the hospital...
July 13, 1998
Greetings to all!
Here's the latest of what we've been up to:
Doug returned from Exercise Cobra Gold in Thailand in the beginning of June with an extremely dark tan and some great stories. He got to see Bangkok and some other cities but spent most of his time working at Takhli RTAB with the C-130s. As you can tell from our updated pictures, we just returned from a terrific weekend getaway. We spent a day at Tokyo Disneyland then took the bullet train to Kyoto. Darlene really enjoyed Mickey Mouse and company with her friend Megan Cullinane. They went non-stop the entire day! Then off to Kyoto, the former capital of Japan. The sights were great and the food excellent. This is what Japan is all about...not the modern Tokyo everyone gets to see. We highly recommend this one. On the homefront, Nadine just has a couple of months left before she delivers our son. The groans and complaints are getting more and more as time goes by... Love and Aloha, the Bugado's
May 11, 1998
Aloha y'all! We are currently in the third year of our
four-year tour in Japan. Yokota AB has been a very nice
assignment for us as we've got to tour most of the local
area. Doug is a C-130 maintenance officer after crossflowing
from the supply careerfield in Jan 96. Nadine starting
working at Community Bank (overseas NationsBank) in March 98
and is expecting our second child in October of this year.
Darlene just turned three in March and is enjoying the pre-
preschool she is attending. She's made lots of new friends
and is ready to be a big sister now for our upcoming addition
to the family. I'll try to keep this updated as much as
possible but this should be a fine start.