Hello there, Nice to meet you.

I'm Willy Strohmeier, born and raised in Lima-Peru. I moved to the USA a few years ago. I married and have two beautiful daughters.
I enjoy Karate and like copeting in tournaments (Karate-do with WKF rules). I had the chance to represent Peru a couple of times in the Pan-American and South-American championships getting Silver and Gold respectively.
I have two older brothers that did likewise only with much more international experience (and more medals too).
We are of the Shotokan Style and had as our instructor Luis Chiock Wong to whom we owe our karate formation.
As you may have noticed I am a Catholic and I very much love the Holy Mother Church, through which God gives us so many blessings and holy gifts as are the Sacraments.
If you get a chance visit the site for the American TFP. I met them in Peru and they can be found around the world. They are an excellent lay Catholic organization and helped me and many others increase the love for God, His Holy Church and His Holy Mother, specially through a special devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.
They have excellent publications just as TAN Books does, only not as many. You can find these and other links in my Catholic page.
I currently reside in Denver, Colorado, USA, work doing systems support and go to school at Regis University (a Jesuit University, unfortunately the Jesuit spirit has pretty much diluted there).

My Favorites:

Movies:  The Mission (with Robert DeNiro), about the Spanish and Portuguese colonization and the missionary work of the Jesuits in South America.
                "A Man for All Seasons", about St. Thomas Moore, martir during the chaotic reign of Henry VIII and the break of the Church in England.

Mothern Author:  William Thomas Walsh, a great Catholic historian, (Phillip II is a great book).
Ancient Author:  Saint Augustine. (specially liked his City of God-sure made my neurons work overtime).

Music:  who else could it be but Mozart, I specially like his Coronation Mass.

Saint: Saint John Marie Baptiste Vianney, best known as the Cure of Ars. You have to get to know this great saint. As a small token read his sermon on "Give to Ceasar..."

Sport: Obvious...Karate. But I enjoy also tennis, soccer, football, ping-pong, and even chess and pretty good at it too.

 My Family Album