- 10/26/00 16:13:07
none - 10/26/00 16:07:25
My Email:none
Kim Strohmeier - 01/21/00 23:33:13
My Email:kims@uswest.net
City: Brighton
Interests: YOU !!!
Hobbies: YOU !!!
I really enjoyed your homepage it looks great now you need to finish it LOL
- 07/15/99 23:15:26
10/02/98 11:20:40
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
- 05/02/98 03:41:28
mykidzmom - 04/09/98 20:58:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8148/
My Email:mykidzmom@geocities.com
City: Tacoma, WA
Interests: children
Hobbies: working on my website
Hi! Your website looks great! You are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.
Heartland/Acres Community Leader
- 03/31/98 03:44:58
KC - 02/07/98 00:34:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/3989
My Email:skittle@cybergal.com
City: Denver, CO
Hiya! Lovely page! I just kinda surfed right on from the PowWow White Pages...I live in Denver too, and I'm also Catholic, so I guess we have a little in common...Loved looking at the family tree, and seeing your daughters, boy are they adorable!!!!!
Anyway, have a good one!
Sue - 01/31/98 06:15:02
City: A cheesehead from Wisconsin
Nice homepage...loved meeting your family. Always keep the faith.
Scott (Scooter) - 01/31/98 05:34:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Scooter911/
My Email:Sharrold@soltec.net
City: Illinois
Thanks for visiting my page. Very nice job on your page. Would be interested in chatting sometime. Don't forget to check out my wife's (penny) two homepages.
http://members.tripod.com/~Love_Consultant Stay in touch Scott
Diana Jaramillo - 01/31/98 05:31:39
My Email:dizzyd@2fords.net
City: Ingleside, TX
You have a wonderful page, and a beautiful family. I have really enjoyed talking with Kim, and hope to talk more with her again. Nice to meet you.
George - 01/31/98 05:29:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/3552/index.html
My Email:fraserw@vianet.on.ca
City: Ontario Canada
Hi Kim & Willy ! Just had to see your page . Its real great!! . Dont forget to leave your URL when viewing other pages . This will leave a link back to yours and you will get more people viewing your page . Again GREAT JOB and dont be afraid to call me on
Powwow. "smiles" .. Donna & George.
The Beast - 01/31/98 05:26:58
My URL:http://www.coredcs.com/~ack1979
City: Wisconsin
Just check to see who signed my guest book. You were the very first to sign. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Found yours to be very nice also and loved the family pics, especially those of your darlin' daughters. Keep checking on mine.....plan on updat
ng every couple of weeks or so. We can maybe share helpfull hints w/ each other as we learn. Give me a page on one of my chats if you like. It's always the Beast. CYA.
Barbara Brown - 01/31/98 05:23:16
My Email:mabrown@msmisp.com
City: Ohio
Hi Willy & Kim - Talked with Kim the other night on PowWow and didn't know you had a home page. I really liked your karate video's..I don't think I've seen actual action before, it was great...it's nice to put a face with a person you've talked with befor
and your daughters are beautiful little girls... hope you had a chance to check out my daughters homepage with the memorial to my youngest daughter. Catch you later and keep up the nice work on your home page Willy, it looks great...