Aaron - 05/19/00 14:06:32 My Email:abator@lucent.com Salt on your margarita?: kosher | Comments: Yeah! I got to the guestbook. I guess my connection at work is flakier than my connection at home. Too bad I work for a communications company! Congratulations on the pool. Hope you can avoid seasick guests in the future. |
Debbie - 05/13/00 13:11:35 Salt on your margarita?: of course | Comments: Hey Aaron -- this is working. You must have hit Yahoo on a bad day. The Mai Tais are flowing! |
craig - 08/09/99 04:09:06 My Email:ckpools Salt on your margarita?: yes | Comments: |
Carrie Pavlik - 08/05/99 20:04:06 Salt on your margarita?: never | Comments: Nice work on the page :-) I especially like the pictures of all the kids! You must have so much fun working on it. Thomas and Kelly liked seeing themselves on the computer too. See ya later! |
Carrie Pavlik - 08/05/99 20:02:44 | Comments: |
PATTI GIBBONS - 07/24/99 22:40:20 My Email:pggibbons@msn.com Salt on your margarita?: of course | Comments: You did a really good job Debbie, I really enjoyed the page..hug's and kiss's to all..... Love, Patti..... |
lloyd watts - 01/09/99 21:58:08 My Email:faith@banff.net | Comments: |
Carrie and Tom - 12/31/98 00:07:43 My Email:pggibbons@msn.com Salt on your margarita?: salt, no triple sec | Comments: Debbie, you've done a great job on this. Now that you have a scanner we should be seeing some new pictures. We are really looking forward to coming out in July!!! Tom says no Triple Sec in his margarita's. Bye |
Carrie - 12/25/98 05:46:38 My Email:riverratzz@juno.com Salt on your margarita?: None for me | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Debbie - 09/17/98 22:32:53 My Email:DSchombert@aol.com Salt on your margarita?: lightly | Comments: Looks good Deb - finally printed out the Italian Wedding Soup recipe!! |
Lori - 08/21/98 23:21:54 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/4011 My Email:labator@jps.net Salt on your margarita?: Just a little, thank you. | Comments: Let's party! Where's the music? Got any salsa and chips? Great site and cute idea for the guestbook ;-) |
Carrie - 07/20/98 23:56:09 My Email:riverratzz@juno.com Salt on your margarita?: you bet | Comments: This is the last time I can check out your web site. We are leaving for home tomorrow. I thought you did a great job on your home page. I'm still waiting for my Mai Tai recipe :-) Talk to you later. |
Mom - 07/17/98 11:34:30 | Comments: Lookin Good! |
Debbie - 07/17/98 03:47:15 My Email:DSchombert@aol.com Salt on your margarita?: of course | Comments: Love the recipes! Looks good Deb, maybe you should do mine........... :-) |
Carrie - 07/16/98 21:59:13 My Email:riverratzz@juno.com Salt on your margarita?: yep | Comments: Hi Deb: Just checked out your updated page. I really like the recipe exchange. I'll dig some up to send you too. I keep getting on your homepage as long as I'm in Texas (next Tuesday). Talk to you later. Love, Carrie |
Carrie - 07/13/98 23:45:44 My Email:riverratzz@juno.com Salt on your margarita?: of course | Comments: Wow, this is really cool. You did a really nice job on it Debbie. Hi to everyone and let the margarita's flow!!! :-) |
Debbie - 02/09/98 19:50:29 My Email:dapavlik@cwamos.com Salt on your margarita?: yes | Comments: sign in and I'll send you my killer Mai Tai recipe. |