Welcome. Read on to see who's joined our virtual party.

Aaron - 05/19/00 14:06:32
My Email:abator@lucent.com
Salt on your margarita?: kosher
Yeah! I got to the guestbook. I guess my connection at work is flakier than my connection at home. Too bad I work for a communications company! Congratulations on the pool. Hope you can avoid seasick guests in the future.

Debbie - 05/13/00 13:11:35
Salt on your margarita?: of course
Hey Aaron -- this is working. You must have hit Yahoo on a bad day. The Mai Tais are flowing!

craig - 08/09/99 04:09:06
My Email:ckpools
Salt on your margarita?: yes

Carrie Pavlik - 08/05/99 20:04:06
Salt on your margarita?: never
Nice work on the page :-) I especially like the pictures of all the kids! You must have so much fun working on it. Thomas and Kelly liked seeing themselves on the computer too. See ya later!

Carrie Pavlik - 08/05/99 20:02:44

PATTI GIBBONS - 07/24/99 22:40:20
My Email:pggibbons@msn.com
Salt on your margarita?: of course
You did a really good job Debbie, I really enjoyed the page..hug's and kiss's to all..... Love, Patti.....

lloyd watts - 01/09/99 21:58:08
My Email:faith@banff.net

Carrie and Tom - 12/31/98 00:07:43
My Email:pggibbons@msn.com
Salt on your margarita?: salt, no triple sec
Debbie, you've done a great job on this. Now that you have a scanner we should be seeing some new pictures. We are really looking forward to coming out in July!!! Tom says no Triple Sec in his margarita's. Bye

Carrie - 12/25/98 05:46:38
My Email:riverratzz@juno.com
Salt on your margarita?: None for me

10/02/98 11:20:36
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Debbie - 09/17/98 22:32:53
My Email:DSchombert@aol.com
Salt on your margarita?: lightly
Looks good Deb - finally printed out the Italian Wedding Soup recipe!!

Lori - 08/21/98 23:21:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/4011
My Email:labator@jps.net
Salt on your margarita?: Just a little, thank you.
Let's party! Where's the music? Got any salsa and chips? Great site and cute idea for the guestbook ;-)

Carrie - 07/20/98 23:56:09
My Email:riverratzz@juno.com
Salt on your margarita?: you bet
This is the last time I can check out your web site. We are leaving for home tomorrow. I thought you did a great job on your home page. I'm still waiting for my Mai Tai recipe :-) Talk to you later.

Mom - 07/17/98 11:34:30
Lookin Good!

Debbie - 07/17/98 03:47:15
My Email:DSchombert@aol.com
Salt on your margarita?: of course
Love the recipes! Looks good Deb, maybe you should do mine........... :-)

Carrie - 07/16/98 21:59:13
My Email:riverratzz@juno.com
Salt on your margarita?: yep
Hi Deb: Just checked out your updated page. I really like the recipe exchange. I'll dig some up to send you too. I keep getting on your homepage as long as I'm in Texas (next Tuesday). Talk to you later. Love, Carrie

Carrie - 07/13/98 23:45:44
My Email:riverratzz@juno.com
Salt on your margarita?: of course
Wow, this is really cool. You did a really nice job on it Debbie. Hi to everyone and let the margarita's flow!!! :-)

Debbie - 02/09/98 19:50:29
My Email:dapavlik@cwamos.com
Salt on your margarita?: yes
sign in and I'll send you my killer Mai Tai recipe.

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