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We are proud to announce our association with Amazon.com, the Internet's largest bookstore. With access to more than 2.5 million titles in their online catalog, Amazon.com Books is the definitive source for books on virtually every subject. Our bookstore features books written and published by Christian Authors and Publishers. Through our specialized catalog, you can buy any of the books listed here.
On the following pages, you will see that there are no prices listed with each book. Amazon.com sets the prices, and can vary at times due to publishers discounts and promotions. When you click on the book link, it will take you to Amazon.com's book page, where you will find prices, descriptions and commentaries to the some of the books listed here, and shipping information.
We also offer a search engine link to Amazon.com's site, so that you will be able to search for other books, and musical CD's.
You may notice that there might be more than one listing for a book. This is because of style (paperback or hardcover), publishing date, or color of cover (mainly Bibles).
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