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From time to time, we will post a question asked to our site, and the response that we have given for the question. We are limited on time, so only not all questions will be posted here.

You may want to try our Message Board instead to get a question answered.

Question:Why do you think that Jesus is the Son Of God?

Question:Our God is an all knowing Divine God. If He knows all, He must have known that Eve would have eaten the fruit from the tree of good and evil. He must have known, even as he was creating Adam and Eve, that they would eventually disobey Him. Why? Why would he create beings that would separate themselves from him?

Question:Can Satan hear us when we say things like "Sometimes I wish I were dead!" or when we say something like "Nobody loves me, I am such a dit, etc."?

Question:Is Simon the Leper (sp) the same Simon as in Simon the Pharisee? And can you give me Biblical references to prove or disprove our question?

Question:Is there a particular verse that states how you will know if you have the Holy Spirit or the proof there of?

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