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UPDATE: I am in the process of a total redesign of this site. I am currently updating all the links and adding new sites to the Bible listings. Please check back soon for the new site! Thanks, Rick. (May 21, 2006).
UPDATE: It has been 3 years (Nov. 1998) since I have updated this website. I had forgotten the password for editing, and recently tried to log in. Most of the links on this website may be broken. I may, in the near future, try to restart this site. Please be patient. God bless your visit here, Rick (a.k.a. The Christian Center).
There has been some html mistakes, and probably most pages will not be able to be viewed using 4.X. We are in the process of fixing the html coding. If you want to know when the fixes have been made, please join out mailing list, as updates will be sent out as soon as possible.
Thank you,
The Christian Center
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