Chris's corner of the Web

My husband is Chris von Seebach. With two partners he owns a Machine Tool Distributorship called C&S Machine Tool Systems, Inc. (See link below). They have been doing this for about 8 years now.

Chris is a German Naitional but has made his home in the United States since he was 12 years old. His sister still lives in Germany but his brother lives in the US.

His interests, other than work, include spending time with our twenty seven (oh, are there really only 4?) adorable children and his sweet wife. We like to go to the lake in our fishing boat (although I don't think we have ever actually caught anything). The big kids help Chris in the garden and on projects around the house.

Music for this page is Handel's Trumpet Concerto in G.

Links to other sites on the Web

C&S Machine Tool Systems Homepage

Maybe I can get Chris to do some work on this page (if I ever let him get to his computer) and it will be more interesting next time.

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