Hello friends and neighbors. We thought a family web page seemed like a good way for people to keep up with us or get to know us better. I was elected to create and maintain it so, like many other things in my life, the more kids I have the less time I have to keep up with it.
Here is a little bit of biographical information:
You may have already guessed that I am mom to 2 boys and a 2 girls. I enjoy my work immensely and can think of no other profession where I would be called upon to use so many of my skills. In my former life I was a teacher at a private school for children with learning disabilities and behavior disorders. I taught Junior
High School age students and mostly Mathmatics. I enjoyed my work there very much and I am still very close to a couple of my students who are all grown up now.
I come from a family of five; two brothers and two sisters (one deceased). My sister, Beth, and I are extremely close and always have been. We are named for two of the characters in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. Beth lives in Idaho with her husband and 5
children. My oldest Brother and his wife and son live in Georgia. My younger (though older than me, I am the baby) brother lives near Lexington, Kentucky with his wife and 2 children.
My sweet husband Chris and I have been married for 11 years.
Last year was full of changes
for our family. Just after we lost Chris' parents we found out that we were expecting our fourth baby. The house we were living in was bursting at the seams with three children so we immediately began searching for a slightly larger home in the same area. We eneded up moving just a mile down the road to our current location. The house is great with plenty of room and is on a quiet cul de sac with a flat driveway so that the kids can play safely.
Sophia arrived 10 days past her due date. She was born at home (just like her sister) with the help of a wonderful midwife. My sister was here for the event.
I appreciate you visiting our pages and taking the time to find out more about us.
The music on this page is Beethoven's Fur Elise.
Come again. I will be updating this page regularly.
© 1997 Amye von Seebach