Some Of My Favorite Sites
What better way to spend the day
then surfing onto some of my favorite
sites. These sites either have made
me laugh or made me cry and so
I would like to share them with you.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Happy Surfing!

Carol Mickelson Memorial-An emotional and touching site.
Ladi Di's hangout-This is a one stop shop for e-cards
Sesame Street-A fun place for Pre-schoolers, as well as parents.
Today's Parent-A canadian parent website
Parents Place-A great place to chat, as well as oodles of B Boards
Pooh Corner-A place to go when you feel like a kid again
Down homer Site-A maritime traditions Site
The Wanderer-When ever I'm feeling Nostalgic I go here.
Canadian Parents Online-a place for parents to meet and exchange ideas.
Screenit Entertainment-a place to find out about videos and movies.
AFRO-Americ@-Fun and Games site for kids of all ages.
Oprah-What's on Oprah this week?
Susie's place-Check this out, a must see.
Sydnie's Memorial-A mothers tribute to her daughter.

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