Coonie's Corner

Nice of you to stop in and see me. Purrrrrrr!
I'm the other baby in the family, I have lived
with this family since I was 8 weeks old,
I'm now 15 years old. I'm a friendly female feline,
half of me is Persian and the other half is Maine Coon.

I mostly enjoy catnapping,
and you can find me doing this on Taylor's
dolls bunk bed. I like the bottom bunk, or else you will
find me all curled up in front
of the fire place on the Alpaca rug.

When ever I'm really happy I sometimes relapse
back into my kitten hood and
I suck on fleece shirts and make bread (Kneading).

Life is pretty easy around here for me,
Everyone says I'm spoiled but I call it being LOVED.

Taylor drew this using a mouse on the school computer in 1st grade.

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When will the

Cruelty STOP?