Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Miller Chapel A.M.E. Church was the dream of Presiding Elder and Mrs. Roy L. Miller for a number of years. With the support of Bishop J. Haskell Mayo (Ret.), the North District, the Chicago Conference, Greater Institutional A.M.E. Church, the dream became a reality on Mother's Day in 1991. For nearly two years, worship services were held in the second floor loft of the Riegel Mini-Farm Barn in University Park, Illinois. On the 28th day of March in 1993, our congregation, led by our first pastor, Rev. Phillip Ware, moved into its present location a completely rehabilitated edifice which had been abandoned for several years and had previously housed a night club.
History always reveals a timeless truth about faith in God and the faithfulness of God. God can use the faith of a few people to bring blessings to many. The renovation of an old run down building speaks of the complete transformation that God is able to perform in the life of each individual who will completely trust Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Equipping, Encouraging and Empowering God's People is one of the founding principles of Miller Chapel. More to us than a mere slogan it reflects a commitment to a whole person ministry. We are convinced of the timeless relevance of the Christian witness for every spiritual, emotional, physical and social challenge.
From June of 1997 to November of 1998, Reverend Charles E. Smoot served as pastor of our church. Rev. Smoot was committed to the same ideals and principles that created Miller Chapel. A commitment to address the needs of the people, whatever they are.
Now, the Rev. Samuel Jenkis is charged with leading our flock, and is picking up the mantle and running with it. Rev. Jenkins is a dynamic pastor with the right type of energy to lead Miller Chapel into the 21st Century.
We invite you to fellowship with us at any of our listed programs. If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the church office. With Christ as our guide, there is no problem that He cannot handle.
As a young church, we are excited about this new area of our ministry. We understand that the Internet is a valuable tool that can be used for the building of God's kingdom here on earth. We invite you to check back with these pages often. As Miller Chapel grows, so will this page. In the meantime, please feel free to visit the links below. And please feel free to e-mail us at any time.
Always in His Service,
The Miller Chapel Church Family