Hello welcome to my guestbook, so be nice and sign it, ok???

rodrigo - 10/28/00 06:15:52
My Email:sagas@ositemail.com.br
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: ilhas gregas
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: entre saturno e urano
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 20,Man
How did you find this homepage of mine???: you invite me.

vc é demais,espero conversar logo com vc,beijos

Victor - 07/10/00 08:42:24
My Email:raimundo@freenet.de
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Alemanha
Are you an earthling?: Nao
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: Entre Mars e Venus
If you're human state your age and gender...: 30 masculino
How did you find this homepage of mine???: Quem procura acha :-)

Para bens para a sua homepage, está divertida! Continua, tá! Victor

Bete Thess - 06/01/00 03:04:01
My Email:ethess@terra.com.br
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Petrópolis
Are you an earthling?: Think so!
If you're human state your age and gender...: u know
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 36
How did you find this homepage of mine???: u told me!

I found more than I expected!

Luiza - 04/21/00 23:12:35
My URL:http://don't have one.com
My Email:LuluRibas@hotmail.com
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Miami
Are you an earthling?: Nope
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: Mars
If you're human state your age and gender...: 15,female
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 145 years old
How did you find this homepage of mine???: you gave me the adress

Estou morrendo de saudades de voce, e toda a familia , Beijos Lu

João Paulo Losada - 04/19/00 03:59:12
My URL:http://go.to/globalclub
My Email:djlosada@hotmail.com
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Another Planet
Are you an earthling?: What?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: Heart :-)
If you're human state your age and gender...: 26, Male

You Are Beautiful!! NO!! You are Wonderful!! You are my lover!!! My ICQ: 17057142

dirk - 02/15/00 21:55:27
My Email:dila@nikoma.de
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: deep out of yer mind
Are you an earthling?: sweet,cute and innocent one!
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: close yer eyes...huuhuu just on the other side of the street
If you're human state your age and gender...: 22,75 and stupid as ever
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: ...
How did you find this homepage of mine???: inner voice woke me up and guided me

happy valentine !

Brian Nugent - 01/18/00 03:31:42
My URL:http://brianhere.tripod.com
My Email:bnugent@tinet.ie
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: if you went with the other planet idea you wouldn't be far wrong!!lol.
Are you an earthling?: I am if its a good thing?...lol
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: id say Venus but i dont want you to think im vain!!lol
If you're human state your age and gender...: male and 30....which scares you the most?...lol..
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: again?please dont make me do this....can i be 21 for this box please please please?..:-)
How did you find this homepage of mine???: i was looking up profiles on yahoo..

You have a beautifull homepage!!!!

Julio Regis Jannuzzi Motta - 12/02/99 04:20:53
My URL:http://www.julioregis.homepage.com
My Email:julioregis@yahoo.com
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Another planet
Are you an earthling?: No.
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: Nearby Mars
If you're human state your age and gender...: 31 - Male
How did you find this homepage of mine???: Yahoo! Profiles.

Very cool site. Congratulations. But, just one question: Why this site is in english? . Ué ? Ué ? Nóis é du Brasirr !!!!

Rafael Henrique - 12/01/99 14:45:55
My Email:rafael_cps@yahoo.com.br
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Tita
Are you an earthling?: Mais ou menos
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: de uma das Luas de Saturno !
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 19
How did you find this homepage of mine???: Yahoo Profiles !

Bem legalzinha a pagina.....simples e bonita..nada de fundos altamente coloridos, hehehehe !

Luciano - 11/24/99 07:04:37
My URL:http://www.I_dont_have_one.com/
My Email:secret@unknown.net
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Earth
Are you an earthling?: What ??
If you're human state your age and gender...: 26, Male
How did you find this homepage of mine???: Yahoo Messenger search

I just found your picture at Yahoo Messenger... You look very pretty :)

Vik((termina)tor) - 11/21/99 21:54:13
My URL:http://www.nexus.hu/vikterminator
My Email:viktor@noosphere.de
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: I ain't calling I'm signing!
Are you an earthling?: Yes yes, that's for sure..
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: I said yes, but if I weren't I'd surely be from the smallest moon of Jupiter.
If you're human state your age and gender...: If I'm a human I'm 21 and mamamamale, if not, I'm 3424 but still a male
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: Again? 3425.. 3426.. I feel like getting old..
How did you find this homepage of mine???: I found it on the so-called "Internet".

If you were a male you would be quite ugly. But you're not, so not even all the compliments in this Universe are enough for your beauty! And the overall impression of your page is (for me):

Cybermix - 07/25/99 23:05:30
My URL:http://utenti.tripod.it/Cybermix3/
My Email:Cybermix@libero.it
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Italy
Are you an earthling?: yes
If you're human state your age and gender...: Age??? Gender???? its a mistery
How did you find this homepage of mine???: not bad.... compliments!!

sorry but i don't speak english very well.... but i like your homepage.. and i like Brasil hehehehehehe and the woman of brasil... it's all a litle kiss for you by Cybermix italy

Cybermix - 07/25/99 23:00:12
My URL:http://utenti.tripod.it/Cybermix3/
My Email:Cybermix@libero.it
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Italy
Are you an earthling?: yes
If you're human state your age and gender...: Age??? Gender????


Jeronimo - 07/09/99 20:24:35
My Email:nettis@compuand.com.br
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: on the earth....
Are you an earthling?: Brazil
If you're human state your age and gender...: 25 years old, Male
How did you find this homepage of mine???: ICQ

Você é uma gracinha......

Man Kit - 03/26/99 12:58:52
My Email:mk@dcg.nl
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Holland,Earth
Are you an earthling?: yep, i think so...
If you're human state your age and gender...: 19, malo
How did you find this homepage of mine???: i got it from you a while ago (i don´t think you remembered it)

I´ve chatted with you a while ago When i chatted with you, you were in Rotterdam but now your back in Brasil. (Wow, what a memory!) I got my own email now at my work (but i still go to school), that´s why i´m looking for mates on the internet.I like to chat with you some time aight? mazzels Man Kit (PS when are we going to Nighttown lol)

- 02/11/99 08:22:52
My Email:nwoblackandwhiterule@yahoo.com
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: 24000.000 light years away
How did you find this homepage of mine???: from you so wake up lazy

still no photo's of you in a bikini marcela guess who

Eduardo - 02/11/99 04:31:02
My URL:http://www.vcélinda.com.br
My Email:du@kingenet.com.br
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: From the Future
Are you an earthling?: Yepe
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: from 5000 yr in the future
If you're human state your age and gender...: 19 in this planet, with no sex
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 130779
How did you find this homepage of mine???: you told me from ICQ

Hum... eu nao sei... Ah já te disseram que vc é linda??? Com certeza já né... entao o que posso te dizer??? Eu to apaixonado... vi suas fotos, vcé completa... e eu nao sei o seu jeito... espero que seja bem alegre e brincalhona... eu sempre falo contigo no icq... Meu Nick é Edu ou Du... Beijos Du.

Sharon Jacksack - 12/14/98 14:29:04
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/heartland/acres/3803/jacksack.htm
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Earth
Are you an earthling?: Oh yes, definately.
If you're human state your age and gender...: old enough to know better, and I am woman, hear me roar.
How did you find this homepage of mine???: Surfing

Hi there, just surfing the neighborhood, and thought I'd drop by and say hi. Cute page and your pictures are pretty funny.

Luiza priminha - 12/12/98 20:57:54
My Email:Luizaa@aol.com
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: mars
Are you an earthling?: no i onlt come herefor summer
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: mars
If you're human state your age and gender...: 13 i don't know what gender is
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 13
How did you find this homepage of mine???: my friend gave it to me

I love it good job

Christophe - 12/12/98 02:20:16
My Email:foxmanfox@hotmail.com
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: FRANCE Paris
Are you an earthling?: yup i think
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: xxxxx
If you're human state your age and gender...: 21 MALE
How did you find this homepage of mine???: ICQ

You are cool.....

eleanor shaw - 10/11/98 16:40:08
My Email:bennett_39@hotmail.com
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: rotterdam
Are you an earthling?: no no no no !!!
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: MARS!!!!!
If you're human state your age and gender...: fem 16
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 16 - I just told you!
How did you find this homepage of mine???: i know you (unfortunately!)

Ha Ha you never thought i'd be on-line. well i've found you! I didn't actually look round yet as I'm waiting for all the pictures to actually appear! anyway, byeeee

10/02/98 11:19:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Busy Bee - 09/28/98 22:53:07
My URL:http://bzbee.cjb.net
My Email:b_z_bee@yahoo.com
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Mars
Are you an earthling?: nope, Martian
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: c above
If you're human state your age and gender...: ?!?
Just in case you're not human, just state your age...: 15
How did you find this homepage of mine???: our hi-tech radar tracking system

Kewl site for an earthling

Caroline Famaey - 09/27/98 18:34:37
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/sky57404
My Email:caroline.famaey@skynet.be
Where are you calling from??? Is that on Earth or another planet???: Belgium
If not ...where are you from? Constelation/Galaxy/Planet?: Earth
If you're human state your age and gender...: 17 years, female
How did you find this homepage of mine???: bye a friend of mine

Very nice homepage, and keep up the good work BTW if you have time pleace visit my homepage and sign my guestbook bye and take care

dodger - 09/20/98 19:53:42
My URL:http://www.enemy.org
My Email:kendor@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: austria
Age and gender(if any)?: 17, m, hopefully
Are you an earthling?: no, email if you wanna know more
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: astralplane
Why is the sky blue?: the sky isn't blue, its 10 pm.... its dark, with stars.... what a question !!!!!
Do you agree with BLAH???: absolutly

my gratulations. the layout is great. take care.

Harj - 09/15/98 23:53:25
Where on earth are you calling from?: England, UK
Age and gender(if any)?: male
Are you an earthling?: yup
Do you agree with BLAH???: yup

You got one hell of a cool page here

DiLa - 09/07/98 21:32:13
My URL:http://www.hier-ist.de/metreta
My Email:di.lange@im-inter.net
Where on earth are you calling from?: your heart
Age and gender(if any)?: 21,... u know the rest
Are you an earthling?: u tell me
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: ....
Why is the sky blue?: u made it so....
Do you agree with BLAH???: ...only when its dark

...hi cutie,... someone is missing you on this world ,... guess who that is...

henry - 09/04/98 17:13:04
My Email:compton CA


none - 08/31/98 19:37:37
My URL:http://beastiegirls.com
My Email:nor15@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: pluto
Age and gender(if any)?: alien
Are you an earthling?: no
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: planet
Why is the sky blue?: because the sakai always go to the sky
Do you agree with BLAH???: yes


Robin Alderliesten - 08/27/98 19:45:25
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/8115/
My Email:robinad@kabelfoon.nl
Where on earth are you calling from?: Holland
Age and gender(if any)?: 18/male
Are you an earthling?: Nope
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: I am from Lupus! Many lightyears away from earth. The 6th Quadrant, 5th dimension.
Why is the sky blue?: Otherwise grass would be blue, and I don't like the idea of that!!
Do you agree with BLAH???: I most certainly do NOT!!!

Always look at the bright side of things... when you are struck by a thunderstorm, just think that there is more rain missing you than falling upon you... it helps me getting over some emotional breakdowns!

JAMES - 08/19/98 17:15:26
My Email:nor15@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: MALYSIA
Age and gender(if any)?: Male
Are you an earthling?: NO
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: PLUTO
Why is the sky blue?: cause the sakai always go to the moon
Do you agree with BLAH???: YES because BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH


Nick Hensel - 08/14/98 22:07:07
My Email:nhensel_99@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: indiana
Age and gender(if any)?: male
Are you an earthling?: yes
Why is the sky blue?: it is a reflected fragment of light off the ozone layer wich makes the sky appear blue.
Do you agree with BLAH???: yes


Fire4Fun - 08/13/98 21:11:19
My Email:les_timmermans@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Alberta Canada
Age and gender(if any)?: 17 male
Are you an earthling?: ummm yeah presumably so
Why is the sky blue?: ummm because ozone is a light blue coloured gas compound...
Do you agree with BLAH???: i dont know

Timmermans...thats dutch right? see you on pow wow ok?

Chris - 08/12/98 14:40:18
My Email:cvdkooij@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: HOLLAND
Age and gender(if any)?: 16 MALE
Are you an earthling?: YES
Why is the sky blue?: BECAUSE IT IS
Do you agree with BLAH???: SURE


Cynthia M. Yarde-Kiernan - 08/09/98 17:56:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/2150
My Email:equinox@bit-net.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: New Hampshire
Age and gender(if any)?: 26/female
Are you an earthling?: That has not been proven
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: Geoplanet
Why is the sky blue?: To match my eyes
Do you agree with BLAH???: of course

Nice site. Please feel free to visit mine : )

- 08/05/98 20:26:55


sweetguy - 08/05/98 19:57:58
My URL:http://sweetguy.iscool.net
My Email:sweetguy1982@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: lake havasu, az
Age and gender(if any)?: 15/m
Are you an earthling?: i refuse to answer
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: i refuse to answer
Why is the sky blue?: eek, snon blee roo zob!
Do you agree with BLAH???: never have, never will



- 08/05/98 15:59:58

Click here for the persons web page down below

Dustin Shay Burson - 08/05/98 15:56:49
My URL:/Hollywood/Theater/8462/
My Email:dustin_burson@geocities.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Newton, ks
Age and gender(if any)?: 14 male
Are you an earthling?: we,si, yes
Why is the sky blue?: The gasses in the air diffusing the light
Do you agree with BLAH???: Si, we, yes

Nice page, I think mine is allitle better. goto my page here

Clark Finley - 08/03/98 18:19:09
My Email:Charmer_16@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Mississippi
Age and gender(if any)?: 16 male
Are you an earthling?: yeah I think
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: I have a little plutonian in me
Why is the sky blue?: God made it that way
Do you agree with BLAH???: kind of

uhhhhh I really don't know what to say But Hey!!!!!!!!!! See Ya!!

DiLa - 08/03/98 12:15:51
My URL:http://hier-ist.de/metreta
My Email:di.lange@im-inter.net
Where on earth are you calling from?: from the edge of my guitar
Age and gender(if any)?: 21/m
Are you an earthling?: well this mornin under the shower = yeash
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: out of yer dreams
Why is the sky blue?: cuz of the great Tequila!!!
Do you agree with BLAH???: i LUV it !!!!!!

well.........hmmmmmm...........as always i know nuthin to say........ ts ts ts..............*lol*

edgebaby - 08/02/98 22:44:31
My Email:edgebaby@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: not on earth
Age and gender(if any)?: 17/m
Are you an earthling?: ppl think so!!
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: cant say(secret)
Why is the sky blue?: if i told u that id have to tell u the meaning of life as well
Do you agree with BLAH???: of course who doesnt

hey if ur on powwow page me im trying to find out if ur cute but cant find ur pic page....argggg... anyways my addy on powwow is morbmike@usa.net and my name is ^mike~edge baby~ see ya babe...now bak to finding ur pic!!!!

zach - 07/29/98 15:00:58
My URL:http://u got it
My Email:Zach_83@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Kansas
Age and gender(if any)?: 14/m
Are you an earthling?: no i am from MARS
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: ^^^^^answer is^^^^^^
Why is the sky blue?: because we peeps in mars piss blue
Do you agree with BLAH???: i don't know

Hey i think you need a LED sign made for free by me icq 9769512 or yahoo pager Zach_98_2002

smartass_12 - 07/25/98 12:36:30
My Email:smartass_12@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: KC Mo, USA
Age and gender(if any)?: 15/m
Are you an earthling?: no
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: pluto
Why is the sky blue?: its the oposite of hell
Do you agree with BLAH???: yes


Tim Lammens - 07/25/98 00:18:49
My URL:http://home.planetinternet.be/~tlammens
My Email:tlammens@yahoo.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Tienen
Age and gender(if any)?: male male and again male
Are you an earthling?: I think so although...
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: That is my secret...
Why is the sky blue?: Why is heaven beautiful and does hell sucks
Do you agree with BLAH???: huh?

nice nice and again nice!

Jamie - 07/21/98 19:13:31
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/barnard/353/index.html
My Email:temple20@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Canada
Age and gender(if any)?: 17/M
Are you an earthling?: It depends
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: can't say.
Why is the sky blue?: You tell me..
Do you agree with BLAH???: sometimes

Hey great page. A leat there's this page that's worth surfing in to.

!^*~Funky~*^! - 07/18/98 01:14:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/Funky7
My Email:da_funk_@hotmail.com
Age and gender(if any)?: 13 female
Are you an earthling?: nope
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: saturn
Why is the sky blue?: it is?
Do you agree with BLAH???: what is it

hello please sign my book too

fab1978 - 07/08/98 10:17:34
My URL:http://hier-ist.de/metreta
My Email:fab1978@yahoo.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Schleswig-Holstein
Age and gender(if any)?: 20 male
Are you an earthling?: I am quite sure that I am
Why is the sky blue?: Because god copied my eyes my friend
Do you agree with BLAH???: whatever you want me to

Well! The Netherlands are out of the World Cup Final Match that is quite sad ORANJE

Sir Dunn - 07/07/98 22:44:16
My URL:http://members.aol.com/MrDunn18/lionden.html
My Email:MrDunn18@aol.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Michigan
Gender: Male
Are you an earthling?: yup yup
Why is the sky blue?: refraction of light by moisture in the air
Do you agree with BLAH???: I'm uncertain as of yet, but blah certainly doesn't agree with me

Neat page, I like the rotating cube applet.

Jigsaw Joey - 07/07/98 22:33:58
My URL:http://www.connecti.com/~jigsaw
My Email:jigsaw@connecti.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: San Antonio, TX
Gender: 18
Are you an earthling?: I'm your worst nightmare on a corndog stick.
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: I'm not quite sure.
Why is the sky blue?: I made it that way.
Do you agree with BLAH???: Blah is cool.

Nice page--you should check mine out sometime. Java is cool, but overloading it isn't! Laugh.

Todd (sap__) on IRC - 07/06/98 15:57:15
My Email:mike@softfarm.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Illinois
Gender: Male
Are you an earthling?: test comes up positive
Why is the sky blue?: the atmosphere absorbs colors, green , yellow, and red leaving blue only to be reflected
Do you agree with BLAH???: who does'nt ?

I like your pics Cela, if you ever want to chat, I'm either on mIRC or PowWow. My name there is sap__ ( thats two underscores). I'm 18/m, see you around.

SvEn - 07/04/98 14:56:45
My URL:http://www.globoshop.com/sven/
My Email:sven_@lycosmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Germany
Gender: Havent checked lately
Are you an earthling?: Are the guys from hell earthlings?
Why is the sky blue?: I've no clue...
Do you agree with BLAH???: Sure

Hi! Nice page, I like the applets and stuff :)

Brian - 07/02/98 22:06:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/hp24
My Email:milenko@altavista.net
Where on earth are you calling from?: my room
Gender: male
Are you an earthling?: no
Why is the sky blue?: because that's the only crayon he could find when it came time to make the sky
Do you agree with BLAH???: well i am for both sides of it

hey marcela your pretty hot i like ur pics but i gotta go so bye :)

surreal - 06/30/98 00:20:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/Z8CCbe/
My Email:houseofcerial@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: My reality
Gender: male
Are you an earthling?: If I wish
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: The realms of Surreal
Why is the sky blue?: Because I wish it to be
Do you agree with BLAH???: No, it should be Humph!!

Cool page, I like the 3d text

hans (jojo) - 06/28/98 12:09:17
My URL:http://leden.tref.nl/vbraun/
My Email:johannes@psynet.net
Where on earth are you calling from?: Leiden, Holland
Are you an earthling?: yep
Why is the sky blue?: is it ?
Do you agree with BLAH???: sure

it takes a lot of guts to cut off so much hair... you sure look like a though girl now ! doeii !! stay cool & cu around JoJo :-P

oi - 06/15/98 22:59:45
My URL:http://www.oi.com
My Email:oi@oi.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: oi
Gender: oi
Are you an earthling?: oi
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: oi
Why is the sky blue?: oi
Do you agree with BLAH???: oi


Diogo Kühner - 06/15/98 22:33:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/6200
My Email:Why do u wanna know???
Where on earth are you calling from?: my house (Holland)
Gender: macho
Are you an earthling?: naturally
Why is the sky blue?: Ask somebody else...
Do you agree with BLAH???: nope, it's sucks...


Dhaen Chrsitoffel - 06/15/98 18:59:27
My Email:amano@mail.dma.be
Where on earth are you calling from?: Belgium
Are you an earthling?: Nope
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: No home, just passing through...(traveller)
Why is the sky blue?: If it was black, we woulnd't see shit..
Do you agree with BLAH???: BLAH..hehehe

You're site is improving..keep up the good work..

Lucienne - 06/15/98 15:49:12
My Email:lu98@uol.com.br
Where on earth are you calling from?: Brazil!!!!!


Rolph - 06/13/98 22:58:21
My URL:http://home.wxs.nl/~melle019/
My Email:nl0rom@wxs.nl
Where on earth are you calling from?: Nieuwegein
Gender: Male
Are you an earthling?: No a B@l geh@kt
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: The B@l geh@kt planet
Why is the sky blue?: It's NOT blue,it's green
Do you agree with BLAH???: Yap

Hi New guestbook?

Pedro Ribas - 06/13/98 22:18:06
My Email:pedro_r_f@yahoo.com
Gender: male
Are you an earthling?: no i'm a E.T.!!!
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: the sex galaxy!
Why is the sky blue?: couse it's what me dad chose ( my dad is who created earth!!)

Hello sister!!!!! so it's a nice home page u have!! cool! try to put some more pics in it!!!!

Don AKA The Snoopster - 06/13/98 07:34:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/2650/
My Email:jolley@eastcoast.co.za
Where on earth are you calling from?: Durban, S.A.
Gender: none
Are you an earthling?: nope
If not,where are you from? Galaxy/planet?: don't know
Why is the sky blue?: It's a pretty colour! better than pink. although pink sunsets are cool
Do you agree with BLAH???: Blah, Blahhhh Blaaaah

I sign your last guest book and then you lose it. What you trying to say? Looking forward to seeing the rest of your pages when they up. keep up the good work! And all you other things out there visit me web page. Thanks have a goody

Vovo Paulo - 06/12/98 21:41:16
My URL:http://www.pribasf.@trip.com.br
My Email:pribasf@trip.com.br
Where on earth are you calling from?: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gender: male
Are you an earthling?: I suppose so!!
Why is the sky blue?: It mould be nice if it be red.
Do you agree with BLAH???: no.


Abdu - 06/12/98 13:08:40
My Email:abdu2@hotmail.com
Where on earth are you calling from?: Belgium
Gender: Male
Are you an earthling?: yes
Why is the sky blue?: BecauseI made it that way
Do you agree with BLAH???: NO

Marcela U're a Pretty nice Person !!! ABDU

"Celinha" - 06/12/98 12:30:47
My Email:not needed
Gender: female
Are you an earthling?: Yes and no
If not where is your galaxy/planet?: Galaxy Alpha Beta Gama, planet Ñ
Why is the sky blue?: cuyz it's a nice colour
Do you Drink water?: Yeah i kinda do

well not much fun in saying hello to myself

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