Well, you know when you're just too lazy to keep checking back on a site that you bookmarked but you wanna know when it's been updated? When you're on my mailing list, you'll automatically get my once-in-a-while newsletter telling you all about the new stuff on my site and what else is to come. There's also a special section dealing with the breeding program, which tells you of who's the new guy/girl who joined, when so-and-so got babies and so on and so forth. This is especially helpful if you're on the breeding program but since if you're a breeder you're automatically on the list, you don't need to use the form up there ^_-
Note:Only breeders will be invited personally by me to join the list. Others need to use the form thingy up there.
I did it again. Guess what? Being the evergoing me, I signed up for *another* free e-mail service ^_^; Why doncha check it out if you got the time? Maybe when I figure out how it works, I'll use it for Da List.
Note:(I'm doing a lot of this, aren't I?) Big, big apologies to my list members on not coughing up a newletter for some time. No, I haven't disappeared. It's just that school has this really great way of filling up my time until I can't concentrate on anything else. I'll try my best to get something out soon.