Star's Drawing Contest

Hello there! ^_^ Welcome to the Drawing Contest. Every month or so, I will put up a mystery animal here and if you want the real thing, just send me an e-mail with "Drawing Contest" in the subject line and the rest of the info I'll need:

Homepage address:
Address where adopted hamster is:
Comments(What do you think of this contest or my site in general):
Your guess(What do you think the animal is? ^_^):

Woohoo! Thanks Pet Kid! We now have a form to use! ^_^ It's near the bottom, just under the rules. For those whose browsers don't support forms, e-mail the info. Remember the put 'Drawing Contest' in the subject line!

There are a few simple rules to follow:

PS. By the way, it doesn't matter if you guess wrong. All that matters is that you send in a complete form and have adopted a hamster. Really.

Send the info here.

The fill-every-empty-space thingy called a form!



Homepage Address:

Address Where Your Adopted Hamster Is:

What is the Animal?

And for May:

Zip, nothing, nada until I fix my scanner up and scan in a new mystery animal =) Sorry about that.

And last month's winner is... Pet Kid! Congratz!

The shadow stays for a little while for all you other people to stare at while I do the things I mentioned above ^_^; And also for the winner to take home if she pleases. Anyone else needs to ask permission.

Wondering what the animal is? Wonder no longer! ^_^

I present:

The totally cool and weird horse-cat-giraffe mystery animal! ^_^