Let me start by entering the Obit for my very loved and favorite Grandmother MINNIE L. SEEBER.


Rochester, April 5, 1958

Mrs Minnie L. Seeber, 85, widow of Albert E. Seeber, native of Pamelia and long time resident of Brownville, dies here yesterday. She lived at 133 Linden street here.

The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 4:30 at the Corbett funeral Homes inc. 109 West Avenue. The body will be taken to the Brownville cemetery for burial Monday noon.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs James (Ruth) Burnham, Mrs. Lenus (Muriel) Barrett, Rochester; Mrs. Orville (Belle) Zillmer, Albuquerque, NM. Four Sons, Earl A., Wilbert H. and Wendall A,. twins; and J. Allen Carr Seeber; 19 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Seeber was born in the town of Pamelia in 1873 daughter of Asa and Lydia White Ostrander. She spent her early life and was educated in the Brownville area. She was married to Albert Seeber about 65 years ago. The couple lived in Rochester for years when Mr Seeber was employed here. They returned to Brownville and Mr Seeber died there in 1939. Mrs Seeber had made her home her for some time since the death of her husband.

My notes to add to this…….Minnie died of a cerebral stroke. She had come to visit us at our home in Pittsford NY when she was stricken. She was hospitalized and then moved to my Uncle Earl's home where his wife Lillian ran a nursing home.

Minnie ran a boarding house in Rochester during my growing up years. I remember with a lot of fondness the time that I spent with my grandmother. She was a large woman with an outspoken manner. She had no trouble telling you what she thought whether you asked her or not.

She also was a very warm and loving woman. I loved going to her house and looked forward to the times my parents went away and left us with her. She was also a very good cook.

I remember her death and miss her still.

The above obit also says Albert died in 1939 and my records show he died in 1938.


Funeral Wednesday from home in Brownville


Native of Town of Brownville.

Moved to Rochester in 1906

and returned to Brownville Last April---

He had heart ailment for some time.

Albert Edward Seeber, 68, of Brownville died at noon Sunday in the House of Good Samaritan where he had been a patient since Friday. Death was caused by a heart attack following an injury Friday evening at the Perch River community hall.

Mr. Seeber fractured his kneecap when he stumbled over a chair and struck the cement floor. He was removed to the hospital after the accident. He was attended at Brownville after the accident by Dr. J. O. Fox and at the hospital by Dr. H. N. Cooper. Mr Seeber had been suffering from a heart ailment for some time.

He was born in the town of Brownville, April 30, 1870, a son of Edward and Mary Morgan Seeber. He lived in that vicinity until 1906 when he moved to Rochester. He resided there until last April when he returned to Brownville. While in Rochester he served for 30 yrs as manager of a Hart chain store.

He married Miss Minnie Ostrander on Sept. 28, 1892.

Surviving besides his wife are three daughters. Mrs. Orville (Belle) Zillmer of Albuquerque, NM; Mrs James (Ruth) Burnham, Mrs. Lenus (Muriel) Barrett, Rochester; three sons Earl A. Wendell W. and Wilbert H. Seeber all of Rochester: 4 sisters Mrs Susie Chapman of Brownville, Mrs May Kentfield of Rochester, Mrs Anna Gruneisen of Pittsford and Mrs Carrie Calkins of Daytona Beach Fla. and 5 grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon a 2 from the home and at 2:30 from the Brownville Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Herbert Harridan, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be made in Brownville.

Next lets go to Mrs DeElton V. Seeber

There are 2 obits for Mrs D.V.


(Special to the Times)

Cape Vincent, Sept. 23-Mrs. Minnie Justine Cheeseman Seeber, 64, wife of DeAlton(sp) V. Seeber, cashier at the Citizens National bank, died at her home here shortly before noon today. She had been ill for some time.

Mrs Seeber was born in Mannsville Dec 25, 1866, a daughter of Rev, Anson and Mary Stowell Cheeseman. She received her education at Ives Seminary, Antwerp, where Mr. Seeber was also a student.

She was married to Mr. Seeber Sept. 25,1889, at Brookfield, NY while her father was pastor of the Methodist church there.

She moved to Cape Vincent with her husband several years ago, and has been active in civic and church affairs. She was a member of the Cape Vincent Methodist church and was at one time matron of the Order of Eastern Star. At the time of her death she was a trustee of the Eastern Star here.

Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Mrs Alice Seeber Winn, Boston, Mass.; one sister, Mrs W. Deakin, Plainfield, N.J.; two grandchildren, Lea and Frances Winn, Boston, Mass.

Next one


Funeral services for Mrs. D. V. Seeber, 72 who died at her home in Gunns Corners at 1:30 last Saturday morning, were held from the family home Monday afternoon at 1:30. Burial was made in the Depauville Cemetery.

For many years Mr. And Mrs Seeber resided in this village where Mr. Seeber was in business and later cashier of the Citizens Bank of Cape Vincent. Upon Mr. Seeber's retirement as cashier of the bank, he and Mrs. Seeber took up their residence on their farm at Gunns Corners, where they had since resided.


DeElton V. Seeber, 74, Limerick, R. D., residing on a farm near Gunns Corners, was discharged last Wednesday morning from the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, and was taken by airplane to Boston Mass., to enter a sanatorium at Braintree, suburb of Boston, for treatment.

Mr. Seeber, former cashier of the Citizens Bank of Cape Vincent. Was admitted to the Watertown hospital for treatment February 22 and underwent an operation in the pelvic region March 9. His daughter Mrs. Robert Winn, of Woolaston, Mass., another suburb of Boston, was in Watertown while he was in the hospital.

Upon his discharge from the hospital, he wa removed by ambullance to the Watertown airport. There he and his daughter, Mrs. Winn, boarded a plane piloted by Russ Walling and were flown to Syracuse. At Syracuse they boarded a liner of of the American Air Line bound for Boston.

Mr Seeber, whose condition was reported as improved, was able to sit up in a chair in the plane.


(Special to the Times.)

Clayton, Dec. 24----

Sylvenus H. Seeber, 80, died at his home in the town of Clayton about four miles from this village Thursday evening. Mr. Seeber had lived in the town of Clayton all his life. For many years he was a cheesemaker. He worked in various cheese factories in this section. About four years ago he retired from active business. He was born in the town of Clayton on Dec. 20, 1852, the son of the late Jacob and Esther Pettit Seeber. He attended the schools in this section.

He is survived by his widow of this village and one daughter, Mrs Sude Holliday of this village.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 from his home in the town of Clayton. The Depauville Masonic lodge No. 688 had charge. Interment was made in Depauville.




Retired Farmer and Veteran of The Civil War Active in Church and Fraternal Orders


Dexter, April 8---Franklin d. Seeber aged 82 years and three months, for the past 30 years a resident of this village, veteran of the Civil War, former justice of the peace, and one of the best known farmers of this section, died at his home here this morning at 11. Death was due to a general breakdown. Mr Seeber had been seriously ill only about two weeks.

The funeral will be held from his late home at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon and from the Methodist Episcopal church here at 2, Rev. Robert E. Wright, pastor of the church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Dexter cemetery.

Mr. Seeber suffered severe injuries last summer, when he was throw from a load of hay upon which he was standing when the horse started up suddenly. He was incapacitated for some time by this injury, but recovered later.

He was born in the town of Brownville, three miles from the village in 1839, the son of Henry W. and Susan Overacker Seeber. His parents moved to Brownville in 1825 from Herkimer county, making the trip by ox team. Mr. Seeber was the youngest of 14 children, having eight brothers and five sisters, none of whom are now living. He lived on the home farm during his boyhood and young manhood, later moving to Dexter, where he had since resided.

Mr Seeber married three times. His first wife was Emogene Jones of Dexter, whom he married in 1862 while still living at Brownville. After her death he married Miss Alzina Alpaugh of Henderson and following her death he married Miss Allie W. Bowman. He had no children by any of his marriages.

For 20 years Mr. Seeber was justice of the peace, holding this office both while he lived at Brownville and after he moved to Dexter. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and was for many years superintendent of the local Methodist Sunday school. Sunday school work was his hobby, and in his younger days he spent much time in organizing and carrying on these schools.

When the Civil War broke out, Mr. Seeber enlisted, serving with Company 10, Tenth New York Heavy Artillery. He was a member of the Tenth New York Heavy Artillery association and often attended the reunions of the organization. He was also a member of ??????(rest is cut off.)

Mr. Seeber took an active part in the fraternal life of this village an of Brownville. He was the second oldest member, in point of length of membership, of the Brownville Lodge, F & A. M. and was a charter member of Dexter Lodge, I.O.O. F. He received a 25 year button in this lodge when they were presented at a recent meeting. He was also a member of the Dexter Grange.

Besides his widow, the only near relative surviving is Mrs Charles Zimmerman, of Brownville, a great niece, who was brought up in Mr. Seeber's household from infancy. About 30 nephews and nieces also survive, residing in all parts of the United States.


Seeber---At Brownville, July 16, 1877, Henry W. Seeber, aged 81 years.

Funeral at M. E. church, Brownville, July 18, 1877 at 1 o'clock.

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