.....................Our Clark Family Genealogy
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Our CLARK Family History

Our eldest known and documented CLARK ancestor is Charles Edgar CLARK, II. He was born February 14, 1825 in Pennsylvania and died January 26, 1884 in Henderson County, Reed Community, Rozetta Township, Illinois. He is buried in the Oquawka Cemetery, Henderson County, Oquawka, Illinois.

He married Mariah 'Maria' Cox Clark Mariah 'Maria' COX, January 06, 1862 in Washington County, Washington, Iowa. Mariah is the daughter of Zachariah & Maria (DECKER/DICKER) COX, Jr . She was born June 15, 1843 in Buffalo Twp, Washington County, Pennsylvania and died July 08, 1919 in Warren County, Kirkwood, Illinois. She was buried July 10, 1919 in Oquawka Cemetery, Henderson Cty, Oquawka, Illinois beside her husband. Mariah's Obituary.

Charles was a blacksmith and a cooper according to census records. He is listed in the 1856-57 Keokuk, Iowa, city directory as: Clark Charles, cooper. Intrestingly enough, his name is listed on the same page as Samuel L. Clemens (i.e. Mark Twain) and his brother, Orin Clemons.

Charles is the son of Charles Edgar CLARK, I. Family stories say he married a woman named Mary, who was from New York. This has not been confirmed.

Charles Edgar CLARK, I is reported to have immigrated from Scotland at the age of 15 due to the church wars in England. This would have been about 179 . It is further reported that he later became an Episcopal minister, however, research conducted through the Episcopal Church Center, 800 2nd Avenue, NY 10017, failed to confirm this fact and it is doubtful that he was a minister. He may have been a deacon or some other church official, as only records of ministers are maintained.

In the Clark family bible it is mentioned that Charles E. Clark lived first in South Carolina and subsequently in Philadelphia, PA before emigrating to Iowa. This fact cannot be confirmed, however, the 1840 Census lists a Charles Clark living in South Carolina and, the 1850 census lista a Charles E. Clark in Philadelphia. This point will continue to be researched. The 1880 Census of Charles E. Clark, II lists the birthplace of is father as South Carolina, so some confusion also exists on this point as well.

Charles, II and Mariah's thirteen children:

Charles Edgar Clark, III Charles Edgar CLARK, III; b. June 30, 1863 in Illinois; d. June 2, 1910 in Mercer Co, Keithsburg, Illinois. Burial: June 1910, Greenmound Cemetery, Mercer Co, Keithsburg, Illinois. Occupation: Drayline Business (may have run soorghum mill). He m. Grace Alice PENCE October 5, 1892; d/o George Alexander PENCE & Selnira Jane DAVIS.

Laura Maria Clark Watson Laura Maria CLARK; b. April 14, 1865; d. March 22, 1935; m. Levi WATSON April 3, 1884.

Amanda Jane CLARK; b. June 3, 1866 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois; d. April 10, 1868 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois. Burial: April 12, 1868, Oqauwka Cemetery, Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois.

Minerva M. Clark Logan Minerva M. CLARK; b. January 27, 1868; d. May 12 1919; m. John James LOGAN March 31, 1887.

Mary Ella CLARK; b. July 20, 1869 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois; d. October 13, 1884 in Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois. Burial: October 15, 1884, Oqauwka Cemetery, Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois.

Nanny Elizabeth Clark Bigger Nanny Elizabeth CLARK; b. May 26, 1871; m. William BIGGER August 3, 1887.

Ethel May Clark Forgey Ethel May CLARK; b. September 29, 1872 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois; d. November 12, 1957 in Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois. Burial: November 14, 1957, Oquawka Cemetery, Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois. Occupation: Housewife; m. George Frances FORGEY March 4, 1890.

Carrie Frances CLARK; b. February 23, 1875 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois; d. March 23, 1875 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois. Burial: March 25, 1875, Oquawka Cemetery, Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois.

Flora Emelia Clark Delebar Flora Emelia CLARK; b. February 5, 1876; d. June 17, 1955;m. Eddy Boyd DELABAR November 9, 1892. Occupation: House Wife.

Lou Clark Louis Lee 'Lou' CLARK; b. October 31, 1877; d. August 2, 1955; m. Flora HUTCHINSON August 6, 1902; d/o Mr. B. HUTCHINSON.

Will Clark James William 'Will' CLARK; b. August 6, 1879 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois; d. February 7, 1961 in Warren Co, Monmouth, Illinois. Burial: February 9, 1961, Oquawka Cemetery, Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois; m. Kathryn (Last Name Unknown).

Margaret Angela CLARK; b. June 1, 1881. Burial: September 9 1882, Oquawka Cemetery, Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois.

Jessie Bell Clark Firoved Jessie Bell CLARK; b. August 24, 1882 in Henderson Co, Reed Community, Rozetta Twp, Illinois; d. May 14, 1950 in Warren Co, Monmouth, Illinois. Burial: Warren Memorial Park, Warren Co, Monmouth Twp, Illinois; m. Roy Calvin FIROVED December 10, 1907 in Warren Co, Monmouth, Illinois. Occupation: Housewife.

Research was conducted and prepared by Carl L. Whitney, Mr. Firoved, Elizabeth A. Clark, Jo Ann T. Wright, Richard A. Pence, Richard Nash, Cheryl (Gustafson) Banks, Laura Nelle (Poland) Mallett, Mark Hotle, Ruth H. Crowe, & Barbara Frisby. Thank You All!

For further Research Visit:

Henderson County, Illinois--County history, surnames, biographies, cemeteries, obits, marriages, etc.

Mercer County, Illinois---Mercer County history, surnames, biographies, cemeteries, obits, photos, etc.

Mercer County, Illinois Resources---Resources

Guernsey County, Iowa---Guernsey County history, surnames, biographies, cemeteries, marriages, etc.

Coshocton County, Ohio---"The Virtual Genealogy Library for Coshocton Co, Ohio"

Our HOME PAGE for more genelogical links & resources, which maybe helpful in your research.

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Our Ancestoral Photo Gallery

(Click on thumbnail to view photo at normal size
or visit
Ancesteral Photo Gallery I, Ancesteral Photo Gallery II,
Ancesteral Photo Gallery III)

Maria (Cox) Clark
& her children
c. 1910

Charles Edgar Clark, III
c. 1863 -1910
Cecil William Louis Clark,
Charles Ernest Clark, &
Edgar Earl Clark,
sons of Charles E. & Alice
L. (Agy) Clark, III
c. abt. 1903


5 Generations of
Poland's, I
c. 1956

5 Generations of
Poland's, II
c. 1973
George Washington Pence
at 90+ yrs. with his
Civil War uniform on
c. 1835 - 1933


George Washington Pence
& his 2nd Wife
Rachel Jane Helton
c. abt. 1845 - abt. 1915

Mary Spencer Davis
(Wife of Samuel Pence)
c. 1807 - abt. 1877
Levina Goble
(d/o David & Lydia
(Pence) Goble)
c. abt. 1837 - ??


Charles Ernest Clark
in WWI Uniform
c. 1897 - 1960

Edward Poland
& Lucinda Fullerton's
Wedding Photo
c. bef. 1895
Pearl Estaline Clark
& sister Helen Grace Clark
c. 1905


Lucinda Fullerton Poland,
Sadie Thirtyacre Poland,
Nina B. Williams Poland, &
Rebecca J. Poland Beamer
c. abt. 1920



If you have any connections with any of these families please contact Elizabeth A. Clark . If you find any incorrect information, or have any comments contact Jo Ann Wright .

Last Revised: 11/26/99

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