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Happy Easter

From the Wright Family

Welcome to Jo's Homestead on the Web.

I hope you find this site helpful in someway. If you need any help just send me an e-mail at the link located above or at the bottom of this page.

ENJOY & have fun on the net! Thanks again for visiting!

J.T. Wright & Family


Outside my window,
a new day I see and only I can determine
what kind of day it will be.
It can be busy and sunny,
laughing and gay,
or boring and cold,
unhappy and grey.
My own state of mind is the determining key,
for I am only the person I let myself be.

I can be thoughtful and do all I can to help.
or be selfish and think just of myself.
I can enjoy what I do and make it seem fun,
or gripe and complain and make it hard on someone.

I can be patient with those who may not understand,
or belittle and hurt them as much as I can.

But I have faith in myself,
and believe what I say,
and I personally intend to make the best of each day!

~Author Unknown

Family News

4 APR 2000. HAPPY Birthday Megan.

8 APR 2000. HAPPY Birthday Keri.

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Our Family Genealogy Pages:

Visit Jo's Family Genealogy
Below are brief summaries of our main surnames we are currently researching.
To view full family information visit Jo's Family Genealogy above.

The FootSteps of Our Past

Abbott, Agy, Albertson, Alexander, Allen, Appeci, Arnold, Bachus, Balsamo, Banks, Banosci, Beamer, Beard, Berry, Bigger, Black, Blanco, Branson, Brown, Burdick, Burns, Butts, Callahan, Calvery, Cardott, Carlson, Carter, Cave, Chapman, Clark, Corbin, Coupe, Couzens, Cox, Crisman, Crose, D`Ambrosia, Daniels, Davis, Davison, De Cerce, Decker/Dicker, Deeds, Delabar, Dickie, Doak, Duncan, Entwhistle, Erdmann, Fagan, Fifield, Firoved, Forgey, Fort, Fortune, Ferguson, Freeman, Fry, Fullerton, Funkhouser, Galusha, Ganahl, Gardner, Geer, Gerber, Giffin, Gilchrist, Green, Griffith, Grubbs, Grimmer, Gustafson, Hacket, Hadley, Hales, Hallack, Hare, Hart, Haymaker, Hill, Hingre`, Horn, Hornish, Hotle, Husted, Huston, Hutchinson, Huyck, Jackson, Jansma, Jayne, Jones, Kinzer, Konopka, Kornitas, Kraszewski, Lane, Logan, Loucks, Lyman, Lyzenga, Mansfield, Mathews, Mc Corckle, Mc Guire, Mc Intyre, Mc Kee, Michaels, Miles, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Moynihan, Mueller,Nardelli, Nash, Newhouse, O'Brien, Olechnowicz, Otterbine, O'Neil, Owens, Palombi, Parker, Pelichiatti, Pence, Penn, Poland, Perrone, Phillips, Poetzch, Poland, Powers, Quisenberry, Rausch, Redman/Redmond, Reighard, Reiser, Riel, Riehl, Rexroat, Robbins, Rockwell, Rosakrans, Ross, Shasteen, Shockley, Signmaster, Sloan, Smith, Spitznogle, Springer, Stephens/Stevens, Strand, Strickland, Swartout, Swoffer, Taletsky, Tartza, Tatum, Telford, Temple, Thirtyacre, Tuscher,Tyszka, Vincent, Vinsenkay, Vockley, Walling, Weiss, Watson, Weatherholtz, Welburn, White, Williams, Willis, Willits,Wilson, Wing, Wingett, Wirt, Wolf, Wright, Yaworski, Youngblood

Brief Descriptions of Some of Our Ancestral Families

Geocities has been generous enough to allow me to house my genealogical information here, making it possible to share it with you, via the Internet. Geocities "Heartland Genealogy Society" is really big on genealogy and contains a lot of genealogical information. If you have the time and are interested in what surenames you may be able to find there, you should check it out.

"Jo's Family Genealogy" is just the starting point for, not just my family genealogy, but my Fiance`s also, which is HUGE! His family tree has recently reached almost 5,000 individuals alone (most of which we have located in the last several months & are direct "blood lines").

The Internet is becoming a major tool for Genealogists alike, but don't forget, most of the material found on the Internet is to be used only as a reference to help you "locate" your ancestors so that you will know where to start your reasearch. You should always double check any material you find and make sure that you document the "source," where applicable.

The AGY's, (John AGY, c early 1820's - bef. 1858; & Lydia GRIFFIN, c early 1820's -??), originated from Germany with John AGY being born between the years 1820 to 1830. The origins of Lydia is unknown at this time, but we have found referance to her birth being in Ohio between 1820 to 1825. John was found to have passed away in Illinois before the year 1858. The earliest location of this AGY family (thus far) have been found in Guernsey Co, Ohio, with the birth of their children Mathias, Bartholomus, Harrison, Jane, George Alexander, Arthur, & their youngest child Sarah was born in Illinois. Our line of descent is through George Alexander AGY & Ida Mae ALLEN's daughter Alice Lurena AGY & Marion Ray POLAND in Mercer Co, Illinois.

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The BACHUS's, (Maximillion "Max" & Helen BACHUS) originally came from Austria sometime after 1906. The BACHUS family, like the REISER's has been difficult to locate in America. We do know that this family was located in Chicago, Illinois and Richland Co, Mansfield, Ohio, but we have been unable to make any connections with other BACHUS families.

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The BENTZ's/PENCE's, (Johann Georg BENTZ ~ Anna Barbara BULLINGER) originally came from Iggelheim, Pfalz, Bayern, Germany in 1749 on the ship PHEONIX. Johann Georg's parents were Johannes & Susannah BENTZ. Their children (& descendants) in America are known as the PENCE's and their first given names, Johann (John), was dropped, thus going by their second given names, Ludwig (Louis), Jacob, Adam, and Heinrich (Henry). Their two sister's names are still unknown at this time. In America this family has been documented to have resided in the Shenandoah Valley, VA (known as the Hawksbill Pence's); Champaign Co, OH; Bartholomew Co, IN; Henderson Co, IL; KY & several other locations. Anna's parents are Jacob Bullinger & Anna Katherine WEBER [Anna's parents are Georg WEBER & Maria AITINGER]. Direct lines that were are researching through Heinrich are BENTZ, BLIMLY, BULLINGER, CLARK, DAVIS, & PENCE, thus far. Our line of descent is through Johann Heinrich BENTZ & Mary Magdalene BLIMLY [FLOWERS] (a translation of "blumlein" which is german for flower). All references to the above have been epicted from census/birth/marriage records, IGI records, Richard A. Pence's The History and German Origins of The Hawskbill Pences (he lists every source for his material), Richard Nash's Pence Line of Descent, & WFT Archives.

For further information on this BENTZ/PENCE line, you can also contact Richard A. PENCE or visit his webpages at . He has conducted research on this family for over 30 years and has found that there were several variations of BENTZ = Pence, Benz, Bentz, Pents, Pens, Brentz, Brintz, Printz, Prenntz, Prince, etc.

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The CLARK's, (Charles Edgar Clark, I ) originally come from Scotland. Charles was a young boy when he came to America with his parents. Carl WHITNEY of California states"Charles Edgar Clark I , is reported to have immigrated from Scotland at the age of 15 [abt. 1805] due to the church wars in England." He also states that "In the Clark family bible it is mentioned that Charles E. Clark lived first in South Carolina and subsequently in Philadelphia, PA before migrating to Iowa." The location of this bible has not been found. Charles was found to have been buried in the Oqwuaka Cemetery, Henderson Co, Oquawka, Illinois. Our line of descent is through his son Charles Edgar Clark, II & Maria(h) COX.

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The COX's, (Abraham COX) this particular COX Family started out in Montgomery Co, Maryland about 1751 with Abraham COX; our earliest known COX ancestor. He then moved onto Washington Co, (Buffalo Twsp) Pennsylvania prior to his death in 1817. Many of his children were born in Montgomery Co., Maryland and at the St. John's Parish in Prince Georges Co, Maryland. From here it seems that the family then branched out to several different locations such as Washington Co/ Keokuk Co, Iowa; Brilliant, Ohio; Wish Co, Pennsylvania; Warren Co/ Kirkwood/ Oquawka/ Monmouth/ and Carman, Illinois. Some of the Cox family members remained in the Washington Co, Pennsylvania area. Abraham's ancestory is believed to the have come from Scotland. Our line of descent is through Abraham's son Zachariah COX, Sr & Amelia [Emaline] FRY. We are also searching for the surname DECKER DECKER (DICKER) [Maria (DICKER) wife of Zacharia Sr's son Zachariah Jr].

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The FORTUNE's & REDMOND's, (Thomas W. FORTUNE, c 1879 to 1956 ~ Elizabeth M. REDMOND, c 1879 to 1951) we believe, came from County Wexford, Ireland. This has not been documented as of yet. Family stories say this line of FORTUNE's were of a prominent family originally coming from France and were given land in Ireland and relocated there years earlier. Thomas was known to have come from a family of landowners in Ireland, whereas, Elizabeth was known to have come from a poverished family in Ireland. In 1954 Thomas visited a sister that lived in Bunclody, Ireland, but we do not know her name. Thomas is the son of Moses FORTUNE & Margaret BURNS of Ireland. Elizabeth is the daughter of Lawrence Redmond & Mary O'Brien. Elizabeth's has been found to be born in County Carlow, Ireland. Our line of descent is through Thomas' daughter Margaret Ann FORTUNE & Leslie "Les" GRIMMER. Other surnames affiliated with this family that we are researching are CALLAHAN, DANIELS, GRIFFITH, HART, JAYNE, LOUCKS, LYNCH, MOYNIHAN, OLECHNOWICZ, PELLICHIATTI, ROCKWELL, ROSAKRANS, SPLAIN.

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The GRIMMER's, (Louis Herman GRIMMER, c 1866 to abt. 1918~Johannah M. POETZCH, c 1866 to 1920) originally came from Leipzig, Germany and settled in a town founded by German's called Manheim, located in Herkimer Co, NY sometime in the year of 1888 (that has been documented). This family has also been found in Syracuse, New York and in Norfolk, Virginia. Louis Herman is the son of August GRIMMER of Leipzig, Germany. Our line of descent is through L. Herman's son Alfred GRIMMER & Cora GALUSHA. Other surnames affiliated with this family that we are researching are CARLSON, GEER, LANE, MUELLER, REIL, RIEHL, STITCH.

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The KRASZEWSKI's (John KRASZEWSKI, c 1888 to 1977 & Michaline TYSZKA, c abt. 1890 to 1969) originally came from Poland and began their settlement to America in Long Island, then New Jersey abt. 1920 & then made their settlement on a farm located in Herkimer Co, Little Falls, New York, where the KRASZEWSKI family still resides to this day. John & Michaline originally went to Germany from Poland and then from Germany to America in order to escape the German war. They came through Ellis Island. "John Kraszewski, Sr. & Family" can be seen on the American Immigrants Wall of Honor at Ellis Island. Their children believe that their parents came from Warsaw, Poland. This has not been determined as of yet. John's parents are Jacob KRAZEWSKI (sig) & Anne PREDWECK. Other surnames affiliated with this family that we are researching are D'AMBROSIA, KELLY, KORNITASYAN/KORNITAS (Hungary), MATHEWS ( Russia), PERRONE (Italy), SADOWSKI, WRIGHT.

The WRIGHT's (John WRIGHT, c abt. 1880 to 1957/8 & Grace PARKER, c abt 1880 to abt. 1955/60). Not much has been discovered about my paternal ancestors. This line of Wright's has been very difficult to trace because of not knowing their exact location of birth, death, or marriages. I only know that John & Grace's son Glen WRIGHT, my grandfather, did reside in W. Herkimer, Herkimer Co, NY abt. 1940 and that he passed away in Rochester, NY, around the Fort Gibson area. Locating certificates is one of the most important steps in locating this family so I purchased a copy of Glen's social security application (since I did not know where he was born) only to discover I have the wrong Glen Wright. This Glen Wright listed his parents as Clesson William WRIGHT & Harriet Clarinda SINGLETON from Lockport, NY. This application was signed in 1937. This Glen was only 16 yrs old. My grandmother, Tessa K. KRASZEWSKI, married Glen WRIGHT when she was 16, but she was born in 1916 so I am definitely researching the wrong Glen WRIGHT because he gave his DOB as Sept. 28, 1920 which would have made it impossible. I then located Glenn WRIGHT who's DOB was 6/13/1913 and DOD was 8/21/1993.

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