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Listed with Heartland Select

Bryant Researchers
Craig Bryant bo@4u.net
Don Bryant bryant@iserv.net
Douglas Bryant doug@wdbryant.com
Eddie Bryant efbryant@luftex.com

Malloy/Molloy Researchers
Bill Pennington billpenn@swbell.net
David Malloy riddleofsteel@email.msn.com
Howard Grisso weather321@aol.com
Kevin Whitehead WhiteheadKL@yahoo.com
Lisa Dean ldean@gateway.net
Loretta Dean Weaver DREAM-WEAVER@prodigy.net
Mark Peterson sparkee16@uswest.net
Mary Ketcher mketcher@earthlink.net
Maureen Molloy Sharib tempuspub@cinci.rr.com
Maurice Musholt wmusholt@tampabay.rr.com
Patricia Dominguez pdominguez@hbu.edu
Regina Schultz regndug@webtv.net

Payne Researchers
Phyllis Scott pbscott@dmacc.cc.ia.us
Richard & Margaret Bromley rfbromley@msn.com
Ron Bryant bryant@qconline.com

Vantine Researchers
Al Myers aem@ezonline.com
Allan R. Mink ALBEV@aol.com
Carol Yocom cyocom@earthlink.net
Charlene carefree@nb.net
David Kipp Conover dave@conovergenealy.com
Jeanie Libby geniejeanie@tea-house.com
Jerry Doherty jerdoh@radiks.net
Kim Hillman saddlesrus@xroadstx.com
Linda Gammack gammack@cadvision.com
Linda Mockenhaupt ronm@westol.com
Lori Knapp MEWK32A@prodigy.com
Sharon Van Tyne svantyne@mail.airmail.net
Sherry Holthe sherdh@yahoo.com
Vicki Kyniston vicki@ccountry.net
Willard Smith willardsmith@geocities.com

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