This page was going to be about Dragons, hence the name Draaken. [ which is Dutch for Dragon ] But after looking at some of the GREAT Dragon pages out there, I think I'll pass. Let's just enjoy the ones already there. I put two links on this page to get you started.
Are you interested in e-commerce, would you like a way to make some money on the Internet? If so this is what you've been looking for " Greenwood Health Systems "...
Most folks don't want to think about cancer, heart disease or their health in general - until it's too late.
Greenwood Health now has Digestive Enzymes available called BioPhotyForte, check them out HERE
By the way, the time is:
If your using Netscape.
Internet Explorer doesn't support the U.S. NAVY'S Nuclear clock yet. Any ideas?
Some thoughts to ponder [ and maybe even live by ]
Friends Count Time is Important Are's and Ought-to-be's Nothing Stays the Same Things Happen If it Feels Right then Do It, If it Doesn't then Don't Live Life Today and Laugh Often Because Getting There isn't as Important as Getting There
To understand these Few Things, is to understand the Butterfly
If you click on my Picture, or use the Links below. You will go to my other Web Site ( Much Larger Site )
The resolution set at 800X600,
the font set at 10 (fixed width). The colors set at 65,536 (256) or greater and a 56k modem. All on a Computer from Gateway with a 17 inch [ or bigger ] Monitor.
The Fine Print ( see "disclaimer" in the Dictionary ) This Site is environmentally friendly, MOST of the graphic's came from the Web. I have tried to give credit where appropriate. Feel free to use anything from this site, [ since it's low fat, no cholesterol and salt free ]. But please extend the same courtesy.