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of 1976 are responsible for advertisers on this web site.

Newark High School
Class of 1976
Classmates Page

This is the page to see where your classmates are
and what they have been up to for the last 20+ years. A special thanks to Barry Mancebo for his suggestion that I date the entries on this page so that everyone can know how current the info is.

Class Members

Date submitted: July 2001
Marrital status: Single. I have NOT found anyone who can put up with me!
Children: None that I know of. (yes, I know that is a bad joke).
Lives in: Newark, CA (no, I did NOT stray far from the nest!) 40 Years!
What I've Been Up To: Recently laid off from Cortext Mind Matters Education Seminars (in Palo Alto, CA). While I was there, they definitely took care of us (i.e. every two weeks, the company paid for us to have a massage... on company time)! Worked for several other companies over the years such as: Jinwoong, Inc. (they manufacture 80% of the tents used in this country). I (literally) had a job changing light bulbs for a living! I changed them in traffic signals! I would NOT have done that job if I had to climb a ladder. I drove a "bucket truck." That is like a pick up truck with a hydraulic lift in the back. I worked alone. The only part of the job I did NOT like was when I was in the air and the controls mal-functioned. I could NOT get down! That was alright since I was paid by the hour! I was stuck in the air one day, and, there was a police officer at the light (in his car). I yelled: hey, I am stuck up here! Can you help me get down? He said: sure. Just let me turn around. He drove off, and, NEVER came back! Is it my breath? I managed five McDonald's restaurants in this area when I was a kid (Age: 25)! I have been sales Manager for A.L.Williams during the eighties. I have also been a district manager for the Argus newspaper. In short my occupational career has been quite diversified! I imagine I do NOT need to mention the fact that during the time of the last reunion, I taught "Comedy Traffic School" for a living!
Graduate of USF (University of Southern Fremont, a.k.a. Ohlone College) in 1980. I have a highly specialized degree (Liberal Arts)! That will NOT even get me on the bus!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the twenty-five year reunion. It only seems as if we have been out of school for about ten years. YOU must be OLD! I am sure glad I am NOT!

Date submitted: March 2001
Occupation: Homemaker
Marital Status: Divorced
Lives in: Sonora, Ca.
Children: Two beautiful children Jessica 21, Alex 9.
What I've Been Up To: I've been a sign language interpreter for over 15 yrs. Lived in San Diego, Ca. for 8 years. Moved back to Newark, Now living in Sonora, Ca. Been going through some rough times with chemo. treatments, But still have a positive outlook on life! I'm enjoying my great kids and family and friends and life in general.

Date submitted: July 2001
Occupation: Regional Network Sales Engineer
Marital Status: Married - 20 years
Spouse/Partner's name: Cindy
Lives in: Newark
Children: Twin Girls - 17 - Sheena and Stephanie
What You've been up to: After Newark High I moved to Hayward/Union City for about 4 years while I went to Ohlone, Chabot and CSUH and worked for a title company as a statistical supervisor???????? Went to work at Pac Bell/AT in 1981, got married and bought our current house in Newark (was suppose to be temporary - ha ha). The twins arrived 2 months early in 1984. I then went on a 2 week business trip, 4 days after they were born (while they were in ICU/mothers day hit on the middle weekend) - still, rightfully, have not lived that trip down. In 1987 I left AT for First Interstate Bank (office was in the Fremont building with the helicopter on top) as an IT director. In 96 I became a member of the school district's technology committee. It has been fun to see the district evolve. Then I left the bank about a year after the Wells take over (1997) and came over to Lucent/Avaya. Finally completed my BS degree in business management THIS month - took about a class a year.
The last 25 years has been a blast. My career has allowed me to treat myself and family to some pretty cool travel destinations, often subsidized by corporate money. I have also become a baseball stadium fanatic, we've been to all but 5 stadiums, some that are gone too and all of the spring training facilities - I'm a little obsessed. Even check out some minor league ball too, went to a SJ Giant game with Bruce A. and "Wild" Bill Schord last spring. In addition, the family is hooked on collecting Hard Rock (been to 42) pins. I still play B-ball whenever I get the chance, golf, dive (warm water only), ski, backpack, etc. Still have hair and no gray to speak of - life is good.
I see many Newark grads around town (4 on my street alone) and at Newark Memorial events. I always thought that I would make the 25th reunion (have not made the others), but we will still be on vacation that weekend - hope everyone has a great time.

Date submitted: April 2000
email: (work)
Occupation: Staff Specialist-Business Writer
Marital Status: Single
Lives in: Fresno, CA (graduated from CSU Fresno in 1982)
Children: No children, but those of you who remember my big brother Zach: he has two sweet kids named Jake and Jessie, so I am their devoted aunt!
What I've been up to: I work for Key Writing Associates in Fresno. We help our clients prepare business plans, grant proposals and other business projects. I have been working there since March 1999 and really enjoy getting to use my writing and computer skills. Prior to that I worked in a church office for almost nine years.
Locally, I am very active at church singing in the choir, playing handbells, serving on worship committee, and working on special projects such as drama presentations and liturgical dance. I also perform from time to time with a local theater group called Good Company Players. Since 1984 I have been involved in over 20 productions. (This is the same theater company that produced three-time Tony winner Audra McDonald.) I also enjoy hiking, computers, and crafts. I am looking forward to getting reacquainted with Newark High friends at the next reunion. I enjoy receiving e-mail, so please feel free to contact me.

COLE, Perry
Date Submitted: July 2006
Occupation: Self employed, own a plumbing company
Marital Status: Married 27 years but 3 years so far this time :-)
Spouse/Partner's name: Lauren
Lives in: Yuba City
Children: We have 4 between us, 2 grown sons, ages 27 & 26 and 2 daughters 16 & 9. I also have 3 grandchildren.
What You've been up to: After high school, I joined the Army. Over the years I did various jobs such as making sugar for Holly Sugar in Tracy and I ran an adult movie theater! Most of the time I worked as a plumber. I now own my own business, P & L Plumbing. Life has been an adventure and one that I have enjoyed to the fullest. In 2001, I suffered 5 heart attacks, 3 strokes. I had 12 angioplasties, had 9 stents inserted and was surprised with an emergency triple bypass. That adventure brought my life into focus. I am now married to my soul mate. It took me 42 years to find her and I am sure we were together before in another life. My wife Lauren works for Butte County as a Senior Medical Records Tech. She works in Youth Services and loves her job. One of our sons is married to a wonderful woman and they have children ages 2, 5 & 6. Our other son is single and happy. Our girls keep us very busy. They are both straight A students and have busy lives. In my spare time, we head to the coast to relax and watch the sunset.

COSTA, Kathy Upshaw
Date Submitted: Mar 2005
Occupation: Homemaker--wife and home-school mom
Marital Status: Married (26 years)
Husband's name: James (Jim) Upshaw, Jr. (from Fort Worth, TX)
Lives in: Graham, TX
Children: Three--Billie Joy (23), Jesse (20), and Josiah (16)
What I've been up to: Became a Christian in April 1978 after stumbling around for years and years. Met and married Jim Upshaw at Green Valley Christian Church, San Jose, CA, June 1979. Moved to Fort Worth, TX (culture shock!) Jim has worked for Southwestern Bell for 26 years. I have been living my dream as homemaker/teacher . . . also became a certified aerobics instructor. Moved out to the "country" in 1997. We bought a fixer-upper house and are still in the process of re-doing it totally. FUN! Billie Joy is majoring in Communications at Dallas Baptist University, Jesse is studying Business Management at South Plains College in Levelland, and Josiah is in his junior year of correspondence high school. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, writing letters, needlework (especially quilting), gardening, baking, exercising, home improvement projects, and being available. My brother, Tom, now lives in Round Rock, TX (near Austin) and I'm enjoying being a grandmother-figure to his young girls. My dad still lives in San Jose, but come out to Texas twice a year to visit. All-in-all, life is delightful! God is good and His faithfulness is everlasting!

Date submitted:July 2000
Email: (in your subject line please add: Class-1976 so your email doesn't get missed)
Occupation: I am a Computer Programmer. I am working in Fremont, Not far from where I lived when I went to High School. I have working with Computer Since High School.
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner's name:Chris
Lives in: Livermore, CA
Children: I have a 15 year (in 2000) old Step Daughter, And a brand new Baby Girl (Born in April 2000!)
What I've been up to: I attended Ohlone, and Cal State Hayward. I enjoy Ballroom Dancing, I am very active in my church, and currently all my time is busy with my new Daughter.

DAVIS, Larry D.
Date submitted: July 2000
Occupation: Company Drone... It's been a Photographer, Color printer,Microfilm, Micro photography, Darkroom technician, Digital systems analyst and now Multimedia guru. Though haven't been at any company but one... Lockheed Martin (20+ years now).
Marital Status: divorced/single
Spouse/Partner's name: Judith Ford
Lives in: Fremont
Children: Brandon, Blake - Both teenagers
What I've been up to: : Have wanted to attend past reunions but, never knew about them until either the day of or well after... hoping to change that now.
College after HS, Wed around 22, started a family at 27, been single for 13+ years now. Since living near Newark for the duration, it's been interesting to see once familiar faces change and see their families grow. Being an avid photographer for the High School years, I have reviewed the photographs over the years for nostalgia and rather curious how some lives have turned out.

Date submitted: June 2001
email: (home) (work)
Occupation: Electrical Parts Engineer
Marital Status: Married, twenty (20) years May 2002
Spouse/Partner's name: Stacey Ann (Prazak), Mission San Jose High, 1976
Lives in: Milpitas CA
Children: Three (3), all boys, Tyler (11), and the twins, paternal, Christopher and Trevor (8), lucky for Stacey her sister has two girls, 14 and 11, and we get together often which helps lower the testosterone level at least momentarily, and she gets to do girl things.
What I've been up to: Went to Ohlone college in Fremont CA for 2.5 years (meet wife Stacey in an English class, sat behind her a couple seats, she had a halter top on the first day, turned out to be time well spent), went to San Jose State for 2.5 years and graduated in 81 with a BS in Electrical Engineering. Got a job at Lockheed (Martin), in Sunnyvale CA, where I wanted to work, and I'm still here, 20 years the end of August 2001. Have worked on missiles (Trident II), Space Station (Rotary Joint Motor Controller electronics), satellites (IRIDIUM-communication, IKONS-imaging, SBIRS-detection), and am back working on missiles again. We lived in Newark CA until 1990 when we moved to Milpitas CA. Had children, most enjoyable, for a man there is nothing like having boys, and twins has been very interesting (personality starts early). I play in a soccer league at work and enjoy coaching sons teams. Try to backpack as much as possible, play golf , and snow ski periodically (with Dan Wasco, his brother in-law, and Bill Schord, last two years for a couple days in February). I Think this page is a great idea and am glad to contribute.

FEATHERS, Jami Fitzpatrick
Date submitted: December 1999
Occupation: I am a Claims Adjuster handling Oregon/California Workers' Compensation Claims.
Marital Status: Divorced and single now
Lives in: I am currently living in Beaverton, OR.
Children: 2 kids - Kristen 14 1/2 and Alex (boy) 12
What I've been up to: I moved to Oregon in 1991 and got divorced in 1993. I bought a home in 1995 and I have been working as a Claims Adjuster handling Workers' Compensation Claims. Now, I am single and raising two great kids, one cat (the boss) and a new puppy (with a healthy set of teeth)! I really hope to make to our reunion in 2001!

FEE, Russell
Date Submitted: Jan 2004
Lives in: Poulsbo, WA

Date submitted: June 2001
Occupation: Senior Software Engineer
Marital Status: Married 14 years
Spouse/Partner?s name: Kathy
Lives in: Coral Springs, FL.
Children: Shannon 8yrs
What I've been up to: Graduated Ohlone 79, Went to work at HP, moved to Ft. Lauderdale in 1980, Moved to Tampa in 1985, Moved back to Ft. Lauderdale 1987 and got married. Graduated FAU 95. Currently working for Interlogix for about 5years. Recently returned from Belgium for work. Keeping busy raising our daughter. Took the family for a ski trip to Whistler, Canada in March, Kathy and Shannon took lessons, beautiful place and a lot of fun. Welcome back to the states Carl, Mike! Hobbies: camping, softball, fishing, boating.

FREEMAN, Lori (Judson)
Date Submitted: July 2006
Occupation: Reliability Planner for Analog Devices
Marital Status: Married 17 years been together for 21 years
Spouse/Partner's name: John Judson NHS 75
Lives in: Mountain House, Ca
Children: 2 sons and 1 step son. Chris 29, Keith 25 and John Jr 25
Grandchildren: 2. Owen 3, and Paige 1
What I've been up to: I've been working for Analog Devices for 23 years now, have managed to survive 2 lay off lists. I started dating John after I separated from my first husband and we've been together ever since. We raised all 3 boys together. Boy, was that a job. Now that they're grown and on their own, I enjoy getting away with John for long weekends. We travel to Oregon, as often as possible, to visit our grandchildren, son and daughter-in-law. We still keep in touch with several NHS 75 & 76 classmates. When I'm not taking off for a weekend, I love having friends and family over for BBQ parties.

FREITAS, Wendy Brandon
Date submitted: April 2005
webpage: none yet
Occupation: Administrative Assistant
Marital Status: Married 14 yrs
Spouse/Partner's name: Donald Brandon (NHS class of 72)
Lives in: Pinehurst, TX
Children: Amber 23, Jenafer 14 & Ivy 7
What I've been up to: Got the heck out of California. Sold our house in Hayward for $430 (50 years old and 1041 sq ft) and had one built for $121 (brand new and 1800 sq ft). Living a slow and simple life with kids going to great schools.

HALEY, Karen D.
Date submitted: July 2000
Occupation: Insurance Agent/Manager
Marital Status: Single
Lives in: Gig Harbor, Wa.
Children: Thomas, Jr. (My 21 yr. old nephew that I raised) and Venice (2 yr old male Pomeranian).
What I've been up to: Living life, working hard, traveling when I can. Worked in insurance for 24 years & am thinking about starting my own business (something more creative, just not sure what yet). I have a BA in business from University of Nevada. Still trying to write that first novel.

JAFFE, Eva duPont
Date submitted: March 2001
Occupation: Working for my fathers company located in Newark...inside sales and accounting and purchasing I am a crazy 178 miles a day
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner's name: Jim duPont who also attended Newark High...One year younger than us...been married 16 years...18 years altogether
Lives in: the Valley
Children: We have 4 beautiful from Jim's prior from my prior marriage and 2 from us...
What I've been up to: Will see you all at the Reunion

Date submitted: April 2001
Occupation: Teacher/Gymnastics Coach/Life hog
Marital status: Still single. Came close a couple of times, but escaped with my sanity intact! Still looking!
Location: I live in Grover Beach (Pismo Beach is actually in Grover), teach 5th grade in San Luis Obispo, and flip kids in Morro Bay three nights a week.
What I've been up to: I'm still working on the premise that playing is the most important thing in life and work is somewhere down the list a way. I went to school at Chabot and Cal Poly, then was lucky enough to land a job with the school district here and start my business. Living on the Central Coast is a little bit of heaven. Summer vacations often find me with my passport in hand standing in a foreign airport where I don't speak the language. I've crewed on a sailboat that went around the world, gotten my private pilot's license, taken up surfing and cross-country skiing, and been open for just about every adventure inbetween. I finally figured out that if I take classes while I travel, I can write it off on my taxes. So I've been to Spain the past two summers, and I plan to study in Buenos Aires this June and July. More recently, I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas surfing in Sayulita. Looking forward to catching-up with everyone this summer!

Date Submitted: August 2006 E-mail:

LOWE, Debbie Hart
Date submitted: June 2002
Occupation: I try to balance being a mother, a girl scout leader, church volunteer and school volunteer and an occuational therapist. I work for two companies part time in home health care.
Marital Status: Married for almost 13 years
Children: Laura 10, Sam 7
Location: We live in north Fremont. Occassionally, I see people who have attended Newark High School mostly Newark Memorial, but they are usually younger than me.
What I've Been Up To: After attending U.C. Berkeley for one year, I completed by B.S. degree in Occupational Therapy in 1981 from San Jose State Univ. After college, I moved down to So. Calif. and worked in several hospitals in the L.A. and Orange County area. I traded pins and sold yearbooks at the L.A. Olympics and even parked Jeff Goldblum's car ( he had a Honda Accord). I then moved back to the bay area. One year , I had 6 weeks of paid vacation so I went to Europe and did the youth hostel route and travelled from Amsterdam to Rome by myself. I like to travel. A few ago, I spent 2 weeks in Spain and London by myself. It was fun meeting people from all over the world. This year my husband and I took our 2 kids to London and rented an apartment there for one week. We've also travelled to Alaska, Florida, Mexico, Hawaii (all the islands besides Lanai) and a remote island Roratonga- a 25 mile island near Tahiti. God has continue to bless me well!
I had a great time at the reunion last year and look forward to other upcoming events.

Date submitted: May 2001, updated Mar 2006
Occupation: Stay-at-Home Dad, Contractor, Yard duty J
Marital Status: Single
Lives In: Pleasanton, CA
Children: Marissa Barri (9 in 2005), No pets
What I've Been Up To: Working in construction since H.S. Single dad raising my baby girl (the light of my life) since 1999. I coach my daughter’s softball team and do volunteer work at her school. I also work part time as a Noon Playground Supervisor (yard duty, can you believe it?). I go to the theater in S.F. and Pleasanton quite a bit and don’t get to water ski enough! Don’t have enough time to enjoy life like I should at this ripe old age, maybe next year!

Date submitted: May 2006
Marital Status: Married
Lives in: Ephrata Washington
Children: 3 kids Angela, Amanda & Clay 3 beautiful grand babies Hadley, Keegan & Liam

MARTIN, Carolyn Parkinson
Date submitted: August 2001
Occupation: Telecommunications Installer
Marital status: Married 20 yrs
Spouse: Paul Parkinson (Irvington / 75)
Lives in: Elizabeth, Colorado
Children: 2 girls
What I've been up to: I now live in Colorado with my husband of 20 years, Paul, and my two daughters, Mollie and Taylor. We migrated in 1995, after the new airport opened here in Denver and Paul was able to secure a transfer with his employer, United Airlines. We share about 3 1/2 acres with 3 horses, 2 dogs, 1 cat and a bunny. O.K., ANCIENT HISTORY time. After an incomplete run at college, I went to work as an installer for Western Electric. That's where I met my husband. I bounced around the Bell system for about 10 years before opting for an early retirement after Taylor was born. I spent the next 12 years developing my Interior Design business. It was great fun and a good flexible job while the kids were small, but a change in family dynamics made it necessary for me to "get a real job" about 4 years ago, and of course, I landed right back in communications. In fact, the very same Western Electric, now answering to Lucent Technologies. And yes, I'm a little nervous! But so far, I still have a job. I enjoy my work, especially the part where I get to wear jeans and tennis shoes! Dressing up occasionally is fun, but not as a steady diet. My life revolves around my kids, like most parents. Mollie will be 17 in Sept. and will be a senior in 2001-2002. She is a most interesting young woman. The face of an angel with a sharp and analytical mind. Don't enter the waters of politics, history or literature with my little girl unless you know what your talking about! She'll eat you alive! Then there's miss social butterfly, Taylor. Just 13, but already turning heads, to her fathers dismay! Compact and athletic, she's crazy for horses and plays catcher on her softball team. Paul is still with United, and after 14 years as a maintenance mechanic, fixing, recalibrating, modifying and band aiding everything from air conditioners to fire cannons, he's pretty darn handy to have around the house. Still pretty good scenery too! But the most recent history is the reunion. It was the best party I've been to in years, including my own! I really didn't want to go, and wouldn't have, if it hadn't been for my wonderful freinds,Melissa Foster, Patti Pomerlee, and Robin Chapman. They bribed me with a no husband, no kids weekend. Thanks guys. For some reason we think that time has stood still for our classmates, while it continues, unrelenting, for us. Guess what, we're all 25 years older! So if you didn't come because your 300 lbs or bald or have been married 13 times, we missed you, we love you, and we want to see you at the 30th. And Denise, you better email me girl!

Date submitted: January 2000
It is my wife's page but I am in it too.
Occupation: Warehouse supervisor for METATEC INC. Milpitas CA.
Marital Status: Married 17 years
Spouse/Partner's name: Dawna
Lives in: Niles Fremont CA.
Children: Alisha 12, AJ 9, Amanda 7, AnaMarie 4, Amber 2
What I've been up to: Did my 4 years in the USAF 76-80. After that just worked and played football,basketball, softball. Then got married, still did my sports. Then started our family. From then on we started homeschooling all the kids. They are a blessing to me and my wife. Now a race on my computer in NASCAR 99.

McGOWEN, Joy M. Aguiar
Date submitted: August 2000
Occupation: Accounting Manager
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: One son 21 What I've been up to: Still living in Newark. Bought my condo about six years ago. Nice little place behind Newark/Memorial.
Briefly married after high school. One son 21 living out on his own with a great job.
Favorite activities would be anything in the water. Love water skiing. Have done some snow skiing. Football season is getting started so my Sundays are usually in a sports bar watching the niners. It's going to be a dreary season but they're still my team. After working for various clients as an accountant/bookkeeper consultant for the past four years, decided to go back to work full-time for Yale Forklift as their Accounting Manager. Great job, 15 minute commute. Gotta love it. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the 25th reunion.

Date submitted: August 2001
Occupation: Programmer/Analyst - INTEGRIS Health (hospital system)
Marital Status: Married 16+ years (2nd time around is perfection !!!)
Spouse's name: Koni
Lives in: Blanchard, OK (30 miles south of Oklahoma City)
Children: I have two kids from my first marriage - Elizabeth (22) and Christopher (20)
What I've been up to: After graduation, I kept working for Thrifty Drugs in their management program while living in Fremont. Moved to Sacramento in the early 80s where I met my wife. In 1991, we decided it was time for change so I quit Thrifty and took a year off. During that year I went back to school at Sacramento City College. No degree, but learned medical transcription and found a job at a medical office in Sacramento. We sold our house in Sacramento and moved to Oklahoma City in the Fall of 1993. Lived in OKC for year and a half and hated it (not too pretty). We now live in the small town of Blanchard, population around 2500. It is definitely a slower lifestyle, which suits my wife and I perfectly. I started working for my current employer as a medical transcription supervisor in the medical records department, then made the switch to Information Technology in 1995 and have been doing that ever since. Much more enjoyable than working in retail. All in all, my life has turned out very well. I have a wife that I love, kids that I love, and a lifestyle that I love. What more can a person ask for?

MORRIS, Kathie Turgeon
Date submitted: March 2001
Occupation: Cosmetologist
Marital Status: Married for 20 wonderful years!
Spouse/Partner's Name: Ron Turgeon
Lives in: Sonora, Ca.
Children: 2 Great Girls Rachelle 12 yrs. Kara 10 yrs. And a great dog Sonny 3 yrs.
What I've Been Up To: I've been real busy with my own Hair Salon for the past 20 yrs. in Fremont, Ca. [Niles District] Country Cutters I just sold it in Oct.2000. We moved to Beautiful Sonora, Ca. Been here one year now and love it.Opening a new salon soon at our home on two acres of tall pines lot's of room for the kid's. It's a great place to raise kid's. Enjoying life more! [Less Stress] You only live once so enjoy life. I've been real fortunate in my life to have kept in contact with close friends from High School Liana Barlow, Melanie VanDeventer, Eva Jaffe,Rena Hurtado, Karen Hurtado, Denise Sloan, Kathy Bartle, Vickie Morris, Dorene Morris, Stan Morris for all of this I feel truly blessed!!!!

MORRIS, Richard W.
Date submitted: March 2001

Date submitted: August 2001
Occupation: police sergeant, Jackson California Police Department in Amador County
Lives in: Pioneer Calif.
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Melody White
Children: Shane, Kendra
What I've Been Up To: I married Melody White, in 1987. In June of 1990 we had our first child, Shane. In Nov. 1990 we left San Jose and moved to Jackson, after I was offered the job at the Jackson Police Department. We had our second child, Kendra in June of 1998. Over the last couple of years, I lost my mom and then my dad, and then my wife lost her dad too. But they are always with us! Life is good in the mountains. We have hot days in Summer and tons of snow at our home in the Winter, and we love the extremes!
My Jr. High and High School Sweat Heart, Nancy Carlyle, has married and has two beautiful children. Nancy's husband is a great guy. We all went out to dinner and to a show some years ago but it is hard to stay in touch being so far away from each other. I hope she finds the web page for an update too! Looking so forward to the 25th. reunion!
Good wishes to all!

Date submitted: October 2001
Occupation: Sergeant on the CHP
Marital Status: Single
Children: Two wonderful boys, Ryan (19), and Kyle (16)
What I've Been Up To: I have lived all over the state with my occupation and now reside in a small town near Merced CA, in the Central Valley. My oldest son, Ryan, is in the Army and currently stationed in Korea. My youngest son, Kyle, lives with me. I have been on the CHP for almost 18 years now, was a truck driver and musican before that. I still play music, but not as much as the early days. I enjoy scuba diving and snow skiing very much. I would like to thank all of you whom made our reunion a wonderful memory. I had a blast and was blessed with the presence of my dear bro Scott (is he a great guy or what?!) It was a terrific time and I am looking forward to the next one (hope I don't qualify for any of the "hair" awards!) I wish all of you the best.

MULLINS, Kathy Campbell
Date submitted: April 2000
Occupation: C/S Manager for Dr Pepper/7up - Livermore, CA
Marital Status: 20 years happily
Spouse/Partner's name: Lenny Campbell
Lives in: Manteca, CA -12 years
Children: 2 Girls - Jennifer 16 and Lacey 10
What I've been up to: Very busy working and keeping a happy home. My husband Lenny is a accomplished singer , songwriter and is currently managing my oldest daughter's singing carrier. You can view their web page at . Life is good and God has blessed us immensely.

NEWMAN, Linda Hubble
Date submitted: Feb 2006
Occupation: Homemaker
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner's name: Brian Hubble
Lives in: Eugene, OR
Children: John (27) and daughter-in-law Jessica, Jennifer (23) and son-in-Law Will, Jeanetta (21), Jeremy (19)
What I've been up to: I have attended both Ohlone College and University of Rhode Island, although I do not have a degree at this point. I spent 7 months in the US Army. I lived in New England (RI and MA) for 11 yrs, moved back to CA, and am now up in Oregon. I homeschooled my 4 children from 1985-2004, have done a little writting, and enjoy doing genealogy, scrapbooking and stamping. Also I have also participated in the local community Chorale and the local theater in Alturas, CA. And am now married to a wonderful man, Brian, who attended Irvington and Robertson High Schools in Fremont. As of April 2004 I am a grandmother to a beautiful little girl named Elizabeth, and in May of 2006 will have another grandchild. My youngest son has just joined the army and is currently doing basic training at Ft Benning. Georgia.

OLSON, Linda Gonzales
Date submitted: February 2006
Occupation: Legal Administrative Assistant
Marital Status: Married 24 years (this September)
Spouse's name: Mark Gonzales (NHS class of '73)
Lives in:
Children: Noelle (20 yrs.), Michael (17 yrs.)
What You've been up to: Hey everyone! I’m still an Administrative Assistant but I work for a Law Firm (hmmmm.... does that make me legal now?) Anyhow we live in Central CA (slowly working my way back up to No. California where everyone I know still lives).
My daughter, Noelle is 20 and will graduate from the University of Fresno this December. My son, Michael is 17 and will graduate from High School this June and start college in the fall. Mark still works at the Dept. of Defense building those F-18 jets (I guess until one crashes and they blame him he’ll still be there).
In my spare time (what’s that?) I am the creator and Site Administrator at a website for my favorite actor, Gerard Butler. It takes up a lot of my time but I thoroughly enjoy it. Other than that, not much has changed for me in the past 5 years. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again at our 30th Reunion. See ya all there!
Hugs, Linda

Date submitted: May 2001
Occupation: United States Marine
Marital Status: Divorced/Single
Lives in: San Diego, CA
Children: Paul (13)
What I've been up to: Marine Corps Life for the last 20+ years. Much traveling to all parts of this small world. Raising my son and coaching his sports teams. I have been living in San Diego for the last 2 years and I will be retiring from the Marine Corps at the end of this year and moving back towards Newark some where? Would like to hear from those who were my friends and even those who weren't. See you at the reunion!

PUGH, Michael D.
Date submitted: April 2001
Occupation: Property Management, Builder, English Teacher, can you believe English Teacher?
Marital Status: Married 13 years, I think
Spouse/Partner's name: Heloisa (Elo)
Lives in: We Live in Brazil near the city of Sao Paulo, population 18 million. In my city there is 1 million.
Children: I have two great kids Bianca 12 and Dylan Thomas 5
What I've been up to: Well I lived in Santa Cruz for about 16 years, sure miss that place a lot, got into surfing there and that's also where I met my wife. I started a small roofing company. We moved to Hawaii for a year after the big hurricane, (Iniki) to work and play, and wow! That place was great, Then I got island fever had to move back to SC. Then in 1994 we move to Brazil, where we currently reside. Here in Brazil I got into doing triathlons and became quite good. I also swim on a master team. Its ok here, the people are really nice, but I miss California my fiends and family. I plan to move back in 2001. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the 25-year class reunion. Please feel free to send me an e-mail

RADY, Kari
Date submitted: March 2001
Occupation: Managing Editor of The Moscow Tribune newspaper
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner's name: Arsen Arkadiyevich Melitonyan (yes, he's Russian)
Lives in: Moscow, Russia
Children: My husband has a 12-year-old girl and a 19-year-old son. That's enough for me.
What I've been up to: Too much to say. I sold everything I had and moved to Russia in 1993. Life hasn't always been easy, but it's never dull.

RADY, Tami Simpson
Date submitted: March 2001
Occupation: Self-employed Baker, The Sweet Life.
Marital Status: extremely happily married.
Spouse/Partner's name: Mike
Lives in: Livermore, CA
Children: 16 year-old daughter from previous marriage, 3 step sons: Jimmy (27), Timmy (23), Mikey (39).
What I've been up to: Went to Ohlone and Las Positas. After high school worked for Dr. Pegueros & Wong in Fremont for about 5 years. Left to work for Pac Bell for 10 years. Had an #*@$%&* district manager who I told to shove it. Started my own successflu wedding, birthday and adult cake business and have happily been baking ever since. Was married in 1984, the only good thing about that marriage was my daughter. Married again in 1990 and cant be happier. Love to read, camp, sew, gamble and bowl.

Date submitted: May 2001
website: (under construction)
Occupation: Father/Husband /at homeTrader/Landlord/Writer
Marital Status: Married 17 years(whew!)
Spouse/Partner's name: Silvia
Lives in: Berkeley area
Children: one girl, 15, Michelle' (great kid) and a baby boy on the way
What You've been up to: Hmm, how much time do you have? Lol, OK the nickel tour then. Spent some time at Ohlone and checking out universities. Settled in Berkeley area. Worked various sales jobs from cars to antique rugs to real estate. Got involved in investigating my roots which in my case took me on several trips to Hong Kong. Married a Brazilian woman(before Pugh. Sorry Mike but I want the record straight, lol). Started a screen process printing business (Basically a T-shirt business) that did pretty well. Bought some rental property along the way. Sold the business in '92 and moved to Brazil(also before Mike, lol. It is quite a coincidence.). Opened and ran (with my wife's invaluable help) the best little English school in a beach city called Santos. Taught four hours of eighth grade English a day at Escola Americana de Santos, coordinated the English department and believe it or not was voted favorite teacher by the graduating class, lol. Traded dollars, traded in the markets and traveled throughout Brazil. Moved back to the states in the late '96. Toured the USA(we love Manhattan, anyone else?). Set up home base in the Berkeley area. Go back to Brazil for about 4-6 weeks about once a year. Speak terrible Portuguese (Mike's is infinitely better). Very involved in the market and yea I got killed last year, lol. Still working on a book I started in Brazil and am published under a nom de plume on some financial websites. Instead of having a mid-life crisis I'm having a baby boy in September. And that's all you're getting out of me! Lol. I'd kinda like to go to the reunion but it's been soooo long and you all are sooo old.Lol. Anyone know what I mean? If I do go I'll have this printed up as a hand out. Please have your's ready. Lol Either way, peace and tranquility to the survivors gathered here, we've all made it through plenty and Modeana, sorry about slave day, I should have given you more notice. Ah, the best and worst of times...well sorta, lol.
Gotta go now.
Carl Rissmann - a classmate

ROMERO, Diana Nixon (no relation)!
Date submitted: July 2001
E-mail: work
Occupation: Interior Design
Marital status: Married 21 years in November!
Spouse's name: Wayne
Where we live: Tracy, Ca (17 years)
Children: Stephanie 12 (daddy's princess)
What I've been up to: Working hard for the same company for over 20 years. I work with many new home construction/developers both in the valley and the bay area. We have offices in Danville as well as Modesto. My husband is in construction and builds new homes and of course we met a work. Recently bought a new home and was my own worse client!! Our daughter keeps us real busy with all of her activities and we love it. She is a straight A student and is currently on the Varsity cheerleading squad for the Tracy Raiders! GO RAIDERS! My husband loves telling his buddies that his daughter is a "Raiderette"! We have a great life with no complaints. Our hobbies include camping, boating, bowling and having lots of family functions! Liana, hope you're doing well, you are in my prayers! I'm a cancer survivor so I know how you feel, hang in there! It's really great reading what everyone has been up to even though I didn't know many of you in high school. Sounds like everyone has been blessed!

Date submitted: June 2001
Occupation: Contractor and part-time bartender at a golf course
Marital Status: Single
Lives In: Pleasanton, CA
Children: Kyle Simon
What I've Been Up To: Eat, Sleep, Work, Eat, Sleep, Work, Etc...

Date submitted: July 2001
Occupation: Self employed, Aircraft Hardware Distributor
Married: Cindy, since '81
Children: Colin 13, Ian 11, Paige & Madison 6.
Living in Renton, WA since '85.
What I've been up to: Went to Chabot for 1/2 year, worked and played in Tahoe then moved to Seattle in '78 and never made it back. Went to a CC in Seattle, then to Univ. of Idaho for a year (1.6 gpa, they asked that I not come back) then up to Spokane where I settled down sort of and was finally able to graduate in 1985 from Whitworth College. Nothing like having to pay for yourself to motivate and finish. Worked for Boeing in purchasing for a couple of years then switched sides and sold the same stuff back. Started up on my own in '92 and seem to get fewer days off every year. Love to hear about those who have traveled overseas and stayed but am very happy up in the wet. We live 4 miles from a Boeing factory but still have 5 acres and a barn, with deer and coyotes crossing through daily so even though winter can seem to go on and on, the green in the summer makes up for it.

SOUSA, Adelina
Date submitted: December 1999
Occupation: Administrative Assistant at LSI Logic - Pleasanton Design Center - 10+ years
Marital Status: Divorced
Lives in: Dublin, California
Children:Christie Delgado 15 years old and Brandon Delgado 13 years old.
What I've been up to: What I've been up to? I've been enjoying my children and life, although sometimes my life has been like a soap opera. My children and I just spent three weeks in the Azores Islands and it was the best vacation we've ever had. Looking forward to the 2000 multi-class reunion and our 25th year reunion.

Date submitted: March 2001
Occupation: critical care Registerd Nurse
Marital Status: Single
Lives in: Eastern Washington
Children: a wonderful 21 year old son and two Springer Spaniels
What I've been up to: Although my career isn't my life, I love what I do every day. I've been living in eastern Washington since 1983 but get down "home" to the Bay area about twice per year. I'm still a bit of a sports junkie when it comes to fun (still playing volleyball!), paint, write and pull weeds for meditation. Would love to hear from my old friends, hope to get to the next reunion!

Date submitted:

SWENSON, Peggy Goedde
Date submitted:
Occupation: Lead Sales Associate at Woman's clothing Store
Marital Status: Married 7.5 yrs
Spouse's Name: Tom Goedde
Lives in: Clovis, CA
Children: 2 Cockatiels
What I've been up to: 4th yr of teaching Sunday School at my Church, member of 3 teddy bear collector clubs, Enjoying my job, time with my brother John and my parents.

TODD, Lydia Evans
Date submitted: April 2001
Occupation: I'm a buyer for an electronics company. I love spending their money!
Marital Status: Single
Children: I have 2 boys Justin is 14 and John's 11
Lives In: Newark, CA
What I've been up to: See ya at our 25th..or August 4th

Name: VALDEZ, Angel
Date submitted: Feb 2004
Occupation: Project Manager and part time fishing guide(California Delta)
Marital Status: Married, 15+ years
Spouse Name: Vicki
Currently live in Brentwood, Ca.
Children: We have three children, A.J (8), Jessica (5), and McKayla (2)
What I have been up to for last 20+ years: I am currently an avid bass tournament angler. I also have a guide business out on the California Delta. I do not do that as much as liked to but really enjoy doing the tournaments. I graduated from San Jose State with a business degree in "81" after a few years at Ohlone. Got married in 1988. I met my wife while working as a volunteer at a fishing retreat weekend. Resided in Livermore for 12+ years before recently moving to Brentwood. I am enjoying my three wonderful kids and my wife of 15+ years going camping and fishing and we are pretty involved in our church activities. Hope to see everyone at the 30th!!

WAGNER, Michael
Date submitted: March 2001
Occupation: Electronic Technician
Marital Status: Married for 20 years
Spouse/Partner's name: Cheryl (prefers to be called Cheri)
Lives in: Phoenix, Arizona
Children: Kimberly (15), and Michael Jared (10)
What I've been up to: Continued to school after moving to Phoenix and received my AA degree in Electronics. Been working at Motorola for past & years. I'm an avid fisherman and will go when ever it is possible. Recently had my left knee replaced due to an accident.

Date submitted: June 2001
Occupation: Fish Biologist, Ca. Dept. Fish & Game
Marital Status: Divorced
Lives in: Arcata, Ca.
Children: one fantastic daughter Sarah (14)
What I've been up to: Went to Humboldt State after high school and I've lived in Humboldt County all but 3 years since then. I spend most of my spare time fishing, ocean kayaking, hiking and reading. I also used to play a lot of basketball until I became ACL free. I also belong to a local fishery organization and give fish presentations to local elementary school students (about 7,000 kids over the past 9 years!). I finally figured out I made the correct career choice when one day I realized I was being paid to to sample fish by rafting the Rogue River canyon once a week all summer while everyone else on the river was there on their vacation. Oh well, those of you who knew me probably remember I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Hope to see you at the reunion.

Date submitted: July 2001
Occupation: Project Manager - Manufacturing Info. Systems - SGI
Marital Status: Married 17+ years
Spouse : Sandi ( class of '77 - Fremont Christian H.S.)
Lives in : Fremont
Children : 5 ( Son - 16, Daughters 14,12,7,5 )
What You've been up to: Living in England 2 years serving a misson for my church (77-79); Gradudate from Canada Jr. College (Redwood City) in 1981, San Jose State 1983 with a degree in Computer Science Enginering. Worked at Varian Assoc. for 2+ years and been at Silicon Graphics (SGI) for almost 15 years now. Working in Manufacturing Info. Systems department, mostly doing database application programming. Between work and 5 children I keep pretty busy. Other things that take my time are working in Boy Scouts (with son who just earned his Eagle Award), Church assignments, Camping, Gardening, Golfing and Softball.
Sorry I'll miss the reunion but on camping trip with family that week.

Date submitted: July 2001
Occupation: Self employed 1)Autocraft 12yrs. 2)Cyclecraft 4yrs.
Marital Status: Divorced
Partner's name: Cindy Dennehy 7yrs. Almost married maybe this year!
Lives in: Lake Havasu City,Arizona
Children: We have 3 kids (Cindy has 2: Shannon 18yrs. & Jaimi 15yrs.) and I've got 1:Chelsea 14yrs.Were all a package deal.And Shannon starts N.A.U. this fall on a golf scholarship!!!
What I've been up to: Attended Ohlone for a year and became restless so I moved to Wyoming for 10 yrs.Worked for Exxon coal U.S.A. 3 yrs & U.P.S. 7yrs.Moved to Lake Havasu City,Arizona in 89 to start Autocraft.Fixing cars and building hot rods.In 98 I started Cyclecraft.Building and customizing Harley-Davidsons.I also do window tinting (great business here in Lake Havasu aka:hot spot of the country!!!!Cindy's a branch manager for Wells Fargo Bank and Assistant Vice Pres. of the area.She is the one that keeps me moving in the right direction!!!!
This web site proves that our lives are like a box of chocolate.Our class of "76" has produced some very interesting people,some did exactly what they set out to do and most of us are doing something we never dreamed of,Living in places we only read about.Being so far away from what once was home I've heard that some of us didn't make it this far. Godspeed to those!!!!! And its been great reading about all the different roads we all traveled.For me its not about where I'm going ITS ALL ABOUT THE RIDE!!!!!

WHITAKER, Mary Ann Herne
Date submitted: July 2001
Occupation: Customer Relations
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner's name: Joe Herne
Lives in: Hayward
Children: 2 great girls - Whitney, 8 (Yes, from Whitaker and my Dad who went by "Whit") and Taylor,5, Also raising my wonderful niece Ria, 16
What You've been up to: Went to Cal State Hayward for 2 years then started my career with Credit Unions and I am still in the industry. Worked for a software company servicing Credit Unions for 17 years, traveled the states and worked with many wonderful people. Met my wonderful husband, Joe, through my work in Park City Utah at a conference. He was born and raised in Boston and the conversation was very quick about where we would live - California of course! I then spent a year or so with the craze - lots of fun but unfortunately no millions, and now working to get back into the Credit Union industry after a fun summer with my kids!
It is great to hear everyone's stories, I can't wait to see you at the Reunion!!

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