First Place is a Christ-centered health program with emphasis on weight control. First Place usually meets in small groups in churches of all denominations. We started a 13-week session at our church on March 13, 1997 with a group of eight. My goal was to lose 35 pounds and Peggy wanted to lose eight pounds. I lost 65 and Peggy lost 12. On July 3, 1997, we started our second session. Peggy had met her weight goal so she didn't join us for the second time. There were 15 in this group. I set my goal at 13 pounds. (I had lost 10 between sessions and thought a pound a week was a good goal). After eight weeks, I had lost 16 pounds. That is a total of 91 pounds. I am now leading a session which started October 21, 1997. We have nine in this group. I have maintained my weight since August 24, 1997. I think the secret to this program is the commitment one makes to God in the areas of Bible Study, Prayer, Scripture reading, Memorizing Scripture, Eating right, and exercise. It is hard to face God each morning if you have not kept your commitment the day before. A frequent misconception is that exercising is done at the meetings. This is not correct. You exercise on your own. The meetings consist of Bible study, Prayer, talking about subjects that help you understand how to be successful in reaching your goal and maintaining the weight after the meetings stop, and members talking about the problems they have encountered the previous week.

To find out more go to First Place for details.

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