This is a Page set up by Earl Day. I am a courier for The Cecilian Bank and enjoy being a part of this organization. These pages are my personal pages and are not intended to imply that they indicate the opinion of the officers or board members of the Bank. Click here to go to the official The Cecilian Bank Home Page
I have pictures of
The Bank Branches.
Some Pictures of
at the different branches.
Pictures taken at Cecilia's 2000 Christmas Party at the
Whistle Stop.
Pictures taken at the Ruritan Building of practice for the Almost Talent Contest at
Cecilia Days
on August 12.
Pictures taken at 2000
Cecilia Day Parade.
Pictures at 2000
Heartland Festival Parade.
Pictures at The Grand Opening of the
Vine Grove Branch.
Pictures of the
Check Imaging Promotion July 9 - 20, 2001
Pictures of
Employee of the Quarter June 2001
Pictures at
Customer Appreciation Night.
Pictures at
Heartland Festival Parade 2001.
Pictures at
Sonora Bucksnort Day Parade 2001.
Pictures at
Golden Armor Festival Parade 2001.
Pictures at
Vine Grove Autumn Daze Parade 2001.
Pictures of Farewell Party at Hillcrest for
Betty Brown.
Pictures taken June 7, 2002 of Customer Appreciation Day at the
Cecilia Branch.
Pictures of the
Grayson County Relay for Life June 21 - 22, 2002
Pictures taken July 12, 2002 of Customer Appreciation Day at the
Rineyville Branch.
Pictures from the Grayson County News-Gazette, taken July 14, 2002 at the Grand Opening of our
Leitchfield Branch.
Pictures taken July 31, 2002 of Back to School Day at the
Cecilia Branch.
Pictures taken at the 2002 Heartland Festival
Beauty Contest.
Pictures taken at the 2002 Heartland Festival
Pictures taken at the 2002 Leitchfield Labor Day
Pictures taken at Mike Richardson's
Welcome to Cecilia.
Pictures taken at Shelia Hazelip's 40th
Birthday Celebration.
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