This is the Home Page of Earl and Peggy Day. We are Christians and Southern Baptist. We are members of Severns Valley Baptist Church.
Earl is Retired from LG&E and now works as a courier for The Cecilian Bank. Peggy is a Account Representative for Trans Union.
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We have one son, Billy Day. He is married to Kim Day. They have two children, a son, Kevin William, who was born June 29, 1998. They also have a little girl, Elizabeth Paige, born March 6, 2001
Billy, Kim, and I graduated in 1995 from
Campbellsville College (now University) in Kentucky. Billy received a Bachelor Degree in Church Music. Kim's was Bachelor in Music Education, And I received a BS Degree in Organizational Administration (Business). (I was about 30 years late). Kim received her Master of Music Education Degree from Campbellsville University in July, 1999.
Start your day out right, with a Smile. Click here to see
How To Smile
For our genealogy check out our Genealogy page.
We have pictures of Churches in Hardin County, KY.
To see Our Beanies, click here.
To see Our Cats, click here.
For Pictures of the 2000 Tabor Family reunion, check out our Family Reunion.
Severns Valley Allen Case, Thirty Years May 27, 2001.
Severns Valley did Experiencing God, The Musical in May 2001.
Earl was in the Living Christmas Tree in 1999. To see pictures click here.
Check the Weather in Elizabethtown.
Check this out John 3:16
Check this out some Southern Baptist Related Information
Earl retired from Louisville Gas and Electric Co. on August 1, 1998. Click here to see his retirement picture. He is working as a courier at The Cecilian Bank. Before that he was doing some substitute teaching at LaRue County Middle and High Schools.
Click to hear R.G. Lee's Pay Day Someday Message.
For more information check out our Family page.
Check out our First Place page.
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