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Welcome to Ragapooh's Muffin Page

Princess Leia and friends...

Leia was formerly known Ultimate Rags Marcella,
a very special little lady in the hearts of Florida Muffin Folks!
As a kitten her breeder exhibited her at a TICA show in Cherry Hill, NJ. She wowed spectators there by demonstrating her unique Ragamuffin temperment as they raised her above their heads and the crowd.
She rested contentedly on her back in their hands and was
just as relaxed and happy as she was when nestling in their laps!
Now retired and still quite the lady, Leia is my personal shadow and undisputed feline house manager!
(Special thanks to Janet at Ultimate Rags for the info!)

Welcome to the Muffin Page!

Please be patient'cause I'm just learning to speak HTML...
(it's hard when you're little and have to type with paws. Thanks!)

What are Ragamuffins anyway?

#1 A kind of dinner roll?
#2 A special kind of cleaning cloth?

#3 Little scruffy kids??

??? If you picked #3 you're close, but don't win the money and will have to try again!

Ragamuffins are...
If you haven't already guessed.....

The most Wonderful cats on earth!!!
At least for me they are!!!

Ragamuffins, or "Muffins", are some of the most loving and sweet-tempered cats in the feline kingdom!!
They are a large Rag-type cat and have the unique ability to become placid and limp when held.

They easily accept other animals
They get along well with dogs and children
They come in wealth of colors incuding Solids, Bicolors, and Blue-eyed pointed varieties.

Each is unique in personality, but all have the same delightful qualities....
a puppy-like disposition (mine follow me everywhere!), a docile and playful nature,

and a plush low-maintenance coat that's as silky and soft as angora bunny fur!
In addition they have large beautiful eyes, soft fluffy paws, are extremely intelligent, adaptable and talkative

Need I say anymore?
I have had many, many cats and as much as I've loved each, NONE has come close to the sheer "wonderfulness" of Muffins!!

Interested? Intrigued?
Want to learn more?
(you ought to by now!!)

That's why I did this page...
I'm not a breeder, but a truly satisfied and proud owner of three sweet Muffins...Sigh...
I just want to share my joy with others...
No strings attached....

Muffin History (unofficial version)...
It's really hard to say which came first....

This is Beth and a descendent...or is it the other way around....Hmmm???

Before I go any further tho, here's are a couple of photos of Kizzi
(daughter of Leia and clown of the bunch!)...

Kizzi has the most unique talent of "waving" whenever she wants attention or is curious.
Since she was a kitten she would spontaneously sit up and wave her paws up and down almost like she was praying...
It has been a delight for all who visit to be greeted by her adorable welcome ritual...

I hope to put a video of Kizzi's talent on this page in the future, but until then
I trust you will come to appreciate and fall in love with these
devoted, delightful, silky-soft, fun-loving
truly gratifying feline companions....

I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction...
Click on the link below if you want to learn more...

Note from Author:
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis just a few years ago and even though it's been a major life change I have found tremendous comfort and nuture from these kitties. I am also grateful for the wonderful support and encouragement I've received from the folks at
Rest Ministries, FSF Medsupport and Refiner's Fire.
I highly recommend these sites for anyone who may have family, friends or find themselves struggling with chronic illness!
You don't have to be alone!
These folks really care!
PS: Be sure to tell them I sent you!

Rest Ministries, Inc. serving people who live with chronic illness or pain.

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...With LOVE By Muffins!!


Christians with Chronic Illness/Pain Award

"Ragamuffins...the paws that refresh!!"

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