7:30 pm Rev. D Plint (note: this Bible Study is postponed for the duration of the 'Kingdom Experience' series, running at the Church at 7 o' clock Wednesday nights)
10:00 am Joy du Toit Tel (011) 613 2318
7:00 pm Derrick Carrington Tel (011) 827 7080
7:30 pm Barbara and Peter Underhill Tel (011) 902 1217
10:15 am Elsa Webster Tel (011) 828 8190
10:15 am Ron Frankish Tel (011) 616 7583
7:30 pm Margie Redman Tel (011) 825 7892
7:00 pm The Kingdom Experience - all welcome! This is a video-based Bible study, held at the Church Hall.
10:00 am Lil Ackermann Tel (011) 902 2327
Contact the church office for more details.