ermiston Central
Methodist Church welcomes you to our site on the web. We hope you will enjoy your visit,
and will come back regularly. We are constantly updating our site, with news of our
services, special events, and other information.

We at Germiston Methodist Church confess the Headship of our Lord Jesus
Christ, acknowledges the Divine revelation recorded in Holy Scripture as the supreme rule
of faith and practice. We rejoice in the inheritance of the Apostolic Faith, and loyally
accept the fundamental principles of the historic Creeds and of the Protestant

In case of illness or other need, this church and the minister are at your service.
The minister is available for consultation, please phone the office for an appointment.
As you will see, if you click on the link, we hold several Bible Studies throughout the
week, at various times. Please let us know if you would like to join one.
Our services are taped, and a tape library is available. Contact Otto Moll, on (011)
827 7686, or enquire at the information desk in the church.

About Services News Meetings Bible Studies Daily Inspiration Volleyball
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